75 research outputs found

    Faire valoir ses droits à l'Aide Complémentaire Santé: Les résultats d'une expérimentation sociale

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    L'Aide complémentaire santé (ACS) ou « chèque santé » a été mise en place en 2005 pour inciter les ménages dont le niveau de vie se situe juste au-dessus du plafond CMU-C à acquérir une couverture complémentaire santé grâce à une subvention. Même si le nombre de bénéficiaires a lentement progressé depuis son introduction, le recours à l'ACS reste faible. Deux hypothèses peuvent expliquer cet état de fait : (1) le défaut d'information sur l'existence du dispositif, son fonctionnement et sur les démarches à entreprendre pour en bénéficier ; (2) un montant d'aide insuffisant, la complémentaire resterait trop chère même après déduction de l'aide. Afin de tester la validité de ces deux hypothèses, une expérimentation sociale contrôlée a été mise en place par l'université Paris-Dauphine à Lille auprès d'un échantillon de 4 209 assurés sociaux potentiellement éligibles à l'ACS. Un montant majoré d'aide ainsi qu'un accès différencié à l'information sur le dispositif ont été proposés de manière aléatoire à certains assurés. Les résultats montrent de manière robuste que la majoration du montant du « chèque santé » améliore légèrement le taux de recours à l'ACS et permet de mieux cibler les personnes effectivement éligibles. Toutefois, l'ACS reste un dispositif compliqué qui touche difficilement sa cible : au total, seuls 17 % des assurés ont fait une demande d'ACS. Seuls 9 % des assurés invités à participer à une réunion d'information y ont effectivement assisté, et l'invitation à cette réunion a largement découragé les autres assurés, annulant ainsi l'effet de la majoration du chèque. Enfin, seuls 55 % des assurés ayant déposé une demande ont reçu l'aide, les autres s'étant vu refuser l'aide en raison, le plus souvent, de ressources trop élevées. La difficulté à cibler la population éligible et l'incertitude importante sur l'éligibilité qui en résulte sont certainement des freins s'ajoutant à la complexité des démarches

    Valence and ionic lowest-lying electronic states of ethyl formate as studied by high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption, He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations

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    The highest resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectrum of ethyl formate, C2H5OCHO, yet reported is presented over the wavelength range 115.0-275.5 nm (10.75-4.5 eV) revealing several new spectral features. Valence and Rydberg transitions and their associated vibronic series, observed in the photoabsorption spectrum, have been assigned in accordance with new ab initio calculations of the vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths. Calculations have also been carried out to determine the ionization energies and fine structure of the lowest ionic state of ethyl formate and are compared with a newly recorded He(I) photoelectron spectrum (from 10.1 to 16.1 eV). New vibrational structure is observed in the first photoelectron band. The photoabsorption cross sections have been used to calculate the photolysis lifetime of ethyl formate in the upper stratosphere (20-50 km)

    Photoelectron spectroscopy of a series of acetate and propionate esters

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    The electronic state and photoionization spectroscopy of a series of acetate esters: methyl acetate, isopropyl acetate, butyl acetate and pentyl acetate as well as two propionates: methyl propionate and ethyl propionate, have been determined using vacuum-ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. These experimental investigations are complemented by ab initio calculations. The measured first adiabatic and vertical ionization energies were determined as: 10.21 and 10.45 eV for methyl acetate, 9.99 and 10.22 eV for isopropyl acetate, 10.07 and 10.26 eV for butyl acetate, 10.01 and 10.22 eV for pentyl acetate, 10.16 and 10.36 eV for methyl propionate and 9.99 and 10.18 eV for ethyl propionate. For the four smaller esters vibrational transitions were calculated and compared with those identified in the photoelectron spectrum, revealing the most distinctive ones to be a C–O stretch combined with a C[dbnd]O stretch. The ionization energies of methyl and ethyl esters as well as for a series of formates and acetates were compared showing a clear dependence of the value of the ionization energy on the size of the molecule with very little influence of its conformation

    Electronic state spectroscopy by high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption, He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations of ethyl acetate

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    Abstract: The high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectrum of ethyl acetate,C4H8O2, is presented over the energy range 4.5−10.7 eV (275.5−116.0 nm). Valence and Rydberg transitionsand their associated vibronic series observed in the photoabsorption spectrum, have beenassigned in accordance with new ab initio calculations of the vertical excitation energiesand oscillator strengths. Also, the photoabsorption cross sections have been used tocalculate the photolysis lifetime of this ester in the upper stratosphere(20−50 km). Calculationshave also been carried out to determine the ionisation energies and fine structure of thelowest ionic state of ethyl acetate and are compared with a newly recorded photoelectronspectrum (from 9.5 to 16.7 eV). Vibrational structure is observed in the firstphotoelectron band of this molecule for the first time

    L’effet de la Couverture Maladie Universelle - Complémentaire (CMU-C) sur le nombre de visites chez le médecin: Une analyse par régression sur discontinuités

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    This paper assesses the impact of a free means-tested complementary health insurance on doctor visits. In order to tackle the endogeneity issue of the complementary health insurance variable, we use information on the selection rule to qualify for the free plan and adopt a regression discontinuity approach using eligibility (family income below the cut-off value) as an instrument variable. Findings show a significant effect of the free plan on the number of doctor visits, especially on the number of general practitioner visits. However, we do not find any impact on the likelihood of seeing a doctor

    Theoretical study of the photoelectron spectrum of ethyl formate:

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    The first ionization energy and associated photoelectron spectrum of ethyl formate are investigated with quantum chemistry calculations. The geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies and first ionization energy are computed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and at the second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2). Moreover, accurate ionization energies are obtained with the Coupled-Cluster theory including singles and doubles excitations (CCSD) as well as singles, doubles and perturbative triples excitations (CCSD(T)). Then, these ab initio results are assessed with respect to experimental values. Additionally, the ionization energies are also calculated with the computationally attractive density functional theory (DFT). In this case the accuracy of several exchange-correlation functionals is evaluated by comparison with the ab initio and experimental results. In a next step, the vibrational structure of the photoelectron spectrum is simulated at the HF, MP2 and DFT levels via the calculation of the Franck-Condon factors. These simulations are compared to the experimental photoelectron spectrum and allow an accurate reproduction of the vibrational progression

    Dynamic Coherent Cluster: A Scalable Sharing Set Management Approach

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    International audienceThe most widely used programming models expect hardware to guarantee coherent shared memory accesses. However, with the increasing number of integrated cores on chip, resource and performance efficient scalable cache coherence protocols are needed. To address the scalability issues due to the size of the sharing set, we propose to encode, on a fixed size bit-vector, a rectangular cluster whose goal is to cover most of the sharers. The cluster size is fixed but its height, width and position are determined for each cache block and can change during execution. We use a fixed size linked list for the first few outliers, and resort to broadcast when the list overflows. We compare our solution to snoop, directory-based full bit-vector, and Ackwise. It leads to similar mean latency and 10% less traffic than Ackwise, and only a few percent more than the complete sharing set on these metrics. More importantly, it generates ten times less broadcasts than Ackwise while using similar hardware resources for a 64 cores architecture