20 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to identify the percentage of liver, abdominal fat and heart of broilers by giving areca nut powder in the ration. The study was conducted on 200 DOC broiler reared up to 28 days old. This study used a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment given was the addition of areca nut powder in the broiler ration. The treatment given consisted of control, addition of 1.5%, 3% and 4.5% areca nut powder. Variables in this study include liver percentage, abdominal fat percentage and broiler heart percentage. The results of this study indicate that the administration of areca nut powder has a significant effect (p<0.05) on the percentage of broiler abdominal fat and does not show a significant effect (p>0.05) on the percentage of broiler liver and heart percentage. The results of this study found that the addition of areca nut powder at 1.5% showed the best results on the percentage of liver, abdominal fat percentage and broiler heart percentage compared to controls, levels of 3% and 4.5%.   Keywords: Areca Nut Powder, Broiler, Liver Percentage, Abdominal Fat Percentage, and Broiler Heart Percentage


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    The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of areca nut powder on broiler performance and performance index (IP). The study was conducted on 200 DOC broiler reared up to 28 days old. This study used a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment given was the addition of areca nut powder in the broiler ration. The treatment given consisted of control, addition of 1.5%, 3% and 4.5% areca nut powder. Variables in this study included feed consumption, body weight gain, final weight, feed conversion, and performance index (IP). The results of this study indicated that the administration of areca nut powder at a level of 1,5%, 3% and 4.5% did not show a significant difference (p> 0.05) to performance and performance index (IP) of broilers. The results of this study found that the administration of areca nut powder at a level of 1,5% showed better results than the control, 3% level and 4.5% level of areca nut powder. Keywords : Areca Nut Powder, Broiler, Broiler Performance, and Performance Index (IP)


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    Penelitian untuk menyeleksi hibdrid kakao berproduksi tinggi berdasarkan morfologi, fisiologi dan biokimia dengan memanfaatkan analisis diskriminan telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2005 sampai September 2006, bertempat di kebun pembibitan Desa Harapan Pondok Kelapa Bengkulu Utara dengan ketinggian tempat 10 meter di atas permukaan laut dan curah hujan 3500 – 4000 mm per tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan bibit okulasi berproduksi tinggi klon Pa7 dan bibit okulasi berproduksi rendah klon Sca12 untuk membedakan 15 hibrida F1. Data yang diamati dianalisis dengan uji T dua arah pada 0,05. Sedangkan, analisis diskriminan dilakukan dengan menggunakan software SPSS versi 10,0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 7 sifat bibit yang diamati 5 sifat diantaranya merupakan sifat pembeda antara bibit kakao berproduksi tinggi dengan bibit kakao berproduksi rendah. Sifat-sifat tersebut adalah tinggi bibit, luas daun, lingkar batang, jumlah stomata dan aktivitas nitrat reduktase (ANR). Sifat-sifat tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai penciri bibit produksi tinggi, sedangkan sifat-sifat rasio panjang dan lebar daun dan jumlah klorofil tidak dapat digunakan sebagai pembeda antara bibit kakao berproduksi tinggi dan berproduksi rendah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diskriminan bibit-bibit hibrid hasil persilangan UIT1xPa7, UIT1xNa33, Pa35xNa32, Pa35xNa33, UIT1xNa32, Pa7xUIT1, Pa7xNa34, dan Pa7xNa32 termasuk kelompok bibit produksi tinggi. Sedangakan bibit-bibit hibrid hasil persilangan Na32xPa7, 246 Ax354A, Na32xPa35, 354Ax246A, Na34xPa7, Na33xUIT1 termasuk kelompok bibit berproduksi rendah

    Decision Support System Student Achievement During the Covid-19 Pandemic with Method Fuzzyanalytic Hierarchy Process

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    Achievement is the result of a measurable and scheduled learning process within a certain time. Therefore, this achievement becomes a benchmark for the success of a learning process, especially for students who are used as reflections for improvement to get better. However, since the Covid-19 outbreak, all students have carried out online teaching and learning activities from home, this is certainly a problem for every student. So that face-to-face learning is hampered, the online method is not effective, it has an impact on the decline in student achievement at SDN Cisarua 01. The results of field observations found that the students' semester exam results were on average unsatisfactory and inversely proportional to the results of the assignments done. the students at home satisfactorily. The Fuzzy Analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) method is used in this second phase of research in order to reduce the ranking of the same value from phase one with the Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method, so as to increase the accuracy of the weighting of the method used. The criteria used in the study to improve student achievement are the criteria for parental support, facilities, environment and school. The Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method is able to provide a solution in reducing the ranking process which has the same value as the percentage obtained by 68% and the percentage of unequal ranking 32%. This research is able to help the school take a decision to overcome the decline in student achievement. So that it can have an impact on the school in determining ranking decisions to overcome the decline in student achievement

    Implementation of Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifier and Analytic Hierarchy Process in Decision Support Systems (Case Study: Exemplary Employee Selection )

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    To Make the selection based on potential model employee that he had not an easy thing, especially if conducting assessment involving people (Group Decision Support System). Sometimes a leader or manager of the company only chose an exemplary employee based on the recommendation of other employees. What if this exemplary employee assessment to be done by more than one person, let alone carried out by a division manager or supervisor with the reason the parties that often interact directly with employees so as to provide a more objective assessment.In this study the variables that are used to perform calculations on model employee 4 pieces, namely: performance, discipline, loyalty, and presence. The assessment process begins weighting to each variable by using fuzzy linguistic quantifier levels while using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The end result of this research is in the form of an exemplary employee levels where persantase of each variable is not an average value as is commonly done, but based on the interest factor of each variable

    Penerapan Metode Linier Regresi Berganda dalam Tingkat Produksi Pakaian

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    - PT.XYZ adalah salah satu Perusahaan garmen di Sukabumi yang memproduksi berbagai jenis pakaian. Sehingga untuk dapat memperoleh barang sesuai dengan standar kualitas yang ada dalam permintaan terus menerus dan dapat mengontrol, memilih, dan menilai kualitas sehingga target pasar terpenuhi, investasi dapat kembali, dan Perusahaan mendapat unt jangka panjang. Masalahnya adalah bahwa penurunan laba untuk Perusahaan garmen memiliki dampak besar pada jumlah karyawan yang ada untuk mengurangi pekerjaan. Selain itu, persaingan yang cukup ketat dengan produk dari luar negeri yang menyebabkan konsumen beralih ke produk asing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Regresi Linier Berganda untuk membantu masalah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laba rugi bagi Perusahaan dan kinerja Perusahaan terutama di bidang produksi seperti produksi operasional awal dari pengadaan bahan baku, sumber daya manusia yang terlibat, dan biaya operasional. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang ada di ketahui bahwa nilai Sig = 0,243b lebih besar dari 0,05 maka H0 di terima sehingga variabel x berpengaruh terhadap Variabel Y. Dari tabel coofisiens dapat dilihat ukuran variabel sangat berpengaruh pada level Produksi aplikasi hasil pengujian dengan metode Software QualityAssurance dengan menyebarkan Quisioner dengan beberapa pengguna, dihitung untuk mendapatkan nilai 81,25

    Kualitas LKPD:Peran Pengungkapan, SPI dan Kepatuhan pada Undang-Undang

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    Riset ini fokus untuk menguji pengaruh pengungkapan, SPI dan kepatuhan pada undang-undang pada kualitas LKPD untuk seluruh pemerintah kabupaten/kota yang ada di wilayah Lampung selama priode 2014-2018. Data penelitian ini bersumber dari BPK-RI wilayah Lampung dan dianalisis menggunakan regresi data panel. Hasil riset menyatakan pengungkapan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan pada kualitas LKPD, sedangkan SPI dan kepatuhan pada undang-undang berpengaruh negative pada kualitas LKPD. Dengan temuan ini, maka pemerintah daerah yang melanggar UU dan peraturan terkait dengan pengelolaan keuangan dan SPI harus diberikan sanksi yang tegas, sehingga opini WTP yang diperoleh menunjukkan kualitas yang sesungguhnya yakni yang bebas dari temuan-temuan audit terkait kelemahan SPI dan ketidakpatuhan pada aturan