6 research outputs found

    Innovative Technologies in The Formation of Future English Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence

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    The article deals with the innovative teaching technologies as a means of the formation of English language communication competence as an important component of future English teachers’ professionalism. The experiment was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of using a set of innovative teaching technologies for the development of the above mentioned competence and involved 50 third-year students majoring in English philology who were divided into experimental and control groups. The following exercises were used in the survey as the examples of interactive teaching technologies: “Microphone”, “Brainstorm”, “Teaching and learning”, “Associative bush”, “Guess the question”, “Different perception”, “Describe my favorite cultural tradition”, “Idioms and proverbs”, “Pros and cons corners”, “Do you know the person?”, What’s appropriate?”. According to the research results, the applied techniques contribute to the development of students’ communicative competence development and also encourage them for self-development

    Pedagogy of Argumentation: Teaching the Skills of Argumentation to Older Teens

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    The article deals with the problem of training future teachers to teach older teens the ability of argumentation as an intellectual and communicative activity. The authors analyze the specifics of the training of future teachers in higher education institutions; the process of formation of the competence of teaching the ability of argumentation; the development of pedagogy of argumentation in higher education institutions. The current stage of the education system development requires improving the level of teachers’ training. The problem of professional competence of future teachers who acquire the method of teaching students the ability of argument is relevant. At the same time, there is a need to develop a special professional quality of the future teacher–to be able to defend their own point of view, to formulate theses, to effectively build a system of arguments during communication. So, the issue has a complex character–university students should be taught pedagogical argumentation, they should be equipped with the corresponding technique in order their future pupils gain an opportunity to realize successfully the structure of argumentation both in written and spoken communication. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of teaching methods used at secondary school when forming pupils’ ability of argumentation. This paper aims to identify the main approaches to teaching argumentation, to find out the level of future teachers’ readiness to teach students the ability of argumentation, to develop an experimental method of teaching pedagogy of argumentation and check its results. We conducted an experimental study with 44 students

    Methods of Hydrokinesis Therapy for Children 3-5 Years with Cerebral Palsy of Spastic Form

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    Today there is a need to develop a method of hydrokinesis therapy as a means of gradual formation of motor skills in children with spastic diplegia of cerebral palsy of the chronic-residual stage of the disease in a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation. The purpose of the study is to develop a method of hydrokinesis therapy for children 3-5 years with cerebral palsy of spastic form. The main novelties of the developed technique of hydrokinesis therapy: development of application of complexes of exercises in hydrokinesis therapy, which differs in structure from the generally accepted methods for patients with cerebral palsy of spastic form in the chronic-residual stage of the disease; combination of means of physical rehabilitation with the technique of hydrokinesis therapy during the annual cycle. The study involved 24 children 3-5 years of age with a diagnosis of "cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia" of the chronic-residual stage of the disease of moderate severity. To achieve this goal, theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature were used; pedagogical experiment and observation; medical and biological methods (used anthropometry and Pinier index; goniometry, assessment of basic motor functions (ABMF) on the Likert scale, muscle tone on the Ashfort scale, muscle strength on the Lovett scale; assessment of manipulative activity and speed response of the hands on trapping- the test made it possible to determine the level of development of fine motor skills); sociological methods (surveys of parents on questionnaires of social and emotional state and level of children's play activities); methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the actual experimental material, assess the reliability of the data. There were significant (p &lt;0.01) changes in the indicators of social and emotional state in children with main group (MG) by 15.5%, in comparative group (CG) - by 11.7%, and there was a slight improvement in play activity in children with MG by 9.6%, in CG - by 5.75%. The developed method of hydrokinesiotherapy is effective and helps to improve the functions of general and fine motor skills, socio-emotional state and the level of activity of play activities of children 3-5 years with cerebral palsy of spastic form.</p

    Current issues of security management during martial law

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that toensuring the country’s security in the conditions of military aggression, it is necessary to use the mechanisms of protection of territories and population, support of economic entities, international legal levers of influence on the aggressor country. Basic research focuses on assessment the resource potential of enterprises during martial law, the analysis of migration flows in the middle of the country and abroad, the volume of food exports, marketing and logistics system. The research results have been implemented in the different decision-making models during martial law, information and economic security management, formation of personnel potential and assets of enterprises, food, energy and environmental security management, use of budgetary levers and financial instruments. The results of the study can be used in the developing of directions, programs and strategies for the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy and the attraction of foreign investments in the regions, decision-making at the level of ministries and agencies that regulate security management processes. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in the educational process and conducting scientific research on the problems of ensuring the country’s security


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    The article considers teaching English phonetics to future interpreters with mobile learning in the light of the competence approach. The authors analyse the possibilities of applying mobile learning as an additional source and demonstrates the feasibility of its implementation in teaching English phonetics. The primary aim of this research is to examine the effectiveness of m-learning on the development of future interpreters’ English phonetic competence. Such activities used in mobile learning as “Group Mind Mapping of Key Phonetic Issues”, “Creating Event-Glide Calendar as a Guide of a Coursework”, “E-Presentations on Teaching and Learning Phonetics”, “Real-Time Testing”, “Public Pronunciation Assessment”, “Different Perception” are described and analysed. During the pedagogical experiment, the criteria (cognitive; pragmatic; reflective), indicators, and levels (high, average and low) of the formation of future interpreters’ English phonetic competence through mobile learning were determined. 50 students of the Faculty of English philology and methodology of teaching English at Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University took part in the experiment. The results prove that applying mobile learning in teaching English phonetics provides an opportunity to increase the level of English phonetic competence of future interpreters as well as encourages them for self-development and creative work