119 research outputs found

    Sub-collision hyperfine structure of nonlinear-optical resonance with field scanning

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    Some experimental evidences for methane are produced that the simple transition from frequency scanning of nonlinear-optical resonances to magnetic one may be accompanied with transition from sub-Doppler collisionally broadened structure to sub-collision hyperfine one. It is conditioned by nonlinearity of splitting of hyperfine sublevel for molecules in the adiabatically varied magnetic field and respectively breaking the analogy of magnetic and frequency scannings. The exact calculation of the resonance structure is considered for molecules with only one spin subsystem. The approximately spin-additive calculation of the structure is given for sufficiently fast rotating molecules with greater number of spin subsystems. Within the same approximation an example of hyperfine doubling in the magnetic and electric spectra of nonlinear-optical resonance is considered for fluoromethane.Comment: 56 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in J. Mol. Spectrosc

    Aneutronic pB-Reaction in Magnetized Inertial Confined Plasma of Laser-Accelerated Particles

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    A brief review on studies aimed at initiating a neutronless nuclear reaction between protons and boron nuclei is presented. The least energy-cost of a currently known approach to ignition of pB reaction is proposed using a petawatt laser for producing a magnetized plasma of laser-accelerated ions and electrons as well as using a terawatt laser for inertial confinement of such a plasma

    Laser irradiated foam targets: absorption and radiative properties

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    An experimental campaign to characterize the laser radiation absorption of foam targets and the subsequent emission of radiation from the produced plasma was carried out in the ABC facility of the ENEA Research Center in Frascati (Rome). Different targets have been used: plastic in solid or foam state and aluminium targets. The activated different diagnostics allowed to evaluate the plasma temperature, the density distribution, the fast particle spectrum and the yield of the X-Ray radiation emitted by the plasma for the different targets. These results confirm the foam homogenization action on laser-plasma interaction, mainly attributable to the volume absorption of the laser radiation propagating in such structured materials. These results were compared with simulation absorption models of the laser propagating into a foam target

    Theory of nuclear spin conversion in ethylene

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    First theoretical analysis of the nuclear spin conversion in ethylene molecules (13^CCH4) has been performed. The conversion rate was found equal approx. 3x10^{-4} 1/s*Torr, which is in qualitative agreement with the recently obtained experimental value. It was shown that the ortho-para mixing in 13^CCH4 is dominated by the spin-rotation coupling. Mixing of only two pairs of ortho-para levels were found to contribute significantly to the spin conversion.Comment: 20 pages, 5 eps figure


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    The possibilities of new voltammetric sensors based on glassy carbon electrodes modified by the composites of polyarylenephthalide with melamine, cyanuric acid, α- and β-cyclodextrins for the determination of propranolol enantiomers in the model solutions of pharmaceutical and biological fluids were studied. The electrochemical and analytical characteristics of voltammograms of propranolol enantiomers and their pharmaceutical dosage forms on the modified electrodes were obtained. The voltamperograms of the propranolol enantiomers on these electrodes differ among themselves both in the values of the instantaneous currents and in the potentials of oxidation. The proposed sensors allowed determining the propranolol enantiomers in a racemic mixture and in a mixture with the predominance of one of the enantiomers. The dependence of the analytical signal on the concentration of propranolol was linear in the range from 0.021 to 0.675 mM, the detection limit was (5.28÷8.37)×10-6М in the solutions of enantiomers and (2.75÷5.57)×10-5М in pharmaceutical dosage forms respectively. The relative standard deviation for the pure solutions of propranolol enantiomers ranged from 0.011 to 0.064, and for pharmaceutical dosage forms of propranolol it ranged from 0.022 to 0.109. The auxiliary substances did not have a significant interfering effect. The developed enantioselective sensors were used for the determination of propranolol enantiomers in the biological fluids. The statistical evaluation of the results by the "spiked -found" method indicated that there was no significant systematic error. The relative standard deviation in the determination of propranolol enantiomers ranged from 0.071 to 0.109 in the urine, and from 0.116 to 0.146 in the plasma.Keywords: enantiomers, propranolol, voltammetry, polyarylenephthalide, melamine, cyanuric acid, cyclodextrins, composite electrodes, auxiliary substances, biological fluids DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.012(Russian)R.A. Zilberg, Yu.A. Yarkaeva, Yu.R. Provorova, V.Yu. Gus’kov, V.N. MaistrenkoBashkir State University, Zaki Validi str. 32, Ufa, 450076, Russian FederationНовые вольтамперометрические сенсоры на основе стеклоуглеродных электродов, модифицированных композитами полиариленфталида с меламином, циануровой кислотой, α- и β-циклодекстринами, применены для определения энантиомеров пропранолола в рацемических смесях, модельных растворах лекарственных форм, плазме крови и моче. Изучены электрохимические и аналитические характеристики предложенных сенсоров при регистрации дифференциально-импульсных вольтамперограмм энантиомеров пропранолола. На полученных вольтамперограммах наблюдаются различия между энантиомерами пропранолола как по величинам мгновенных токов, так и по потенциалам окисления. Предложенные сенсоры позволяют проводить определение энантиомеров пропранолола в рацемической смеси и в смеси с преобладанием одного из энантиомеров. Изучено также влияние присутствующих в лекарственных формах в различных сочетаниях и концентрациях вспомогательных веществ на чувствительность сенсоров к энантиомерам пропранолола. Показано, что зависимость аналитического сигнала от концентрации линейна в диапазоне от 0.021 до 0.675 мМ с пределами обнаружения (5.28÷8.37)·10-6 М и (2.75÷5.57)·10-5 М в исходных растворах и модельных растворах лекарственных формах соответственно. Относительное стандартное отклонение для модельных растворов энантиомеров пропранолола изменяется в пределах от 0.011 до 0.064, а для лекарственных форм – от 0.022 до 0.109, вспомогательные вещества не оказывают существенного мешающего влияния на результаты определений. Относительное стандартное отклонение при определении энантиомеров пропранолола в моче изменяется в пределах 0.071 – 0.109, а в плазме крови – от 0.116 до 0.146. Статистическая оценка результатов определений методом «введено-найдено»        свидетельствует об отсутствии значимой систематической погрешности.Ключевые слова: энантиомеры, пропранолол, вольтамперометрия, полиариленфталид, меламин, циануровая кислота, циклодекстрины, композитные электроды, вспомогательные вещества, биологические жидкостиDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.01

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Original Designs of Immediate-Prostheses after Multiple Tooth Extraction: Clinical Cases

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    Background. Rehabilitation of patients with chronic periodontal diseases leading to multiple tooth loss can be carried out using the method of immediate prosthetics. However, the likelihood of atrophy of denture-supporting tissues under non-physiological load with removable dental prostheses imposes special requirements for their design features.Case description. Two patients seeking for dental surgical and prosthetic treatment for the diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis were treated in the dental clinic of Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov. Patient A. was mounted immediate prostheses made using additive technologies with the original design of the drug reservoir. Patient B. was mounted immediate prostheses with bases made of acrylic plastic, border ring of elastic polymer, and a drug reservoir made of polymethyl methacrylate. Patients underwent tooth extraction with immediate prosthetics. Patients were followed for 21 days. Criteria for the effectiveness of treatment included visual and palpatory control of extraction sites with a planimetric wound size analysis, assessment of microcirculation at the extraction site, control of the drug persistence in the reservoirs of prostheses.Conclusion. The observations at the stages of prosthodontic treatment revealed that immediate prostheses made with the help of 3D modeling and printing technologies resulted in a normal course of healing after tooth extraction with the normalization of microcirculatory parameters at the surgical wound sites. When using combined prosthetic structures, healing of postoperative wounds also proceeded favorably, however, congestion in the microcirculatory system was noted

    Using of X-pinch as a source in X-ray radiography studying of initial stage of wire explosion

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    A wire explosion in a gaseous and condensed media extends possibilities of study of phase transitions of the wire material. We studied the influence of the external media (air, water and oil) on the explosion of Cu, Ni and W wires of diameter 10…50 µm. Wires were exploded by the current pulse with the rise time from 200 to 300 ns and the amplitude up to 10 kA. The pulse was produced by a generator based on a low-inductance capacitor, the discharge voltage being 20 kV. Experimental results are discussed on obtaining the wire explosion images in gaseous and liquid media with the help of hard X-ray radiation of an X-pinch in the BIN facility. Exploded wires were placed outside the BIN vacuum chamber and images were registered on the film without magnification. Spatial resolution was limited by film grain structure, and reached 20…30 µm. Spectral range of the imaging radiation (15… 30 keV) was determined by vacuum chamber window material, film sensitivity and thickness of the media where wire was exploded. Temporal resolution was about 10…20 ns and depended on X-pinch wire material and thickness.Исследование взрыва проволочек в газообразной и конденсированной среде позволяет получать информацию о фазовых переходах в материале проволочки. Мы исследовали влияние внешней среды (воздух, вода, масло) на взрыв проволочек диаметром 30…50 мкм из Cu, Ni и W. Взрыв проволочек осуществлялся импульсом тока с фронтом 200…300 нс и амплитудой до 10 кА, формируемым в накопителе на основе низкоиндуктивного конденсатора, заряжаемого до напряжения 20 кВ. Изображения проволочек в газообразной и жидкой средах регистрировались на пленке без увеличения по жесткому рентгеновскому излучению, генерируемому в X-пинче установки БИН. Пространственное разрешение изображений ограничивалось структурой пленки и составляло 20…30 мкм. Спектральный состав излучения (15…30 кэВ) зависел от параметров выводного окна, чувствительности пленки и толщины среды, внутри которой находилась проволочка. Временное разрешение составляло 10…20 нс и зависело от материала и толщины излучающей нагрузки X-пинча. Работа выполнена при частичной поддержке РФФИ по грантам 05-02-17533, 04-02-17292, МНТЦ по проекту 2151 и субконтракту с Корнельским университетом США по проекту DE-PC03-2NA 0057.Дослідження вибуху дротиків у газоподібному й конденсованому середовищі дозволяє одержувати інформацію про фазові переходи в матеріалі дротика. Ми досліджували вплив зовнішнього середовища (повітря, вода, масло) на вибух дротиків діаметром 30...50 мкм із Cu, Nі і W. Вибух дротиків здійснювався імпульсом струму із фронтом 200...300 нс і амплітудою до 10 кА, сформованим у накопичувачі на основі низькоіндуктивного конденсатора, що заряджається до напруги 20 кВ. Зображення дротиків у газоподібному і рідкому середовищах реєструвалися на плівці без збільшення по твердому рентгенівському випромінюванню, генеруємому в X-пінче установки БІН. Просторове розділення зображень обмежувалось структурою плівки і становило 20...30 мкм. Спектральний склад випромінювання (15...30 кеВ) залежав від параметрів вивідного вікна, чутливості плівки і товщини середовища, усередині якого перебував дротик. Часове розділення становило 10...20 нс і залежало від матеріалу і товщини випромінюючого навантаження X-пінча. Робота виконана при частковій підтримці РФФІ по грантах 05-02-17533, 04-02-17292, МНТЦ по проекту 2151 і субконтракту з Корнельським університетом США по проекту DE-PC03-2NA 0057

    Management of the Investigation and Detection of Legionellosis Agent in the Environmental Samples during the Preparation and Holding of the XXII Winter Olympics and XI Paralympics in Sochi

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    Provided are the data on the management and carrying out of the laboratory control over the hot-water supply systems of the sports venues and accommodation areas for the presence of Legionella pneumophila during the XXII Olympics and XI Paralympics in Sochi, 2014. Inspected have been 105 facilities. The samples from 37 of them showed positive. L. pneumophila DNA concentration varies between 2.19·102 and 3.92·107 genome equivalents (g.e.)/l. By means of bacteriological investigation detected have been legionella colonies in the water supply systems of 16 facilities, at one of the items - the loading is over 1·104 colony-forming units/l. Performed has been comparative analysis of the results obtained using PCR assay and bacteriological test. Based on the genotyping of 7 isolated strains serogroup 1 and 2 strains of 2-14 serogroups it is concluded that L. pneumophila strains circulating in the resort town Sochi are genetically heterogeneous