244 research outputs found

    Berechnung der Aktivierungsenergien fĂŒr die thermische cis-trans-Isomerisierung substituierter Stilbene, Stilbazole und Stilbazolium-Salze

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    Die Aktivierungsenergien der thermischen cis-trans-Isome- risierung substituierter Stilbene, Stilbazole und Stilbazolium-Salze werden mittels der HMO-Methode berechnet und mit den expe- rimentellen Werten verglichen. Die Ergebnisse werden im Zusam- menhang mit dem Mechanismus der thermischen cis-trans-Isomerisierung diskutiert

    Detection of a large fraction of atomic gas not associated with star-forming material in M17 SW

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    We probe the column densities and masses traced by the ionized and neutral atomic carbon with spectrally resolved maps, and compare them to the diffuse and dense molecular gas traced by [C I] and low-JJ CO lines toward the star-forming region M17SW. We mapped a 4.1pc x 4.7pc region in the [C I] 609 mÎŒ\mu line using the APEX telescope, as well as the CO isotopologues with the IRAM 30m telescope. We analyze the data based on velocity channel maps that are 1 km/s wide. We correlate their spatial distribution with that of the [C II] map obtained with SOFIA/GREAT. Optically thin approximations were used to estimate the column densities of [C I] and [C II] in each velocity channel. The spatial distribution of the [C I] and all CO isotopologues emission was found to be associated with that of [C II] in about 20%-80% of the mapped region, with the high correlation found in the central (15-23 km/s ) velocity channels. The excitation temperature of [C I] ranges between 40 K and 100 K in the inner molecular region of M17 SW. Column densities in 1 km/s channels between ~1015^{15} and ~1017^{17} cm−2^{-2} were found for [C I]. Just ~20% of the velocity range (~40 km/s) that the [C II] line spans is associated with the star-forming material traced by [C I] and CO. The total gas mass estimated from the [C II] emission gives a lower limit of ~4.4x103^3 M⊙M_{\odot}. At least 64% of this mass is not associated with the star-forming material in M17SW. We also found that about 36%, 17%, and 47% of the [C II] emission is associated with the HII, HI, and H_2 regimes, respectively. Comparisons with the H41α\alpha line shows an ionization region mixed with the neutral and part of the molecular gas, in agreement with the clumped structure and dynamical processes at play in M17SW. These results are also relevant to extra-galactic studies in which [C II] is often used as a tracer of star-forming material.Comment: 21 pages + 6 pages of appendix, 32 figures in total, accepted for publication on A&A (10/12/2014) Relevant calibrated data cubes are available on CD

    Quantitative Estimates of Environmental Effects on the Star Formation Rate of Disk Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies

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    A simple model is constructed to evaluate the change of star formation rate of a disk galaxy due to environmental effects in clusters of galaxies. Three effects, (1) tidal force from the potential well of the cluster, (2) increase of external pressure when the galaxy plows into the intracluster medium, (3) high-speed encounters between galaxies, are investigated. General analysis indicates that the star formation rate increases significantly when the pressure of molecular clouds rises above ∌3×105cm−3K\sim 3\times 10^5 cm^{-3} K in ∌108\sim 10^8 yr. The tidal force from the potential well of the cluster increases pressures of molecular clouds in a disk galaxy infalling towards the cluster center. Before the galaxy reaches the cluster center, the star formation rate reaches a maximum. The peak is three to four times larger than the initial value. If this is the main mechanism of the Butcher-Oemler effect, blue galaxies are expected to be located within ∌300\sim 300 kpc from the center of the cluster. However this prediction is inconsistent with the recent observations. The increase of external pressure when the galaxy plows into the intracluster medium does not change star formation rate of a disk galaxy significantly. The velocity perturbation induced by a single high-speed encounter between galaxies is too small to affect star formation rate of a disk galaxy, while successive high-speed encounters (galaxy harassment) trigger star formation activity because of the accumulation of gas in the galaxy center. Therefore, the galaxy harassment remains as the candidate for a mechanism of the Butcher-Oemler effect.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. To be published in Ap

    NH3 in the Central 10 pc of the Galaxy. II. Determination of Opacity for Gas with Large Linewidths

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    The 23 GHz emission lines from the NH3 rotation inversion transitions are widely used to investigate the kinematics and physical conditions in dense molecular clouds. The line profile is composed of hyperfine components which can be used to calculate the opacity of the gas (Ho & Townes 1983). If the intrinsic linewidth of the gas exceeds one half of the separation of these quadrupole hyperfine components (~5-10 km/s) these lines blend together and the observed linewidths greatly overestimate the intrinsic linewidths. If uncorrected, these artificially broad linewidths will lead to artificially high opacities. We have observed this effect in our NH3 data from the central 10 pc of the Galaxy where uncorrected NH3 (1,1) linewidths of ~30 km/s exaggerate the intrinsic linewidths by more than a factor of two (Genzel & Townes 1987). Models of the effect of blending on the line profile enable us to solve for the intrinsic linewidth and opacity of NH3 using the observed linewidth and intensity of two NH3 rotation inversion transitions. We present the result of the application of this method to our Galactic Center data. We successfully recover the intrinsic linewidth and opacity of the gas. Clouds close to the nucleus in projected distance as well as those that are being impacted by Sgr A East show the highest intrinsic linewidths. The cores of the ``southern streamer'' (Ho et al. 1991; Coil & Ho 1999, 2000) and the ``50 km/s'' giant molecular cloud have the highest opacities.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Surgical Smoke and Airborne Microbial Contamination in Operating Theatres: Influence of Ventilation and Surgical Phases

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    Air cleanliness is a crucial factor in operating theatres (OTs), where the health of patients and staff must be preserved by controlling air contamination. Particular attention must be paid to ultrafine particles (UFPs) size range, generated for instance by electrosurgical instruments (ESTs). OT contamination is also affected by ventilation systems, medical staff and their gowning system, staff routines, instruments, etc. This comparative study is based on experimental measurements of airborne microbial contamination and UFPs carried out during real ongoing surgeries in two OTs equipped with upward displacement ventilation (UWD) and hybrid ventilation, with unidirectional airflow on the operating table and peripheral mixing (UDAF+Mixing) ventilation systems. Airborne contamination concentration at the exit grilles has been analyzed as function of four different surgical phases normally performed during an operation. Results highlight that airborne contamination is influenced by the activities carried out during the surgical phases. EST usage affects the contamination level more than staff size during operation observed. Colony forming unit (CFU) values in the protected area close to the patient\u27s wound are influenced more by the type of ventilation system than by surgical phases. CFU values decrease by 18 to 50 times from the UWD system to the hybrid one. The large airflow volumes supply together with high air velocities in OTs equipped with UDAF+Mixing systems guarantee a better and a safer airborne contamination control for patients and medical team in comparison with UWD systems

    A Model of the EGRET Source at the Galactic Center: Inverse Compton Scattering Within Sgr A East and its Halo

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    Continuum low-frequency radio observations of the Galactic Center reveal the presence of two prominent radio sources, Sgr A East and its surrounding Halo, containing non-thermal particle distributions with power-law indices around 2.5-3.3 and 2.4, respectively. The central 1-2 pc region is also a source of intense (stellar) UV and (dust-reprocessed) far-IR radiation that bathes these extended synchrotron-emitting structures. A recent detection of gamma-rays (2EGJ1746-2852) from within around 1 degree of the Galactic Center by EGRET onboard the Compton GRO shows that the emission from this environment extends to very high energies. We suggest that inverse Compton scatterings between the power-law electrons inferred from the radio properties of Sgr A East and its Halo, and the UV and IR photons from the nucleus, may account for the possibly diffuse gamma-ray source as well. We show that both particle distributions may be contributing to the gamma-ray emission, though their relevant strength depends on the actual physical properties (such as the magnetic field intensity) in each source. If this picture is correct, the high-energy source at the Galactic Center is extended over several arcminutes, which can be tested with thenext generation of gamma-ray and hard X-ray missions.Comment: latex, 14 pages, 3 figures (accepted for publication in ApJ

    Mass Spectral Fragmentation Study of Substituted 1,3-Diphenyl- 2-pyrazolines

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    The electron impact induced fragmentation of twenty two 1,3- -diphenyl-2-pyrazolines mono-, di- and trisubstituted in one or in both phenyl rings was studied by deuterium labelling, high and low resolution mass spectrometry, and ion kinetic energy spectroscopy. The fragmentation patterns are discussed taking into account especially the nature of the substituent and the position of substitution. The results, compared with those for the unsubstituted compound, showed that in general the phenyl ring substitution does not affect its fragmentation. The formation of stable quinoid-type ions directs many fragmentation pathways of methoxy substituted compounds

    The Nature of the Molecular Environment within 5 pc of the Galactic Center

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    We present a detailed study of molecular gas in the central 10pc of the Galaxy through spectral line observations of four rotation inversion transitions of NH3 made with the VLA. Updated line widths and NH3(1,1) opacities are presented, and temperatures, column densities, and masses are derived. We examine the impact of Sgr A East on molecular material at the Galactic center and find that there is no evidence that the expansion of this shell has moved a significant amount of the 50 km/s GMC. The western streamer, however, shows strong indications that it is composed of material swept-up by the expansion of Sgr A East. Using the mass and kinematics of the western streamer, we calculate an energy of E=(2-9)x10^{51} ergs for the progenitor explosion and conclude that Sgr A East was most likely produced by a single supernova. The temperature structure of molecular gas in the central ~20pc is also analyzed in detail. We find that molecular gas has a ``two-temperature'' structure similar to that measured by Huttemeister et al. (2003a) on larger scales. The largest observed line ratios, however, cannot be understood in terms of a two-temperature model, and most likely result from absorption of NH3(3,3) emission by cool surface layers of clouds. By comparing the observed NH3 (6,6)-to-(3,3) line ratios, we disentangle three distinct molecular features within a projected distance of 2pc from Sgr A*. Gas associated with the highest line ratios shows kinematic signatures of both rotation and expansion. The southern streamer shows no significant velocity gradients and does not appear to be directly associated with either the circumnuclear disk or the nucleus. The paper concludes with a discussion of the line-of-sight arrangement of the main features in the central 10pc.Comment: 51 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Due to size limitations, some of the images have been cut from this version. A complete, color PS or PDF version can be downloaded from http://www.astro.columbia.edu/~herrnstein/NH3/paper

    A 10-year study of background surface ozone concentrations on the island of Gozo in the Central Mediterranean

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    A 10-year study of surface ozone mixing ratios in the Central Mediterranean was conducted based on continuous ozone measurements from 1997 to 2006 by a background regional Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) station on the island of Gozo. The mean annual maximum mixing ratio is of the order of 66 ppbv in April–May with a broad secondary maximum of 64 ppbv in July–September. No long-term increase or decrease in the background level of surface ozone could be observed over the last 10 years. This is contrary to observations made in the Eastern Mediterranean, where a slow decrease in the background ozone mixing ratio was observed over the past 7 years. Despite the very high average annual ozone mixing ratio exceeding 50 ppbv—in fact, the highest average background ozone mixing ratio ever measured in Europe—, the diurnal O3 max/O3 min index of <1.40 indicates that the island of Gozo is a good site for measuring background surface ozone. However, frequent photosmog events from June to September during the past 10 years with ozone mixing ratios exceeding 90 ppbv indicate that the Central Mediterranean is prone to long-range transport of air pollutants from Europe by northerly winds. This was particularly evident during the so-called “August heatwave” of the year 2003 when the overall ozone mixing ratio was 4.6 ppbv higher than the average of all other 9 months of August since 1997. Air mass back-trajectory analysis of the August 2003 photosmog episodes on Gozo confirmed that ozone pollution originated from the European continent. Regression analysis was used to analyse the 10-year data set in order to model the behaviour of the ozone mixing ratio in terms of the meteorological parameters of wind speed, relative humidity, global radiation, temperature, month of year, wind sector, atmospheric pressure, and time of day (predictors). Most of these predictors were found to significantly affect the ozone mixing ratios. From March to November, the monthly average of the AOT40 threshold value for the protection of crops and vegetation against ozone was constantly exceeded on Gozo during the past 10 years.peer-reviewe
