19 research outputs found

    The importance of new comprehension on the epidemiology and development of periodontal disease for effective preventive programs / A importância de um novo entendimento sobre a epidemiologia e o desenvolvimento da doença periodontal para programas preventivos eficazes

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    This paper is a review of the literature as to relevant aspects of the periodontal disease, focusing on the need of new interpretations of its epidemiology and development, so that high risk groups acan be identified and really effective preventive programs can be developed.

    Evaluation of periodontal status adjacent to interproximal surfaces restored with composite resin, in comparison with non-restored interproximal surfaces

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the periodontal status of interproximal surfaces restored with composite resin, in comparison with non-restored interproximal surfaces. Methods: In 65 patients, we analyzed 145 restored surfaces and 145 non-restored surfaces. Results: Most of the restored surfaces (54.3%) showed radiographic alterations, which was shown to be higher among restorations with clinically detected proximal excess (56.8% x 52.8%); with lack of restorative material (64.5% x 51.4%); in restorations with proximal overhang (67.7% x 44.4%); in teeth with gingival inflammation?/bleeding (55.1% x 40.0%) and in teeth with probing depth exceeding 3 mm (64.3% x 52.9%). However, there were no significant associations for these variables. Of the non-restored surfaces, 24.4% showed radiographic alterations, however there were no significant associations. Conclusion: The results showed a statistical significance for radiographic alterations in restored and non-restored surfaces

    Impacto biopsicossocial da perda dentária em trabalhadores brasileiros de área rural

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    Tooth loss may decrease the chewing ability, thus limiting food intake, and also affect speech and aesthetics, leading to physical and psychological changes, which may compromise the quality of life of affected individuals. This study aimed to characterize the biopsychosocial impacts with repercussion in the quality of life perceived by Brazilian rural workers as a result of tooth loss. Interviews were conducted with 186 workers, over 18 years of age, from a cane sugar mill located in the rural area of the city of Catende, State of Pernambuco, from September to November 2010. The short-form Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire and the decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index were used to evaluate the oral health status. The results showed that tooth loss produced functional, physical, psychological, and social impacts on the investigated individuals, with variation in the impact intensity according to the number of teeth lost as measured by DMFT.As perdas dentrias podem diminuir a capacidade mastigatria, limitando o consumo de alimentos, como tambm afetar a fonao e a esttica, originando alteraes fsicas e psicolgicas, o que pode comprometer a qualidade de vida dos indivduos afetados. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar os impactos biopsicossociais com repercusso na qualidade de vida percebidos por trabalhadores brasileiros de reas rurais em decorrncia da perda dentria. Foram entrevistados 186 trabalhadores, maiores de 18 anos, de uma usina de acar da rea rural da cidade de Catende/PE entre setembro e novembro de 2010. Na avaliao da condio de sade bucal, utilizou-se o questionrio Oral Health Impact Profile, verso reduzida (OHIP-14), e o ndice de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados (CPO-D). Os resultados indicaram que as perdas dentrias produziram impactos funcionais, fsicos, psicolgicos e sociais nos indivduos investigados, com variao na intensidade do impacto de acordo com a quantidade de perdas medida pelo CPO-D

    Periodontal Abscess Due to Inadequate Orthodontics Forces: Case Report

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    Svrha ovog prikaza jest pokazati da nedovoljno znanje iz biomehanike i fiziologije tkiva uključenih u korekcije malokluzije može rezultirati ijatrogenim oštećenjima parodonta. Integracija ortodoncije i parodontologije važna je zato što parodontologija zahtijeva funkcionalni integritet parodontnog tkiva, a ono mora ostati zdravo tijekom ortodontske terapije i nakon njezina završetka.The aim of the present study was to demonstrate that a lack of knowledge on the biomechanics and physiology of tissues involved in the correction of any type of malocclusion can result in iatrogenic alterations in the periodontium. Moreover, the integration of different fields of dentistry, especially orthodontics and periodontics, is of considerable importance, as the former requires the functional integrity of the periodontal tissue. This tissue must also remain healthy throughout treatment as well as following the conclusion of orthodontic therapy


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    Las fracturas coronarias constituyen problemas dentales frecuentes, especialmente en los niños y losadolescentes. Cuando ocurre, particularmente en la región anterior, el tratamiento rehabilitador tiene lafunción de recuperar la función y la estética de los dientes que fueron dañados por el trauma. Elrecubrimiento del fragmento, cuando es posible, crea una respuesta emocional positiva en el paciente ysimplifica el mantenimiento de la oclusión original. En este caso, los autores exponen el tratamiento deuna fractura oblicua de corona-raíz en el incisivo lateral superior con invasión del espacio biológico. Tresaños después del tratamiento, el diente mostró función normal, estética favorable y una buena saludperiodontal. Podemos concluir que la técnica de recubrimiento del fragmento ofrece la posibilidad de unarehabilitación estética y funcional con características más semejantes a la dentición natural, teniendosiempre que ser considerada como una de las alternativas de tratamiento para dientes fracturados,donde se tenga el fragmento dental.&nbsp