6 research outputs found

    Colour Classification Using Entropy Algorithm in Real Time Colour Recognition System for Blindness People

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    This article describes the real time instrumentation system to help blindness people for recognize a colour. Colour image captured by the digital camera, and it classified into ten basic colours names (black, brown, cyan, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, magenta, gray and white) by using entropy algorithm. The conclusion of colour classification will be informed to the user in sound or vocal information. This study has used two colour models HSV (hue, saturation and value) and RGB (red, green and blue). The accuracy of Classification using HSV has 90%, and RGB model has 71.5%

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Aki dan Komponen Elektronik sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Ramah Lingkungan

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    UTILIZATION OF ACCU WASTE AND ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AS AN ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY ELECTRICAL ENERGY SOURCE. This community service is a form of community development activity in the utilization of Accu waste and electronic components as an alternative energy source for mini-inverters. The mini-inverter module is made using the Joule Thief method. This method is able to increase low electric power from a 1.5-volt battery source into AC alternating current that can turn on LED lights. The service activity will be carried out in Hajimena Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency in August 2020. This community service activity was attended by 32 participants. Each service participant has been fostered and guided about the process of making mini-inverter modules from waste batteries and components that are no longer used so that they are ready to use and suitable for use and of economic value. The components used in the manufacture of mini-inverters are all obtained from components from AKI and used electronic components as alternative energy sources. With this activity, it is hoped that the partner community will understand how to utilize waste that is difficult to decompose into ready-to-sell goods

    Rancang Bangun Sel Fotoakustik untuk Spektroskopi Fotoakustik Laser Dioda

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    Pada penelitian ini telah dibangun sel fotoakustik yang terdiri dari tabung resonansi dan sistem mikrofon. Mikrofon diintegrasikan pada tabung resonansi yang ada di dalam sel fotoakustik. Sistem mikrofon fotoakustik yang dibangun, dilakukan pengujian kelurusan tabung dan keluaran sinyal fotoakustik dari sistem mikrofon. Sel fotoakustik yang dibangun dapat digunakan sebagai wadah sampel spektroskopi fotoakustik dengan gas sebagai sampel. Sumber laser yang digunakan yaitu laser dioda inframerah dengan panjang gelombang 808 nm. Sinar laser yang telah dimodulasi dengan frekuensi audio 100 Hz – 20 kHz masuk ke sel fotoakustik sehingga menimbulkan perubahan tekanan di dalam tabung resonansi. Perubahan tekanan inilah yang ditangkap oleh mikrofon yang dianggap sebagai sinyal akustik. Keluaran sinyal dari mikrofon berkisar 0-0,03 mV. Hasil pengujian didapatkan frekuensi modulasi pada udara biasa sebesar 1600 ± 100 Hz dan faktor kualitas sel fotoakustik 4

    Desain dan Realisasi Akumulator Elektrolit Air Laut dengan Penambahan Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif

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    Penelitian tentang karakteristik elektrik sel elektrokimia dengan elektrolit air laut dengan penambahan NaHCO3 menggunakan elektroda Cu-Zn telah dilakukan. Sistem elektrokimia ini dirancang agar dapat dilakukan penggantian elektrolit air laut tanpa membuat elektroda yang digunakan terpapar udara secara langsung. Pengukuran karakteristik elektrik  meliputi tegangan, arus, dan  daya, serta luminasi yang dihasilkan beban LED 1,2 watt. Penelitian ini melakukan perbandingan karakteristik elektrik sel elektrokimia dengan dan dengan tanpa penambahan NaHCO3. Pengukuran dilakukan selama 5 hari (120 jam) dengan penggantian elektrolit setiap 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem elektrokimia  dengan penambahan NaHCO3 mampu menyalakan LED lebih lama (5 hari) dibandingkan dengan tanpa penambahan NaHCO3 yang hanya mampu menyalakan LED selama 3 hari. Laju korosi pada elektroda Cu-Zn tanpa penambahan NaHCO3 semakin lama digunakan semakin besar, sedangkan dengan penambahan NaHCO3 tidak terjadi korosi

    Electrochemical Performance of Galvanic Cell with Silver Coated Cathode in One Compartment System Using Seawater as Electrolyte

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    This research was carried out to evaluate the electrochemical performance of a galvanic cell using seawater as an electrolyte. The cell was designed to have a volume of 200 mL and equipped with Zn as an anode and Ag-coated Cu as a cathode (Cu(Ag)-Zn system) in order to suppress the corrosion of Cu. As a comparison, the same experiment with the use of uncoated Cu as a cathode (Cu-Zn system) was also conducted. To conduct the experiment, a system was assembled by connecting 20 cells in series and placed in a closed container filled with seawater. The experiment was run for 72 hours, divided into three 24-hour cycles, by replacing the seawater every 24 hours. The performance of the system was evaluated in terms of open circuit voltage, close circuit voltage, current, light intensity, internal resistance, and power. The experimental results show that the corrosion rate of Cu coated with silver was smaller than that of uncoated Cu. Compared to the performance of the Cu-Zn system, it was also found that the Cu(Ag)-Zn system produced higher power and light intensity, which is in accordance with its smaller internal resistance. The overall experimental results indicate better performance of Cu(Ag)-Zn system and this better performance is attributed to the significantly lower corrosion rate of Cu(Ag) cathode which signifies the role of Ag layer to protect the Cu from attack by seawater. As a result, the Cu(Ag)-Zn system maintained the cathode corrosion rate with a ratio of 0.19. The percentage decrease of the OCV of the Cu(Ag)-Zn system was 6.14%, the CCV on the third day was 0.99%, the current was 36.68%, and the power was 37.83%