11 research outputs found

    Pedoman penggalian dan perwujudan nilai akhlak mulia di Sekolah Dasar (SD)

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    Tahun 2045 bangsa Indonesia akan mencapai usia kemerdekaan 100 tahun. Di tahun itu bangsa ini berharap akan menjadi bangsa dan negara Indonesia yang maju, berdaulat, adil, dan makmur berdasarkan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Sebuah bangsa yang sejajar dan sederajat di antara bangsa-bangsa maju lainnya, memiliki kekayaan yang dikelola dan dinikmati oleh bangsa sendiri secara adil merata, serta menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam pembangunan negeri demi terwujudnya kesejahteraan dan kedamaian dunia. Untuk meraih mimpi tersebut, dibutuhkan generasi bangsa Indonesia yang berkarakter atau berakhlak mulia dan cerdas. Untuk itu diperlukan komitmen dan tanggung jawab dari seluruh komponen bangsa sejak hari ini. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia menjadi salah satu lembaga negara yang bertanggung jawab dalam membentuk dan membangun generasi emas tersebut. Melalui berbagai program strategis di Kementerian, yang salah satunya diimplementasikannya Kurikulum 2013 diharapkan pembangunan generasi emas ini terwujud. Buku ini bertujuan dapat menjadi buku pedoman praktis bagi sekolah sekaligus buku penunjang implementasi kurikulum 2013 dalam upaya membina akhlak mulia peserta didik di seluruh tanah air. Ada 5 (lima) judul buku yang saling terkait dan melengkapi dalam penggalian dan perwujudan akhlak mulia peserta didik. Secara khusus buku ini bertujuan mendorong seluruh SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK di tanah air dalam membangun budaya sekolah dan mengelola kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang berbasis pada pembentukan akhlak mulia peserta didik

    Metafora Waktu dan Penalaran Temporal dalam Perspektif Budaya Waktu

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    Time is an abstract concept that can be understood by making an analogy or a metaphor from a more concrete concept such as a spatial construct. Previous studies found that people from different cultures and languages constructed time movement differently. In addition, the use of specific time metaphor tends to activate different type of temporal reasoning. Time metaphor studies related to Indonesian’s culture and language are still limited. Although it is known that Indonesians tend to use different temporal reasoning compare to other countries, how their time metaphors may have impact on their temporal reasoning is still unknown. It is then important to further investigate the effect of time metaphor on time reasoning particularly in different cultural contexts and how it may have impact on people behavior. This paper will discuss some findings in the topic of time metaphor and temporal reasoning, including the influence of culture on time conception

    Analysis of Interaction between Preferences and Intention for Determining the Behavior of Vehicle Maintenance Pay as a Basis for Transportation Road Safety Assessment

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    In transportation science, the individual’s willingness to pay (WTP) to decrease the number of fatal traffic accidents is one approach to determining the value of road safety (VRS). Such an approach can be performed with the stated preference method, which refers to the concept of preferences contained in microeconomic theory. The concept explains that humans’ behavior is based on their preferences. Researchers have criticized this method because an individual’s preference does not necessarily reflect one’s behavior (B). However, in psychology, this is known as the theory of planned behavior (TPB), which states that human behavior is formed on the basis of intention (I). Until now, VRS determination has lacked an instrument to control the suitability of preference value, which respondents may provide in contrast to their actual behavior; therefore, VRS determination is exposed to potential bias. The purpose of this research is to make intention an instrument for controlling and analyzing the interactions between the preferences and intentions of road users in determining the behavior of paying for vehicle maintenance as a basis for determining VRS. The analytical technique used to analyze the interaction is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research data was obtained through the distribution of a survey form regarding the preferences and intentions of toll road users in Indonesia. The number of samples in this research model were 250 respondents, consisting of 175 men and 75 women who met the criteria for research subjects. Based on the SEM analysis, I had a more significant effect on B than on WTP (63.1% > 35.2%) in correcting the determination of VRS

    Peran Norma Deskriptif dan Kepribadian terhadap Perilaku Melawan Arah pada Pengendara Sepeda Motor

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    This study aims to investigate the role of descriptive norms and personality traits in predicting contraflow riding behavior among motorcyclists. A correlational study was conducted to 156 riders who have the active riding licenses, aged 17 to 51 years old. Participants was given validated scenarios to measure descriptive norm and the contraflow riding behavior, and the Indonesian adapted version of the Big Five self-report to measure extraversion and conscientiousness traits. The results show that descriptive norms have a significant role in predicting contraflow riding behavior. Age has also a significant role in predicting contraflow riding behavior.  When the riders perceived that many riders perform contraflow behavior and the younger their age, they are more likely to perform the contraflow riding behavior. Based on this study, the policy makers should make a serious effort in developing the descriptive norms to reduce contraflow riding behavior, especially among young motorcyclists

    Effect of Signs Types on Level of Traffic Signs Understanding of Motorcyclists

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    Insufficient comprehension of traffic signs among motorcyclists is a contributing factor to traffic accidents. Furthermore, the ability to comprehend these signs is closely tied to the cognitive process of accurately interpreting the information conveyed, with one of the key influencing factors being the representation of signs themselves.  Therefore, this research aimed to examine the effect of sign types on the understanding of traffic signs, utilizing an experimental research approach that employed a between-subject, randomized multi-group design. A sample of 80 motorcyclists aged 17-25 residing in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas was involved in the research. Participants were exposed to ten unfamiliar warning signs displayed on a computer, presented in three different formats, namely symbol, text, and symbol + text. Understanding of traffic signs was measured by level of signs comprehension (accuracy). The results showed that signs types significantly affected understanding of traffic signs. Furthermore, text and symbol + text signs resulted in higher level of understanding compared to symbols. The research implied the need for textual elements in the designs of warning signs to optimize understanding of traffic signs among motorcyclists

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy Compare to Campaign Advertisement Programs in Reducing Aggressive Driving Behavior

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    This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of three intervention programs, i.e. CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), humor appeal advertisements (positive ads), and fear appeal advertisements (negative ads) in reducing aggressive driving behavior. 196 young adults age between 18–35 years old, who are considered to be at risk in performing aggressive driving behavior had completed four self report inventories. The four inventories measures perception on traffic conditions, degree of frustration, anger emotion, and driving behavior. Analysis of mix factorial desigm shows that CBT intervention program is more effective than the advertising intervention program, particularly in reducing the degree of frustration and emotional upset. However, no significant difference between humor appeal and fear appeal advertisements in reducing the level of frustration and anger emotion. Moreover, CBT program as well as the other two advertising intervention programs is not sufficient enough to reduce driving behavior. Based on the A-BC Theory of Emotonal Arousal proposed by Ellis, this result indicates that safety driving behavior (factor C) among young drivers cannot be achieved through these intervention programs, although their belief and emotion (factor B) has been changed. This study implies that other modification behavior technique, i.e. strong penalty from the authority (police) is needed to encourage safer driving behavior of Indonesian young driver.Keywords: aggressive driving behavior, CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), fear appeal advertisement, humor appeal advertisement, young adult drive

    Teknik Penulisan Laporan Penelitian Kualitatif

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    15,5 x 23,5 cm; ii 87 hl

    Teknik penulisan laporan penelitian kualitatif/ Santoso

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    vi, 87 hal.: ilus., tab.; 24 c

    Teknik penulisan laporan penelitian kualitatif/ Santoso

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    vi, 87 hal.: ilus., tab.; 24 c

    Group decision quality, conscientiousness and competition

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    This experimental study examined the effects of conscientiousness and competition on group decision quality. The participants of this study (240 undergraduate students, 175 females, and 65 males) were divided into 40 groups of High-conscientiousness (HC) traits and 40 groups of Low-conscientiousness (LC) traits. Each group consisted of three people. The task was to make a group decision in two different settings, with and without competition. The exact logistic regression showed that HC personality significantly increased the risk of bad group decisions. It is likely that the inability of the HC group to adapt their strategy in problem-solving inhibits their performance in producing the quality group decision. The competition condition does not affect the quality. Nevertheless, there is an interaction effect of conscientiousness and competition in influencing the quality of group decisions