1,002 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dengan Pendekatan Saintifik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pemahaman pembelajaran; (2) pelaksanaan pembelajaran; (3) penilaian hasil dan tindak lanjut; (4) kendala-kendala dalam pembelajaran; (5) cara mengatasi kendala dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dengan pendekatan saintifik di SMP Negeri 8 Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi dengan desain model evaluasi countenance stake serta menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods secara sequential exploratory. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, angket, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pemahaman guru PPKn tentang pendekatan saintifik sangat baik berdasarkan persentase 66,66% pada kategori sangat tinggi; (2) pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik di SMP Negeri 8 Yogyakarta sangat baik berdasarkan persentase 74,92% pada kategori sangat tinggi; (3) pelaksanaan penilaian hasil dan tindak lanjut pembelajaran PPKn di SMP Negeri 8 Yogyakarta dikategorikan sangat baik; berdasarkan persentase 66,66% pada kategori sangat tinggi; (4) kendala pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik tidak banyak ditemukan dalam pelaksanaannya; (5) upaya-upaya yang dilakukan guru dalam pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik sudah baik

    Structural and electrical characterization of hybrid metal-polypyrrole nanowires

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    We present here the synthesis and structural characterization of hybrid Au-polypyrrole-Au and Pt- polypyrrole-Au nanowires together with a study of their electrical properties from room-temperature down to very low temperature. A careful characterization of the metal-polymer interfaces by trans- mission electron microscopy revealed that the structure and mechanical strength of bottom and upper interfaces are very different. Variable temperature electrical transport measurements were performed on both multiple nanowires - contained within the polycarbonate template - and single nanowires. Our data show that the three-dimensional Mott variable-range-hopping model provides a complete framework for the understanding of transport in PPy nanowires, including non-linear current-voltage characteristics and magnetotransport at low temperatures.Comment: Phys. Rev. B Vol. 76 Issue 11 (2007

    Release of mercury halides from KCl denuders in the presence of ozone

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    KCl-coated denuders have become a standard method for measurement of gaseous oxidized mercury, but their performance has not been exhaustively evaluated, especially in field conditions. In this study, KCl-coated and uncoated quartz denuders loaded with HgCl<sub>2</sub> and HgBr<sub>2</sub> lost 29–55% of these compounds, apparently as elemental mercury, when exposed to ozone (range of 6–100 ppb tested). This effect was also observed for denuders loaded with gaseous oxidized mercury at a field site in Nevada (3–37% of oxidized mercury lost). In addition, collection efficiency decreased by 12–30% for denuders exposed to 50 ppb ozone during collection of HgCl<sub>2</sub>. While data presented were obtained from laboratory tests and as such do not exactly simulate field sampling conditions, these results indicate that the KCl denuder oxidized mercury collection method may not be as robust as previously thought. This work highlights needs for further testing of this method, clear identification of gaseous oxidized mercury compounds in the atmosphere, and development of field calibration methods for these compounds

    Release of mercury halides from KCl denuders in the presence of ozone

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    KCl-coated denuders have become a standard method for measurement of gaseous oxidized mercury, but their performance has not been exhaustively evaluated, especially in field conditions. In this study, KCl-coated and uncoated quartz denuders loaded with HgCl<sub>2</sub> and HgBr<sub>2</sub> lost 29–55% of these compounds, apparently as elemental mercury, when exposed to ozone (range of 6–100 ppb tested). This effect was also observed for denuders loaded with gaseous oxidized mercury at a field site in Nevada (3–37% of oxidized mercury lost). In addition, collection efficiency decreased by 12–30% for denuders exposed to 50 ppb ozone during collection of HgCl<sub>2</sub>. While data presented were obtained from laboratory tests and as such do not exactly simulate field sampling conditions, these results indicate that the KCl denuder oxidized mercury collection method may not be as robust as previously thought. This work highlights needs for further testing of this method, clear identification of gaseous oxidized mercury compounds in the atmosphere, and development of field calibration methods for these compounds

    Electron Scattering in 2D Semiconductors: Contrasting Dirac and Schr\"odinger Behavior

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    Electronic transport through a material depends on the response to local perturbations induced by defects or impurities in the material. The scattering processes can be described in terms of phase shifts and corresponding cross sections. The multiorbital nature of the spinor states in transition metal dichalcogenides would naturally suggest the consideration of a massive Dirac equation to describe the problem, while the parabolic dispersion of its conduction and valence bands would invite a simpler Schr\"odinger equation description. Here, we contrast the scattering of massive Dirac particles and Schr\"odinger electrons, in order to assess different asymptotic regimes (low and high Fermi energy) for each one of the electronic models and describe their regime of validity or transition. At low energies, where the dispersion is approximately parabolic, the scattering processes are dominated by low angular momentum channels, which results in nearly isotropic scattering amplitudes. On the other hand, the differential cross section at high Fermi energies exhibits clear signatures of the linear band dispersion, as the partial phase shifts approach a non-zero value. We analyze the electronic dynamics by presenting differential cross sections for both attractive and repulsive scattering centers. The dissimilar behavior between Dirac and Schr\"odinger carriers points to the limits and conditions over which different descriptions are required for the reliable treatment of scattering processes in these materials

    Electron Scattering in 2D Semiconductors: Contrasting Dirac and Schr\"odinger Behavior

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    Electronic transport through a material depends on the response to local perturbations induced by defects or impurities in the material. The scattering processes can be described in terms of phase shifts and corresponding cross sections. The multiorbital nature of the spinor states in transition metal dichalcogenides would naturally suggest the consideration of a massive Dirac equation to describe the problem, while the parabolic dispersion of its conduction and valence bands would invite a simpler Schr\"odinger equation description. Here, we contrast the scattering of massive Dirac particles and Schr\"odinger electrons, in order to assess different asymptotic regimes (low and high Fermi energy) for each one of the electronic models and describe their regime of validity or transition. At low energies, where the dispersion is approximately parabolic, the scattering processes are dominated by low angular momentum channels, which results in nearly isotropic scattering amplitudes. On the other hand, the differential cross section at high Fermi energies exhibits clear signatures of the linear band dispersion, as the partial phase shifts approach a non-zero value. We analyze the electronic dynamics by presenting differential cross sections for both attractive and repulsive scattering centers. The dissimilar behavior between Dirac and Schr\"odinger carriers points to the limits and conditions over which different descriptions are required for the reliable treatment of scattering processes in these materials


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    ABSTRACT This research was formed background by the importance of developing cognitive ability to understand the measurement concept to early age autism children. The ability of understanding measurement concept, one of them was big-small measurement belonged to autism children in TK Mentari School Sidoarjo still needed to be developed. It appeared to the ability of differentiating things based on big-small measurement, classifying things based on big-small measurement and sequencing things from big to small measurement. Through learning model of beam central modification, autism children were actively stimulated to do studying while playing activity and it gave freedom to the children to play freely on beam central modification. This purpose had purpose to prove the influence of learning model of beam central modification toward cognitive ability to understand the measurement concept to autism children in TK Mentari School Sidoarjo. This research used quantitative approach, with pre-experimental kind, and one group pretest – posttest design. The samples of this research were all autism children of group A in TK Mentari School Sidoarjo numbering 7 children whose ability in understanding the measurement concept still needed to be developed. The technique of data collection was collected using observation and documentation. The technique of data analysis applied statistic non parametric with Wilcoxon match pairs test. The research result indicated that there was enhancement value of cognitive ability to understand the measurement concept in initial observation or pretest was 49,73 becoming 74,07 in final observation or posttest. In addition, the research result also indicated Tcounted = 0 was smaller than Ttable = 2 with significant level 5%. If Tcounted < Ttable (0 < 2) it indicated that there was influence of learning model of beam central modification toward cognitive ability to understand the measurement concept to autism children in TK Mentari School Sidoarjo.     Keywords: Beam central modification, measurement concep

    Perancangan Mobile Game Sebagai Media Edukasi Zero Waste Lifestyle Bagi Remaja

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    ABSTRAK PERANCANGAN MOBILE GAME SEBAGAI MEDIA EDUKASI ZERO WASTE LIFESTYLE BAGI REMAJA Oleh Gustin A. Sutedja NIM: 109300069 Zero Waste adalah istilah yang digunakan pertama kali sebagai nama perusahaan yaitu Zero Waste System Inc. (ZWS) oleh Paul Palmer yang merupakan seorang ahli kimia dengan tujuan awal untuk meminimalkan pengaruh industri kimia pada lingkungan sekitarnya. Antara tahun 1998 dan 2002, konsep Zero Waste mulai banyak diterapkan dalam komunitas-komunitas global untuk mengurangi pembentukan sampah. Sayangnya sebagian besar masyarakat di Indonesia masih terpaku pada pola pikir bahwa sampah adalah sesuatu yang sudah tidak memiliki kegunaan sama sekali sehingga opsi terakhirnya hanyalah cukup membuangnya. Hal ini bisa kita lihat dari sistem pengelolaan sampah di Indonesia yang masih umum diterapkan yaitu dengan pola sederhana kumpul, angkut dan buang. Ada jutaan penduduk yang harus mau mengubah kebiasaan serta pemahamannya tentang sampah agar Zero Waste di Indonesia bisa tercapai. Konsep Zero Waste bisa ditanamkan kepada remaja Indonesia dengan pendekatan yang menyenangkan melalui media game karena berbagai keunggulannya dari segi pendidikan. Metode pengumpulan data untuk Tugas Akhir ini adalah dengan observasi dan play test, kuesioner dan studi pustaka. Tujuan dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk merancang sebuah mobile game sebagai media edukasi Zero Waste Lifestyle bagi remaja serta model bisnisnya dengan harapan remaja Indonesia menjadi lebih mengerti dan peduli terhadap masalah sampah di negaranya melalui game ini sehingga mereka tergerak untuk menjalani Zero Waste Lifestyle. Kata kunci: sampah, Zero Waste, mobile game, remaj
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