182 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Reinforcement or Students Positive Motivation to Improve Learning Activeness Inppknon the Third Class in SD Negeri 49 Limau Manis Kulam

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    N order to learn a lesson well, we need to hear, see, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. Not only that, teachers need to "do", which describe something in their own way, showing for example, tried to practice skills and tasks that require p What Knowledge they have earned. Problems to be studied in this research are: 1) pakah using strengthening model can improve the learning result of class III State Elementary School 49 Limau Manis Kulam the school year 2016 - 2017? 2).The steps taken in using the reinforcement model in the PPKN lessons of the third grade students of SD? From the results of learning activities that have been done for three cycles, and based on all the discussion and analysis that has been done can be generated: 1). Learningbyteaching reinforcement learning in Civics Has a positive impact in improving student achievement which is marked by the improvement of students\u27 learning mastery in every cycle, that is cycle I (62,50%), cycle II (75,00%), cycle III (87,50%). 2) Implementation of an instructional faculty reinforcement Have a positive influence, that is can improve student\u27s motivation to learn the lesson of Civics shown with average responses of the students stating that students are interested in and are interested in learning teaching Civics So they become motivated to learn. This technique is used to extract some of the written data sourced from school reports and matters that can support this research. This technique is used to obtain information from teachers regarding the provision of reinforcement in the learning process. Observation technique is used to obtain data on preparation of teaching of Civic Education teacher (Civics) and the implementation of teachers in the process of learning in this class This technique is the main technique because the use of questionnaire is expected to obtain most of the required data, ie by using written question items given t

    Analisis Faktor Penentu Struktur Modal: Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Kecil Menengah di Pasar Modal Indonesia

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     Tujuan penelitian – Struktur modal masih menjadi isu yang kontroversial dan masih sering diperdebatkan dalam literatur keuangan perusahaan. Studi ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penentu struktur modal pada perusahaan kecil menengah yang tercatat dalam indeks papan pengembangan (DBX) di pasar modal Indonesia.Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan – Riset yang dilakukan ini merupakan jenis penelitian terapan (applied research) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu data panel terhadap 172 perusahaan yang menjadi sampel penelitian yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling.Temuan – Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa likuiditas memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap struktur modal perusahaan kecil menengah, kemudian non-debt tax shield memberikan efek positif pada struktur modal perusahaan kecil menengah. Sementara itu, growth opportunities, tangibility, dan risiko bisnis tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap struktur modal perusahaan kecil menengah. Bukti pada umumnya menunjukkan relevansi hipotesis pecking order dalam menjelaskan faktor penentu struktur modal perusahaan kecil menengah.Keterbatasan penelitian – Penelitian ini hanya menggunakan perusahaan kecil menengah yang terdaftar di pasar modal Indonesia dengan jumlah sampel yang masih terbatas selama periode 2013 – 2017, dan hanya memakai lima variabel independen. Diharapkan kepada peneliti lainnya untuk menggunakan sampel yang lebih luas dan variabel independen yang lebih banyak sesuai dengan teori dan hasil penelitian terdahulu.Originality/value – Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang faktor penentu struktur modal pada perusahaan kecil dan menengah yang terdaftar dipasar modal Indonesia menggunakan variabel yang biasa digunakan untuk menjelaskan faktor penentu struktur modal pada perusahaan besar, sekaligus menjelaskan teori struktur modal yang sesuai untuk perusahaan kecil menengah. Riset tentang struktur modal perusahaan kecil menengah ini masih jarang diteliti di Indonesia.Keywords : Struktur Modal, Faktor Penentu, Perusahaan Kecil Menengah, Pasar Moda

    The implementation of reinforcement or students Positive motivation to improve learning activeness Inppknon the third class in sd negeri 49 limau Manis kulam

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    n order to learn a lesson well, we need to hear, see, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. Not only that, teachers need to "do", which describe something in their own way, showing for example, tried to practice skills and tasks that require p What Knowledge they have earned. Problems to be studied in this research are: 1) pakah using strengthening model can improve the learning result of class III State Elementary School 49 Limau Manis Kulam the school year 2016 - 2017? 2).The steps taken in using the reinforcement model in the PPKN lessons of the third grade students of SD? From the results of learning activities that have been done for three cycles, and based on all the discussion and analysis that has been done can be generated: 1). Learningbyteaching reinforcement learning in Civics Has a positive impact in improving student achievement which is marked by the improvement of students' learning mastery in every cycle, that is cycle I (62,50%), cycle II (75,00%), cycle III (87,50%). 2) Implementation of an instructional faculty reinforcement Have a positive influence, that is can improve student's motivation to learn the lesson of Civics shown with average responses of the students stating that students are interested in and are interested in learning teaching Civics So they become motivated to learn. This technique is used to extract some of the written data sourced from school reports and matters that can support this research. This technique is used to obtain information from teachers regarding the provision of reinforcement in the learning process. Observation technique is used to obtain data on preparation of teaching of Civic Education teacher (Civics) and the implementation of teachers in the process of learning in this class This technique is the main technique because the use of questionnaire is expected to obtain most of the required data, ie by using written question items given t

    Do Global Factors Drive Herd Behavior in Asymmetric: Evidence from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand

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    The occurrence of several crises in recent decades has led to significant uncertainty in the capital market, potentially fostering tendencies for herd behavior. This conduct may manifest in situations of asymmetry when the market experiences varying conditions (market up and down). Herd behavior in asymmetric can be driven by a variety of global influences, such as the Federal Funds Rate and the world oil price. The aim of this research is to investigate whether herd behavior exists under asymmetric conditions, and to explore the influence of global factors on such behavior within the manufacturing sectors listed in the capital markets of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand using daily closing stock price information from January 2015 to December 2022. This research utilizes a cross-sectional dispersion methodology and incorporates a dummy variable within the standard model to accomplish its research objective. The findings denote that asymmetric herding tendencies are evident solely among manufacturing firms listed on the Indonesian stock market during downturns, contrasting with the absence of such behavior in Malaysia and Thailand during market fluctuations. In Indonesia, global factors do not play a significant role in prompting asymmetric herding, whereas in Malaysia and Thailand, are more influenced by the Federal Funds Rate. Keywords: Asymmetric Herding; Market Up and Down; Federal Funds Rate; World Oil Price; Cross-Sectional Dispersio


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    Data global, nasional dan provinsi menunjukkan infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA) sebagai salah satu masalah yang masih mengancam kesehatan balita. Untuk dapat menurunkan angka kejadian ISPA pada balita, peran orang tua khususnya ibu sangat penting untuk memberikan perawatan kepada balita dengan ISPA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengetahui hubungan faktor personal dengan kemampuan ibu dalam merawat balita dengan ISPA di Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini berdesain deskriptif korelatif dengan melibatkan 87 ibu dari balita dengan ISPA sebagai responden, yang dipilih dengan cara simple random sampling. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner self-report dan dianalisa dengan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar ibu sudah memiliki kemampuan yang tinggi (66,7%) dalam merawat balita dengan ISPA, namun tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor personal dengan kemampuan ibu dalam merawat balita dengan ISPA di Aceh Besar. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi rekomendasi bahwa intervensi keperawatan komunitas yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan ibu dalam merawat balita ISPA harus melibatkan aggregate ibu balita dengan beragam faktor personal, tanpa perlu memfokuskan intervensi pada ibu dengan karakteristik personal tertentu

    Portfolio Asset Allocation Decisions: A Meta-Analysis

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    Portfolio asset allocation decisions are not passive as mention in the modern portfolio theory, because many factors that can influence it. The purpose of this study is to explain the portfolio asset allocation decisions based on the results of previous research studies by using a meta-analysis approach. The meta-analysis was carried out from a systematic review of the literature review. This study uses secondary data gathered from the various reputable journal by using 14 relevance research that has been published for the period of 2005 – 2019. The result explains that various empirical evidence of many studies on portfolio asset allocation decisions systematically can provide an overview of research trends and types of research conducted by researchers. Most of the studies are quantitative research, use a more behavioral approach, and provide new insights related to factors that can influence investors in making portfolio asset allocation decision

    Determinants of the Equity Price of Main Board Index Companies

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    The stock price has consistently varied over time in the capital market and can be influenced by a range of internal and external factors. This study aims to identify the elements that investors take into account when making investment decisions on the Main Board Index of the Indonesian stock market, as well as the factors that determine share prices. The study utilized data gathered between 2018 and 2022, from 106 companies listed on the main board index using a purposive sampling method. Panel data regression techniques have been utilized to elucidate the determinants of the firm equity price. Research findings denote that profitability as measured by earnings per share (EPS) and return on assets (ROA), along with the size and value of the firm, contribute positively to equity prices. Conversely, the capital structure exerts a negative impact on share prices, while dividend policy does not affect stock prices. Our findings underscore the significance for investors to consider on factors within a company beside external when processing information and deliberating on investment choices. Keywords: Equity Price; Determinant Factors; Main Board Index; Panel Data; Capital Marke


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