
Global interactions between firms and universities: Global Innovation Networks as first steps towards a Global Innovation System


This paper aims to broaden the horizon as well as to shed further light on the studies of interaction between firms and universities in a global context. Its starting point is thus a review of two different strands of the literature on innovation. First, the literature on interaction by Klevorick et al (1995) and Nelson (1993), and second, the more recent literature on Global Innovation Networks (GINs) by Ernst ( 2006) and The Economist Intelligence Unit ( 2007). These strands share a common problem: each has a blind spot in relation to the core focus of the other strand. The literature on interaction does not consider the international dimension in any depth, and the GINs literature does not integrate the university dimension adequately. This paper addresses the common weakness through a combination of the two approaches, searching for interactions between firms and universities globally. In doing so, the paper also puts forward a tentative framework on global interaction between firms and universities.interactions between firms and universities, National Innovation Systems, Global Innovation Networks.

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