134 research outputs found

    The host population and the migrants in modern tatarstan: Social roles and intergroup distance

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need to study the migration processes in the multi-ethnic regions of the Russian Federation, which becomes of particular relevance in terms of intensified migratory flows. Objective of the research lies in a comprehensive analysis of the situation in the interaction between the host population and migrants in the Republic of Tatarstan. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a multiparadigmatic methodology. The main results of the paper include the analysis of the group distance between the host communities and migrants, an assessment of the level of tolerance/intolerance of the host population towards migrants, and the determination of attitude of the representatives of the host population to an increasing number of migrants in their locality. The analysis of changing value of intergroup distance shows that the respondents' attitude towards different groups of migrants is asymmetrical. Data obtained from the study demonstrate a significant impact of the information field on the level of anxiety and increasing intergroup distance from the category of migrants having developed its negative image. Materials of this paper may be useful to ethnologists, social and cultural anthropologists, political scientists, and representatives of bodies and institutions in charge of migration policy and inter-ethnic cooperation

    "Research in natural historical value of East Region of Russia and Siberia": A role of society of scientists at the Kazan University in development of ethnography in the first quarter of the XX century

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    Copyright © 2015 by Sochi State University. In article on the basis of archival material the role of Society of scientists at Imperial Kazan university in development of ethnography in the first quarter of the XX century as science and a subject matter reveals. The special place is allocated for three expeditions of the students specializing on department of geography and ethnography of physical and mathematical office of Imperial Kazan university, sent to means of Society of scientists to field ethnographic expeditions. S. A. Teploukhov, V. M. Novitsky and V. I. Podgorbunsky under the leadership of outstanding scientific professor Bruno Fridrikhovich Adler studied, comprehended bases of scientific researches, made expeditions and acquired a basis of further career that allowed them to become the talented scientists who made a powerful contribution to development of ethnology, archeology, anthropology and history in the first quarter of the XX century

    Destructive factors of interethnic relationships in a multicultural region: The position of the host population of Tatarstan

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    In the last decades of the 20th century, liberal western society recognised the problem of minority groups as a social problem of discrimination. As a rule, the titular ethnic group (e.g. the Tatars of Tatarstan) of the constituent territories of the Federation and the Russians living there have, until recently, been the main targets of academic research. The nature of the relationship between these groups within the regional community has been the subject of research. Recent years have seen a rise in tension between the ethnic majority, which comprises the titular ethnic group and Russians living a region, and minority ethnic groups, who play an increasingly significant role in the social and economic life of the regions. Tatarstan is no exception, as is proven by frequent displays of intolerance towards representatives of ethnic minorities. Despite the fact that the bulk of these displays are declarative or latent in character, real manifestations of xenophobia also occur. From the results of this empirical study, various factors influencing the formation of attitudes amongst representatives of the ethnic majority towards ethnic minorities were distinguished. These include (in order of the importance they were given by respondents) the behaviour of the ethnic minorities in the host society; the ethnic background of the representatives of the ethnic minorities; changes to the socio-demographic situation in the region; and the opinion of representatives of the ethnic minorities about the new place of residence and the host society. In any situation the influence of these factors may be multifaceted or combined, but determinant in any case. Thus, the process of intergroup polarisation has not yet caused permanent perceptual defects and may be amenable to change depending on the particular nature of ethnic contact and the specific migration situation

    Ethno-confessional group of the kryashens: Transformation of identity and modern ethno-cultural processes

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    © 2015 the author(s). The research problem appears to be relevant due to the current mobility of ethnic and religious boundaries. It requires rapid response from the researchers for the purpose of obtaining objective knowledge and implementation of the received information into the public discourse. The aim of this study is to identify the current ethno-social and ethno-cultural needs that are present in the environment of the modern Kryashen population of the Republic of Tatarstan. The analyzed materials were obtained through the methods of large-scale survey, as well as in-depth interviews and focus groups. As a result of the data structuring, the elements of ethnic identity of the representatives of the Tatarstan Kryashen population were formalized and ranked. Furthermore, the author's interpretation of the studied phenomenon is introduced. The article can be useful for ethnologists, social and cultural anthropologists, political scientists, and representatives of the authorities and institutions responsible for the management of interethnic cooperation

    Ethnic identity and ethno-cultural needs of the modern Russian rural population of tatarstan (based on ethno-sociological research)

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    © Serials Publications. The relevance of the problem under investigation is determined by the following correlation activity: the degree of actualization of ethno-cultural needs and the overall level of ethnic mobilization define a comfort / discomfort level in the ethnic field. The paper aimes at analyzing the degree of actualization of ethnic identity among the Russian rural population, identification and structuring of ethno-cultural needs, and the subsequent determination of the general level of ethnic mobilization of the given group. A polyparadigmatic approach is used to study the problem as the basic approach, supplemented by certain provisions of the theory of cultural boundaries and the theory of social construction, taking into account the historical and cultural component of a particular social reality. The following field methods are implemented within the study: mass semi-formalized interview and structured in-depth interview. The paper identifies "de-materialisation" of ethnic culture and its reformatting into a social construct with symbolic capital as the main content of modern ethno-social processes. In the meantime, these processes are less intense and have their own characteristic aspects in rural environment. It is proved that ethnic and cultural needs of the Russians living in Tatarstan are stable and have no tendency for further expansion. In this regard, one can speak of the absence of significant motivators of ethnic mobilization in the group. Data discussed in the paper can be useful for social anthropologists (ethnologists), sociologists, demographers, regional ethnographers when studying local and regional communities

    Look into the camera: Scientists and photographers in the Kazan province in the end of the xix century

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    © Serials Publications.The relevance of the study of photography as source lies in the fact that with the onset of digital technologies a lot of things considerably change in ways of fixing, the idea of approach of an era of "post-photo" is even more often introduced. The purpose of article is the analysis of a situation of creation of the forwarding photo during formation of photo equipment. The leading approach to the research of this problem is interdisciplinary approach as it allows to consider social realities in the context of historical and cultural changes. The article shows the role of photographic practices of the Kazan scientists and photographers in the context of Imperial development at the turn of XIX - XX centuries, the main planes of interaction of scientists and photographers are defined; the role of photography in the development of science and ideological politics is shown. A special attention in article is paid to interrelation of science and museum as the material bases of Ethnography. In article the characteristic is given to collected collections. Materials of article can be useful for researchers of media, history of science and cultural studies, museum staff and anyone who is interested in the topic


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    In the article we describe different modern methods of estimation of liver fibrosis at chronic viral hepatitis and their role in clinical practice.В настоящем обзоре приведены различные современные методы оценки фиброза печени при хронических вирусных гепатитах и показана их роль в клинической практике

    Polarization switching effects in thin BZT films

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    This work was supported by the RFBR grant N 18-32-00092_mol-a

    Characterisation of adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles released pre- and post-adipogenesis

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are submicron vesicles released from many cell types, including adipocytes. EVs are implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity-driven cardiovascular disease, although the characteristics of adipocyte-derived EVs are not well described. We sought to define the characteristics of adipocyte-derived EVs before and after adipogenesis, hypothesising that adipogenesis would affect EV structure, molecular composition and function. Using 3T3-L1 cells, EVs were harvested at day 0 and day 15 of differentiation. EV and cell preparations were visualised by electron microscopy and EVs quantified by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). EVs were then assessed for annexin V positivity using flow cytometry; lipid and phospholipid composition using 2D thin layer chromatography and gas chromatography; and vesicular protein content by an immuno-phenotyping assay. Pre-adipogenic cells are connected via a network of protrusions and EVs at both time points display classic EV morphology. EV concentration is elevated prior to adipogenesis, particularly in exosomes and small microvesicles. Parent cells contain higher proportions of phosphatidylserine (PS) and show higher annexin V binding. Both cells and EVs contain an increased proportion of arachidonic acid at day 0. PREF-1 was increased at day 0 whilst adiponectin was higher at day 15 indicating EV protein content reflects the stage of adipogenesis of the cell. Our data suggest that EV production is higher in cells before adipogenesis, particularly in vesicles <300 nm. Cells at this time point possess a greater proportion of PS (required for EV generation) whilst corresponding EVs are enriched in signalling fatty acids, such as arachidonic acid, and markers of adipogenesis, such as PREF-1 and PPARγ