187 research outputs found

    In-flight maintenance study Final report

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    Sample system analysis, MF requirements, redesign, and packaging desig

    Influence of the Ground-State Topology on the Domain-Wall Energy in the Edwards-Anderson +/- J Spin Glass Model

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    We study the phase stability of the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model by analyzing the domain-wall energy. For the bimodal distribution of bonds, a topological analysis of the ground state allows us to separate the system into two regions: the backbone and its environment. We find that the distributions of domain-wall energies are very different in these two regions for the three dimensional (3D) case. Although the backbone turns out to have a very high phase stability, the combined effect of these excitations and correlations produces the low global stability displayed by the system as a whole. On the other hand, in two dimensions (2D) we find that the surface of the excitations avoids the backbone. Our results confirm that a narrow connection exists between the phase stability of the system and the internal structure of the ground-state. In addition, for both 3D and 2D we are able to obtain the fractal dimension of the domain wall by direct means.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Rapid Communications of Phys. Rev.

    Evaluation of computer-based target achievement tests for myoelectric control

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    Real-Time evaluation of novel prosthetic control schemes is critical for translational research on artificial limbs. Recently, two computer-based, real-Time evaluation tools, the target achievement control (TAC) test and the Fitts' law test (FLT), have been proposed to assess real-Time controllability. Whereas TAC tests provides an anthropomorphic visual representation of the limb at the cost of confusing visual feedback, FLT clarifies the current and target locations by simplified non-Anthropomorphic representations. Here, we investigated these two approaches and quantified differences in common performance metrics that can result from the chosen method of visual feedback. Ten able-bodied and one amputee subject performed target achievement tasks corresponding to the FLT and TAC test with equivalent indices of difficulty. Ablebodied subjects exhibited significantly (p <0.05) better completion rate, path efficiency, and overshoot when performing the FLT, although no significant difference was seen in throughput performance. The amputee subject showed significantly better performance in overshoot at the FLT, but showed no significant difference in completion rate, path efficiency, and throughput. Results from the FLT showed a strong linear relationship between the movement time and the index of difficulty (R2 D 0:96), whereas TAC test results showed no apparent linear relationship (R2 D 0:19). These results suggest that in relatively similar conditions, the confusing location of virtual limb representation used in the TAC test contributed to poorer performance. Establishing an understanding of the biases of various evaluation protocols is critical to the translation of research into clinical practice

    Assessing the sources of uncertainty associated with the calculation of rainfall kinetic energy and erosivity - application to the Upper Llobregat Basin, NE Spain

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    The diverse sources of uncertainty associated with the calculation of rainfall kinetic energy and rainfall erosivity, calculated from precipitation data, were investigated at a range of temporal and spatial scales in a mountainous river basin (504 km2) in the south-eastern Pyrenees. The sources of uncertainty analysed included both methodological and local sources of uncertainty and were (i) tipping-bucket rainfall gauge instrumental errors, (ii) the efficiency of the customary equation used to derive rainfall kinetic energy from intensity, (iii) the efficiency of the regressions obtained between daily precipitation and rainfall erosivity, (iv) the temporal variability of annual rainfall erosivity values, and the spatial variability of (v) annual rainfall erosivity values and (vi) long-term erosivity values. The differentiation between systematic (accuracy) and random (precision) errors was taken into account in diverse steps of the analysis. The results showed that the uncertainty associated with the calculation of rainfall kinetic energy from rainfall intensity at the event and station scales was as high as 30%, because of insufficient information on rainfall drop size distribution. This methodological limitation must be taken into account for experimental or modelling purposes when rainfall kinetic energy is derived solely from rainfall intensity data. For longer temporal scales, the relevance of this source of uncertainty remained high if low variability in the types of rain was supposed. Temporal variability of precipitation at wider spatial scales was the main source of uncertainty when rainfall erosivity was calculated on an annual basis, whereas the uncertainty associated with long-term erosivity was rather low and less important than the uncertainty associated with other model factors such as those in the RUSLE, when operationally used for long-term soil erosion modelling

    Fractal dimension of domain walls in the Edwards-Anderson spin glass model

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    We study directly the length of the domain walls (DW) obtained by comparing the ground states of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass model subject to periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions. For the bimodal and Gaussian bond distributions, we have isolated the DW and have calculated directly its fractal dimension dfd_f. Our results show that, even though in three dimensions dfd_f is the same for both distributions of bonds, this is clearly not the case for two-dimensional (2D) systems. In addition, contrary to what happens in the case of the 2D Edwards-Anderson spin glass with Gaussian distribution of bonds, we find no evidence that the DW for the bimodal distribution of bonds can be described as a Schramm-Loewner evolution processes.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in PR

    Statistical Mechanics of Soft Margin Classifiers

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    We study the typical learning properties of the recently introduced Soft Margin Classifiers (SMCs), learning realizable and unrealizable tasks, with the tools of Statistical Mechanics. We derive analytically the behaviour of the learning curves in the regime of very large training sets. We obtain exponential and power laws for the decay of the generalization error towards the asymptotic value, depending on the task and on general characteristics of the distribution of stabilities of the patterns to be learned. The optimal learning curves of the SMCs, which give the minimal generalization error, are obtained by tuning the coefficient controlling the trade-off between the error and the regularization terms in the cost function. If the task is realizable by the SMC, the optimal performance is better than that of a hard margin Support Vector Machine and is very close to that of a Bayesian classifier.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Comparison of Earthquake Source Models for the 2011 Tohoku Event Using Tsunami Simulations and Near‐Field Observations

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    Selection of the earthquake source used in tsunami models of the 2011 Tohoku event affects the simulated tsunami waveform across the near field. Different earthquake sources, based on inversions of seismic waveforms, tsunami waveforms, and Global Positioning System (GPS) data, give distinguishable patterns of simulated tsunami heights in many locations in Tohoku and at near‐field Deep‐ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) buoys. We compared 10 sources proposed by different research groups using the GeoClaw code to simulate the resulting tsunami. Several simulations accurately reproduced observations at simulation sites with high grid resolution. Many earthquake sources produced results within 20% difference from the observations between 38° and 39° N, including realistic inundation on the Sendai plain, reflecting a common reliance on large initial seafloor uplift around 38° N (±0.5°), 143.25° E (±0.75°). As might be expected, DART data was better reproduced by sources created by inversion techniques that incorporated DART data in the inversion. Most of the earthquake sources tested at sites with high grid resolution were unable to reproduce the magnitude of runup north of 39° N, indicating that an additional source of tsunamigenic energy, not present in most source models, is needed to explain these observations