17 research outputs found

    Wenn Menschen noch ein Herz in der Brust haben : Bernhard Grzimeks Afrika-Arbeit aus medienhistorischer Sicht

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    Rezension zu: Franziska Torma : Eine Naturschutzkampagne in der Ă„ra Adenauer. Bernhard Grzimeks Afrikafilme in den Medien der 50er Jahre. Martin Meidenbauer Verlag, MĂĽnchen 2004, ISBN 3-89975-034-9, 213 Seiten, 36,90 Euro

    Mental chronometry in big noisy data

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    Temporal measures (latencies) in the event-related potentials of the EEG (ERPs) are a valuable tool for estimating the timing of mental processes, one which takes full advantage of the high temporal resolution of the EEG. Especially in larger scale studies using a multitude of individual EEG-based tasks, the quality of latency measures often suffers from high and low frequency noise residuals due to the resulting low trial counts (because of compressed tasks) and because of the limited feasibility of visual inspection of the large-scale data. In the present study, we systematically evaluated two different approaches to latency estimation (peak latencies and fractional area latencies) with respect to their data quality and the application of noise reduction by jackknifing methods. Additionally, we tested the recently introduced method of Standardized Measurement Error (SME) to prune the dataset. We demonstrate that fractional area latency in pruned and jackknifed data may amplify within-subjects effect sizes dramatically in the analyzed data set. Between-subjects effects were less affected by the applied procedures, but remained stable regardless of procedure

    Visual demands of walking

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    The cognitive demands of natural behavior in ecologically valid environments are difficult to grasp with neurocognitive methods. While mobile amplifiers may allow EEG to be robustly measured outside controlled laboratory settings, it remains a challenge to extract meaningful event-related EEG activity, which is commonly used to index cognitive demands. The reason for this lies in the fact that the natural world, unlike a laboratory experiment, does not provide discrete and repetitive events to segment continuous EEG activity into interpretable epochs. This study investigates the viability of eye-blink-related activity as a method to enable investigating event-related EEG activity. Here, we report on blink-related EEG measures of participants that either stood, walked on a natural grass surface, or completed an obstacle course while performing auditory tasks. Blink-related EEG activity discriminated for different levels of mental load during walking. Both, behavioral parameters (e.g., blink duration or head motion) and blink-related EEG activity varied with walking conditions. While the occipital N1 was sensitive to selective adjustment of visual demands, later and more cognitively driven components (N2, P3) showed changes indicative of an overall narrowing of attention. This was also evident in blink-event related Alpha, and Theta power with functionally plausible patterns of increases and decreases in line with the demands of the walking task. Thus, eye blink-related EEG activity turned out to be a valuable tool for investigating visual demands during natural behavior

    Visual Demands of Walking Are Reflected in Eye-Blink-Evoked EEG-Activity

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    Blinking is a natural user-induced response which paces visual information processing. This study investigates whether blinks are viable for segmenting continuous electroencephalography (EEG) activity, for inferring cognitive demands in ecologically valid work environments. We report the blink-related EEG measures of participants who performed auditory tasks either standing, walking on grass, or whilst completing an obstacle course. Blink-related EEG activity discriminated between different levels of cognitive demand during walking. Both behavioral parameters (e.g., blink duration or head motion) and blink-related EEG activity varied with walking conditions. Larger occipital N1 was observed during walking, relative to standing and traversing an obstacle course, which reflects differences in bottom-up visual perception. In contrast, the amplitudes of top-down components (N2, P3) significantly decreased with increasing walking demands, which reflected narrowing attention. This is consistent with blink-related EEG, specifically in Theta and Alpha power that, respectively, increased and decreased with increasing demands of the walking task. This work presents a novel and robust analytical approach to evaluate the cognitive demands experienced in natural work settings, which precludes the use of artificial task manipulations for data segmentation

    Zur Praesentation von Frauen und Geschlechterverhaeltnissen in sogenannten ethnographischen und kolonialen Filmen (1910-1960) Eine kommentierte Filmographie

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    Die Auswahl der ethnographischen und kolonialen Filme in dieser Untersuchung, die ueber die Fragestellung der Filmographie hinaus zugleich 50 Jahre Filmgeschichte dokumentiert, orientiert sich an der Fragestellung, wie Frauen als Teilhabende an der Geschichte, an der Kultur und am Alltag inmitten ihres Umfeldes gezeigt werden. Die Filme werfen Fragen auf: Wer macht Geschichte? Wer hat an ihr teil? Wer macht Filme? Wer wird ins Bild gerueckt? Bei der Erfassung und Kommentierung der Filme konzentriert sich die Beschreibung des Inhalts vor allem auf die Repraesentation der Frauen. Es werden filmische Aspekte herausgearbeitet, die den atmosphaerischen Gehalt, die Hinwendung zum Sichtbaren und die verborgenen Konnotationen anzeigen. Bemerkenswerte filmische Mittel und Besonderheiten werden gesondert aufgefuehrt (Farbverfahren, Kamerabewegungen, Kongruenzen zwischen den filmischen Mitteln und den Bildmotiven). Den Abschluss bildet ein zusammenfassender Kommentar, der die an den Filmen gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zusammenfassend formuliert. (ICH)Available from UuStB Koeln(38)-20020106681 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman