128 research outputs found

    When development meets culture : the contribution of Celso Furtado in the 1970s

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    The article assesses the work of Celso Furtado (1920-2004) in the 1970s, when the author promotes an ambitious attempt to redefine the field of development economics. Furtado's works have recently been revisited by several authors, including in the field of history of economic thought. The text is devoted to explore how the author challenges development theory’s perceived failure to explain the reality of underdeveloped nations in the late 1970s by expanding the scope of analysis and giving culture a pivotal role in the dynamics of development and underdevelopment. This theoretical movement happens at the time in which development economics begins to drift out of the mainstream of economic theory. Hence, unlike the concept of underdevelopment introduced in the 1950s, the discussion of creativity and dependence encounters an adverse intellectual landscape, even though it represents one of the author’s most original contributions.Celso Furtado, development, underdevelopment, creativity, culture.

    Determinantes do investimento das firmas industriais brasileiras: uma análise exploratória com modelos hierárquicos

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    The paper carries out an exploratory analysis of the determinants of the level of investment of manufacturing firms in Brazil, from 1996 to 2006. The exercise departed from the premise that investment responds both to internal and external factors, such as the sector in which each firm is embedded. From a simple accelerator model, pooled and panel data regressions were estimated to estimate the basic model, followed by hierarchical models with intercept-as-outcome that include two distinct analytical levels. The results confirmed the accelerator effect of investment, revealed the relevance of introduction of variables from the sectoral level, and stressed the importance of factors such as the degree of concentration as a determinant of investment levels.Investment, firms, manufacturing industry, accelerator, hierarchical models

    Structural change, National Innovation System and balance-of-payments contraint: a theoretical and empirical analysis of the Brazilian case

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    The paper explores the relationship between the income elasticities of demand for exports and for imports, economic growth, the technological content of local production, and the level of development of the National Innovation System (NIS). According to the literature, differences in long-run growth rates are associated with differences in the income elasticities of demand, which would in turn be determined by the maturity of the NIS. Mature NIS imply higher degrees of product diversification, leading to trade patterns which favour exports of goods with higher technological content (high income elasticity of demand), and imports of basic goods (low income elasticity). Hence, we test the relationship between the exports and imports of Brazilian high-tech products and the number of Brazilian patents registered in the USPTO, as a proxy for the level of development of the Brazilian NIS. The results of the analysis are corroborated by the investigation of innovations of the variables, through impulse response functions and forecast error decomposition, which confirm the theoretical hypothesis discussed.Balance-of-Payments Constraint, Income Elasticities, Growth, Structural Change, National Innovation System.

    Modelos kaldorianos de crescimento e suas extensões contemporâneas

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    This paper presents growth models based on Kaldor´s inaugural lectures, as well as their most recent extensions. Beyond the display of the evolution of such models, the paper intends to demonstrate that the original kaldorian models have served as a solid foundation over which new formulations have been built, continually demonstrating the relevance of the authors ideas. The models extensions, other than allowing for the incorporation of an increasing number of economic characteristics originally proposed by Kaldor, also have considerably increased the analytical scope of the field by establishing theoretical links with other schools of thought. A neo-schumpeterian view is possible via the introduction of the impacts of technological gaps and innovation into the models. In its turn, a structuralist perspective is obtained by decomposing trade elasticities. Finally, from kaleckian growth models, the importance of a multi-sectoral analysis and of distinct distributive regimes over economic growth is brought to the models.Kaldor, Income Elasticities, Growth, Structural Change

    Global interactions between firms and universities: Global Innovation Networks as first steps towards a Global Innovation System

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    This paper aims to broaden the horizon as well as to shed further light on the studies of interaction between firms and universities in a global context. Its starting point is thus a review of two different strands of the literature on innovation. First, the literature on interaction by Klevorick et al (1995) and Nelson (1993), and second, the more recent literature on Global Innovation Networks (GINs) by Ernst ( 2006) and The Economist Intelligence Unit ( 2007). These strands share a common problem: each has a blind spot in relation to the core focus of the other strand. The literature on interaction does not consider the international dimension in any depth, and the GINs literature does not integrate the university dimension adequately. This paper addresses the common weakness through a combination of the two approaches, searching for interactions between firms and universities globally. In doing so, the paper also puts forward a tentative framework on global interaction between firms and universities.interactions between firms and universities, National Innovation Systems, Global Innovation Networks.

    O papel dos stakeholders e as estratégias de marketing societal na cadeia de valor das microcervejarias do Distrito Federal

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração, 2017.O mercado das microcervejarias no Distrito Federal se desenvolve em um contexto em que a sociedade está consciente dos impactos sociais e ambientais das atividades empresariais e exige das organizações uma atuação mais sustentável. Uma forma usada por organizações da atualidade para reagir às essas demandas dos consumidores é incorporar estratégias de marketing societal no processo de entrega de valor aos seus stakeholders. O presente estudo, a partir da análise de conteúdo de documentos e de sete entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas com atores-chave, buscou compreender o papel dos stakeholders e as estratégias de marketing societal na cadeia de valor das microcervejarias do Distrito Federal. Os dados coletados propiciaram: apresentar os antecedentes históricos e a contextualização desse mercado no DF; classificar os stakeholders, segundo os modelos de Savage et al (1991) e Mitchell, Angle e Wood (1997); analisar a existência de estratégias de marketing societal na cadeia de valor, segundo Porter e Kramer (2007); e, por fim, analisar como os stakeholders podem contribuir para que a cadeia de valor desse mercado seja mais sustentável. Dessa forma, os resultados obtidos apontam que: as microcervejarias do DF encontram barreiras ligadas à legislação e à tributação que dificultam o desenvolvimento desse mercado e o tornam ainda incipiente no contexto brasileiro; a maioria dos stakeholders classificados está disposta a cooperar com os interesses das microcervejarias e possui poder e legitimidade sobre as mesmas; o mapeamento da cadeia de valor contribui com o entendimento de como as estratégias de marketing societal acontecem; e, no caso das microcervejarias do DF, constatou-se que as mesmas estão cientes dos impactos sociais e ambientais de suas atividades e são proativas na elaboração de estratégias para minimizá-las. Por mim, conclui-se que os stakeholders, dependendo de sua classificação, podem ser catalizadores de estratégias que visam a um desenvolvimento em conformidade com fatores econômicos, sociais e ambientais desse mercado

    Abertura comercial e reestruturação industrial no Brasil : um estudo dos coeficientes de comercio

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    Orientador: Mariano Francisco LaplaneDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de EconomiaResumo: Não informadoAbstract: Not informed.MestradoMestre em Ciências Econômica