9 research outputs found

    Retrogradinė pasaito kraujagyslių rekonstrukcija sergant lėtine žarnyno išemija

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    Nerijus Bičkauskas, Gintaras Žukauskas, Gintaras Apanavičius, Marijus GutauskasVilniaus miesto universitetinės ligoninėsKraujagyslių chirurgijos skyriusAntakalnio g. 57, LT-10305 VilniusEl paštas: [email protected] Įvadas / tikslas Pasaito kraujagyslių rekonstrukcinės operacijos sudaro nedidelę kraujagyslių rekostrukcinių operacijų dalį, stambiausiose klinikose – tik iki 0,5% rekonstrukcinių operacijų kiekio. Pagerėjus diagnostikai, lengviau sprendžiama operacijos tikslingumo problema, tačiau kontroversiški lieka operacinės taktikos klausimai. Labiausiai paplitusios antegradinė ir retrogradinė kraujotakos atkūrimo operacijos. Antegradinė kraujotakos atkūrimo operacija turi pranašumų. Tačiau jos apimtis yra gerokai didesnė. Retrogradinis kraujotakos atkūrimas yra lengvesnė operacija ir dėl to palankesnė senyviems ligoniams. Mūsų siūloma metodika atlikti šuntą su lengvu linkiu yra optimali, leidžia išvengti šunto perlinkių, be to, anastomozė gula tolygiau, sugrąžinus žarnas į pirminę padėtį. Darbo tikslas – palyginti tiesaus šunto ir lenkto šunto efektą. Ligoniai ir metodai Nuo 1998 metų iki 2003 metų operuoti 29 ligoniai (17 vyrų ir 12 moterų). Iš jų 18 atliktas lenktas šuntas, 11 – tiesus šuntas. Taikytas retrogradinis kraujotakos atkūrimo metodas. Vidutinis ligonių amžius – 68,7 metų. Visi ligoniai tirti ultragarsu ir angiografiškai. Ligonio operacijos taktiką pasirinkdavo pats chirurgas. Rezultatai Operacijos metu kraujotaka buvo atkuriama į geresnį kolateralių tinklą ar kelias pilvo visceralines šakas. Siuvama šunto medžiaga (protezas ar autovena ) abiejose grupėse buvo panaši. Pooperacinių mirčių nebuvo. Stebint ankstyvuosius ir vėlyvuosius rezultatus paaiškėjo, kad I grupėje, kuriai buvo atliekamas lenktas šuntas, vienam ligoniui pasireiškė restenozė, II grupėje, kuriai buvo siuvamas tiesus šuntas, pasitaikė viena restenozė ir dvi šunto trombozės (1 ligonis operuotas skubos tvarka). Vėliau išgyvenamumas, klinikinis ir ultragarsinis efektas liko panašūs. Išvados Taikant ilgo lenkto šunto techniką, galima išvengti šunto perlinkio ir trombozės ar distalinės anastomozės susiaurėjimo, todėl naudojant šią techniką retrogradinė pilvo aortos visceralinių šakų kraujotakos atkūrimo operacija tampa gana veiksminga. Ji yra saugesnė, nei tradicinė tiesaus šunto technika. Prasminiai žodžiai: pasaito kraujagyslės, lėtinė žarnyno išemija, retrogradinė rekonstrukcija Retrograde mezenteric revascularisation for patients with chronic visceral ischemia Nerijus Bičkauskas, Gintaras Žukauskas, Gintaras Apanavičius, Marijus Gutauskas Background / objective Occlusive disease of mezenteric vessels makes only a small part of all vascular surgical cases. According to literature, mezenteric revascularization makes about 0.5% of all reconstructive operations. Improvement of diagnostic procedures led to a more precise selection of the patients for surgery, while the surgical technique remains quite controversial. Most widely accepted is the antegrade and retrograde revascularization of mezenteric arteries. The main disadvantage of antegrade revascularization is a difficult, long and traumatic procedure. Retrograde revascularisation is significantly less traumatic, what is very important for elderly and severely sick patients. The disadvantage of this procedure – if the graft is positioned straight – is kinking of the graft, which can lead to thrombosis. The method proposed by us – positioning of the graft with a soft kinking – in our opinion, is optimal, as it allows to avoid sharp kinking and thrombosis of the graft, anastomosis is located in a more anatomic position, and the bowels are located in the most physiological position after surgery. Patients and methods From January 1998 till December 2003, 29 patients were treated by revascularization of mezenteric arteries – all by the retrograde method. In 18 cases bypass was performed with soft kinking (group I), and in 11 cases strait bypass was inserted (group II). The mean age of the patients was 68.7 years. There were 17 male and 12 female patients in the group. All patients were investigated by Dupplex-scan and aortography. Bypass was inserted to the artery with a better collateral network or to several visceral arteries. The use of graft material (autologous vein or prosthetic graft) was similar in both groups. The choice of the procedure was at the discretion of the operating surgeon. Results There was no deaths in the immediate postoperative period. In remote postoperative period we observed 1 restenosis in group I (retrograde revascularization with a soft graft kinking). In group II, where strait graft was inserted, we observed 1 restenosis, and in 2 cases thrombosis of the graft was observed (one of them was operated on on emergency basis). In the remote period, the survival rate, clinical and Dupplex-scan results were similar. Conclusions The advantages of retrograde revascularization are less operative trauma, possibility to perform simultaneously reconstruction of aorto-iliac as well as renal arteries. Positioning the graft with a soft kinking showed better postoperative results, allowing us to propose it as a method of choice for mezenteric reconstructive surgery. Keywords: mezenteric vessels, chronic visceral ischemia, mezenteric revascularisatio

    Classic Dissection of Thoracic Aorta Complicated by Ascending Aortic Intramural Hematoma: Promt Diagnosis and Successful Endovascular Repair

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    We reported a case of 68-year-old man, with a previous history of hypertension. Patient was admitted to our institution for evaluation of a severe, constant, tearing anterior chest pain radiated to the neck with suspicion of acute aortic dissection. A multidetector computed tomography scan of thorax and abdomen demonstrated a dissection starting from the middle part of aortic arch and extending downward to the descending aorta till the middle part of the thoracic aorta. The dissection was classified as Stanford A, De Bakey I. Surgical treatment of patient was started with bypass graft from the right common carotid artery to the left common carotid with subsequent revascularization of left subclavian artery. Lower parts of above-mentioned arteries were ligated. At the second stage an emergent prosthetic stent-graft was placed distally from the truncus brachiocephalicus up to the proximal part of the descending aorta. We reported a case report to present diagnostic and possible interventional treatment for patient with acute aortic type A dissection

    Ūminės klubo ir šlaunies venų trombozės gydymo kateterizacine trombolize ir antikoaguliantais vėlyvųjų rezultatų palyginimas

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    Narimantas Markevičius1, Gintaras Apanavičius1, Stanislovas Ščerbinskas2, Marijus Gutauskas1, Vytautas Triponis31 Vilniaus universiteto Kraujagyslių chirurgijos klinika,Vilniaus miesto universitetinės ligoninės I angiochirurgijos skyrius2 Vilniaus universiteto Kraujagyslių chirurgijos klinika,Vilniaus miesto universitetinės ligoninės Rentgenoangiografinių tyrimų skyrius3 Vilniaus universiteto Kraujagyslių chirurgijos klinika,Vilniaus miesto universitetinės ligoninės II angiochirurgijos skyriusAntakalnio g. 57, LT-10305 VilniusEl paštas: [email protected] Įvadas Ūminės proksimalinės giliųjų venų trombozės (GVT) vėlyvosios komplikacijos – potrombozinio sindromo – gydymas yra viena aktualiausių šiuolaikinės medicinos problemų. Taikant naujus perspektyvius gydymo metodus, galima sumažinti šio sindromo pasireiškimo dažnį. Darbe palygintas potrombozinio sindromo dažnis taikant skirtingus ūminės proksimalinės GVT gydymo metodus. Ligoniai ir metodai Vilniaus universiteto Kraujagyslių chirurgijos klinikoje nuo 1998 m. iki 2003 m. gydyta 150 ligonių, kuriems pasireiškė ūminė proksimaline GVT. 60 ligonių taikyta kateterizacinė trombolizė (I grupė), 90 ligonių gydyti tik antikoaguliantais (II grupė). Gydymo rezultatai vertinti po 1, 3, 9 ir 12 mėn. atliekant dvigubą skenavimą, po 6 mėn atliekant ascendentinę ir descendentinę venografijas. Po 16 mėn. nuo buvusios ūminės GVT atlikta visų ligonių anketinė apklausa, pateikiant jiems po 8 klausimus su sistemintais atsakymais. Buvo klausiama apie gydytų ligonių sveikatos, darbingumo, gyvenimo kokybės pokyčius po persirgtos ūminės GVT, o jei pasireiškė potrombozinis sindromas, – ar kreipėsi į gydymo įstaigas ir kiek kartų jose gydėsi. Rezultatai Atliekant dvigubą skenavimą po 12 mėn. nuo ūminės GVT, giliųjų venų vožtuvų nepakankamumas pasireiškė 10 (18%) I grupės ligonių ir 83 (93%) – II grupės. Rekanalizacijos laipsnis I grupėje siekė 99%, II grupėje – 77% Po 16 mėn. nuo persirgtos ūminės proksimalinės GVT buvo išsiųsta 150 anketų ir gauti 106 atsakymai (71%). Savo sveikatos būklę teigiamai įvertino 34 (56%) I grupės ligoniai ir 10 (11%) II grupės. Jokių kojos, kurios gilioji vena buvo užakusi, odos pokyčių nenurodė 56 (93%) I grupės ligoniai ir 23 (26%) – II grupės. Gyvenimo kokybė pablogėjo 4 (7%) I grupės ligoniams ir 42 (47%) II grupės. Darbingumą prarado 6 (10%) I grupės ligoniai ir 39 (43%) II grupės. Dėl potrombozinio sindromo į gydytojus kreipėsi 5 (5%) I grupės ligoniai ir 41 (45%) II grupės. Stacionare potrombozinis sindromas gydytas 2 (3%) I grupės ligoniams ir 40 (44%) II grupės. Išvados Kateterizacinės trombolizės taikymas ištikus ūminei proksimalinei GVT gerokai veiksmingiau apsaugo nuo potrombozinio sindromo negu gydymas tik antikoaguliantais. Tai ekonomiškai efektyvesnis metodas, kadangi vėlyvuoju laikotarpiu daug mažiau ligonių kreipiasi į gydymo įstaigas, gydosi stacionaruose. Kateterizacinė trombolizė daugumai ligonių padeda išlaikyti buvusį iki ligos darbingumą ir gyvenimo kokybę. Reikšminiai žodžiai: giliųjų venų trombozė, potrombozinis sindromas A comparison between long term results of catheter-directed thrombolysis and anticoagulation in the treatment of acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis Narimantas Markevičius1, Gintaras Apanavičius1, Stanislovas Ščerbinskas2, Marijus Gutauskas1, Vytautas Triponis3 Background / objective The management of remote complications of acute proximal DVT such as post-thrombotic syndrome is considered to be one of the main problems of modern medicine. The new means of the treatment of post-thrombotic syndrome can contribute to reducing the incidence of this syndrome. The incidence of post-thrombotic syndrome under different measures of DVT treatment is compared. Patients and methods A total of 150 patients with acute proximal DVT were treated at Vilnius University Clinic of Vascular Surgery from 1998 to 2003. Sixty patients were treated by catheter-directed thrombolysis (the first group) and 90 patients by anticoagulation alone (the second group). Treatment results were assessed by duplex ultrasonography at 1, 3, 9 and 12 months and by ascending and descending venography at 6 months of treatment. Following 16 months after the onset of acute DVT, 8-item questionnaires containing organized answers were administered to all the patients. The questionnaire included the assessment of health distress, working performance and the quality of life. Furthermore, this questionnaire assessed whether the patient had been referred to medical institutions due to post-thrombotic syndrome and how many times. Results Duplex ultrasonography performed 12 months after acute DVT revealed development of valvular incompetence in 18% of patients in the first group and in 93% of patients in the second group. The degree of recanalization reached 99% in the first group and 77% in the second group. Following 16 months after acute proximal DVT, 150 questionnaires were dispatched;106 (71%) patients filled in the forms. 34 (56%) patients of the first and 10 (11%) of the second group evaluated their own state of health positively. 56 (93%) patients in the first and 23 (26%) in the second group did not indicate any post-thrombotic skin changes of the affected lower extremity. Quality of life disimproved in 4 (7%) patients in the first group and in 42 (47%) patients in the second group. Working disablement was identified in 6 (10%) and 39 (43%) patients in the first and in the second groups, respectively. 5 (5%) patients in the first group and 41 (45%) in the second group consulted doctors about developing post-thrombotic syndrome. Inpatient treatment for post-thrombotic syndrome was administered to 2 (3%) patients on catheter-directed thrombolysis versus 40 (44%) patients on anticoagulation. Conclusions Catheter-directed thrombolysis for acute proximal DVT has been demonstrated to be a more effective means of post-thrombotic syndrome prophylaxis as compared with anticoagulation alone. Catheter-directed thrombolysis offered a better maintenance of working performance, the quality of life and well-being. Keywords: deep venous thrombosis, posthrombotic syndrom

    Ischemic muscle necrosis of lower extremities in peripheral arterial disease: the impact of 99mTc-MDP scintigraphy on patient management

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    Background and objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the value of a wholebody bone scintigraphy using 99m technetium labelled-methyl diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP) for the diagnosis and the assessment of grades of muscle damage after prolonged acute or chronic obstruction of the main arteries in lower extremities. Material and Methods: Fifty consecutive patients were selected for the study. The patients’ condition had not improved after primary peripheral arterial reconstruction operation or limb amputation and after conservative treatment. The clinical suspicion was of arterial obstruction and muscle necrosis. All the patients underwent whole-body scintigraphy with 99mTc-MDP. Muscle necrosis was identified as an increased soft tissue uptake of 99mTc-MDP. Results: Forty-five patients had gross muscle necrosis detected on whole-body scintigraphy with 99mTc-MDP and were histologically confirmed after repeated surgery (necrectomy or amputation) or by muscle biopsy, if only fasciotomy was performed. The location and extent of muscle injury were assessed preoperatively and the findings were confirmed in all 45 patients. Twelve patients with clinically suspected minor muscle damage, which was confirmed as relatively minor muscle necrosis on 99mTc-MDP scintigraphy, were treated conservatively. The clinical outcome of all 50 patients was favorable. The 99mTc-MDP scintigraphy, in detection of muscular necrosis, demonstrated sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 97.3% (95% confidence interval (CI) 85.4% to 99.3%), 30.77% (95% confidence interval (CI) 9.09% to 61.43%), and 80% (95% confidence interval (CI) 66.28% to 89.97%), respectively. Conclusion: The 99mTc-MDP scintigraphy is a valuable tool in the detection of muscular necrosis. It is able to define location, extent, and grade of involvement. [...]

    Diagnostic Methods, Treatment Modalities, and Follow-up of Extracranial Arteriovenous Malformations

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    Objective. Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are an uncommon vascular pathology that remains challenging to accurately diagnose and successfully treat. This study introduces a novel way to evaluate AVM treatment outcomes using transarterial lung perfusion scintigraphy (TLPS) and reports our treatment results. Material and Methods. The patients treated for extracranial AVMs were studied retrospectively. Diagnosis and outcomes were based on clinical data, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, angiography, and TLPS studies. The influence of gender; location, form, and stage of AVMs; first attempt at treatment; and treatment modalities was analyzed. Outcomes were defined as positive (cure, improvement, and remission) or negative (no remission and aggravation). Results. Of the 324 patients with congenital vascular malformations, 129 (39.8%) presented with AVMs, and the data of 56 treated patients with AVMs were analyzed. Of the 29 patients in the endovascularly treated group, 15 in the surgically treated group, and 12 in the combined treatment group, 24 (82.8%), 14 (93.3%), and 10 patients (83.3%), respectively, had positive outcomes (P>0.05). All outcomes were positive in surgically treated patients with extratruncular limited AVMs, and these patients were more likely to be cured as compared with those who had other forms of AVMs (OR, 5.8; 95% CI, 1.1–29; P=0.02). The patients with more advanced AVMs (stages III and IV) and with AVMs in the gluteal and pelvic region were more likely to have the worst outcomes than those with stage II AVMs (OR, 8.2; 95% CI, 1–72; P=0.03) and with AVMS in other locations (OR, 5.8; 95% CI, 1.1–29; P=0.02), respectively. Gender and age did not significantly influence treatment results (P>0.05). The TLPS data of 17 patients showed AV shunting ranging from 0% to 92%, which combined with other results helped identify 9 patients who needed further interventions, 6 who were treated successfully, and 2 who had insignificant shunting. Conclusions. The best outcomes were achieved in surgically treated patients with localized lesions and less advanced AVMs. For the first time in Lithuania, a modified TLPS method has been introduced that enhances a hemodynamic assessment of AV shunting and provides with a more accurate evaluation of AVMs to better serve in planning future treatments

    Lietuvos baudžiamoji teisė: specialioji dalis. Antroji knyga : vadovėlis

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    Recenzentai: prof. dr. A. Abramavičius (VU); prof. dr. J. Prapiestis (VU). Autorių indėliai: Fedosiukas O. - 0,133; Kuzminovas M. - 0,184; Gutauskas A. - 0,124; Šalčius M. - 0,056; Palionienė - 0,06; Gruodytė E. - 0,11; Šibkovas O. - 0,05; Bareikienė D. - 0,05; Milinis A. - 0,04; Žižienė S. - 0,05; Bilius M. - 0,07; Bučiūnas G. - 0,03; Gulbinienė I. - 0,03Antroji Baudžiamojo kodekso Specialiosios dalies XXXI–XLVI skyriams skirta knyga buvo rengiama kaip patogi ir išsami mokymosi apie atskirus kodekso Specialiosios dalies institutus priemonė studentams. Autoriai vertina atskiras nusikalstamas veikas ir jų ypatybes, analizuoja konkrečius kvalifikuojamuosius požymius, pateikia teorinį dėstymą atitinkančių teismų praktikos pavyzdžių bei žinių įtvirtinimo klausimų. Knyga parengta dviejų universitetų - Vytauto Didžiojo ir Mykolo Romerio - mokslininkųMykolo Romerio universitetasViešosios teisės katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta