50,752 research outputs found

    Vibrations and stresses in layered anisotropic cylinders

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    An equation describing the radial displacement in a k layered anisotropic cylinder was obtained. The cylinders are initially unstressed but are subjected to either a time dependent normal stress or a displacement at the external boundaries of the laminate. The solution is obtained by utilizing the Vodicka orthogonalization technique. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the procedure

    A transport coefficient: the electrical conductivity

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    I describe the lattice determination of the electrical conductivity of the quark gluon plasma. Since this is the first extraction of a transport coefficient with a degree of control over errors, I next use this to make estimates of other transport related quantities using simple kinetic theory formulae. The resulting estimates are applied to fluctuations, ultra-soft photon spectra and the viscosity. Dimming of ultra-soft photons is exponential in the mean free path, and hence is a very sensitive probe of transport.Comment: Talk given in ICPAQGP 2005, SINP, Kolkat

    Fe and N self-diffusion in non-magnetic Fe:N

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    Fe and N self-diffusion in non-magnetic FeN has been studied using neutron reflectivity. The isotope labelled multilayers, FeN/57Fe:N and Fe:N/Fe:15N were prepared using magnetron sputtering. It was remarkable to observe that N diffusion was slower compared to Fe while the atomic size of Fe is larger compared to N. An attempt has been made to understand the diffusion of Fe and N in non-magnetic Fe:N

    Laser-assisted solar cell metallization processing

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    Laser-assisted processing techniques for producing high-quality solar cell metallization patterns are being investigated, developed, and characterized. The tasks comprising these investigations are outlined

    The Chern-Simons Source as a Conformal Family and Its Vertex Operators

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    In a previous work, a straightforward canonical approach to the source-free quantum Chern-Simons dynamics was developed. It makes use of neither gauge conditions nor functional integrals and needs only ideas known from QCD and quantum gravity. It gives Witten's conformal edge states in a simple way when the spatial slice is a disc. Here we extend the formalism by including sources as well. The quantum states of a source with a fixed spatial location are shown to be those of a conformal family, a result also discovered first by Witten. The internal states of a source are not thus associated with just a single ray of a Hilbert space. Vertex operators for both abelian and nonabelian sources are constructed. The regularized abelian Wilson line is proved to be a vertex operator. We also argue in favor of a similar nonabelian result. The spin-statistics theorem is established for Chern-Simons dynamics even though the sources are not described by relativistic quantum fields. The proof employs geometrical methods which we find are strikingly transparent and pleasing. It is based on the research of European physicists about ``fields localized on cones.'

    2+1 Einstein Gravity as a Deformed Chern-Simons Theory

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    The usual description of 2+1 dimensional Einstein gravity as a Chern-Simons (CS) theory is extended to a one parameter family of descriptions of 2+1 Einstein gravity. This is done by replacing the Poincare' gauge group symmetry by a q-deformed Poincare' gauge group symmetry, with the former recovered when q-> 1. As a result, we obtain a one parameter family of Hamiltonian formulations for 2+1 gravity. Although formulated in terms of noncommuting dreibeins and spin-connection fields, our expression for the action and our field equations, appropriately ordered, are identical in form to the ordinary ones. Moreover, starting with a properly defined metric tensor, the usual metric theory can be built; the Christoffel symbols and space-time curvature having the usual expressions in terms of the metric tensor, and being represented by c-numbers. In this article, we also couple the theory to particle sources, and find that these sources carry exotic angular momentum. Finally, problems related to the introduction of a cosmological constant are discussed.Comment: Latex file, 26 pages, no figure

    Characterization and comparative evaluation of novel planar electromagnetic sensors

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    The characterization of three types of novel planar electromagnetic sensors: 1) meander; 2) mesh; and 3) interdigital configuration, has been studied and their comparative performance has been evaluated based on their areas of applications. All of them are suitable for inspection and evaluation of system properties without destroying them. The experiments on fabricated sensors have been conducted and the results are presented here. The target application is to use a mixture of different types of sensors to detect plasti

    Staggered fermion matrix elements using smeared operators

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    We investigate the use of two kinds of staggered fermion operators, smeared and unsmeared. The smeared operators extend over a 444^4 hypercube, and tend to have smaller perturbative corrections than the corresponding unsmeared operators. We use these operators to calculate kaon weak matrix elements on quenched ensembles at β=6.0\beta=6.0, 6.2 and 6.4. Extrapolating to the continuum limit, we find BK(NDR,2GeV)=0.62±0.02(stat)±0.02(syst)B_K(NDR, 2 GeV)= 0.62\pm 0.02(stat)\pm 0.02(syst). The systematic error is dominated by the uncertainty in the matching between lattice and continuum operators due to the truncation of perturbation theory at one-loop. We do not include any estimate of the errors due to quenching or to the use of degenerate ss and dd quarks. For the ΔI=3/2\Delta I = {3/2} electromagnetic penguin operators we find B7(3/2)=0.62±0.03±0.06B_7^{(3/2)} = 0.62\pm 0.03\pm 0.06 and B8(3/2)=0.77±0.04±0.04B_8^{(3/2)} = 0.77\pm 0.04\pm 0.04. We also use the ratio of unsmeared to smeared operators to make a partially non-perturbative estimate of the renormalization of the quark mass for staggered fermions. We find that tadpole improved perturbation theory works well if the coupling is chosen to be \alpha_\MSbar(q^*=1/a).Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, uses eps

    Detecting cold gas at intermediate redshifts: GMRT survey using Mg II systems

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    Intervening HI 21-cm absorption systems at z > 1.0 are very rare and only 4 confirmed detections have been reported in the literature. Despite their scarcity, they provide interesting and unique insights into the physical conditions in the interstellar medium of high-z galaxies. Moreover, they can provide independent constraints on the variation of fundamental constants. We report 3 new detections based on our ongoing Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) survey for 21-cm absorbers at 1.10< z_abs< 1.45 from candidate damped Lyman_alpha systems. The 21-cm lines are narrow for the z_abs = 1.3710 system towards SDSS J0108-0037 and z_abs = 1.1726 system toward SDSS J2358-1020. Based on line full-width at half maximum, the kinetic temperatures are <= 5200 K and <=800 K, respectively. The 21-cm absorption profile of the third system, z_abs =1.1908 system towards SDSS J0804+3012, is shallow, broad and complex, extending up to 100 km/s. The centroids of the 21-cm lines are found to be shifted with respect to the corresponding centroids of the metal lines derived from SDSS spectra. This may mean that the 21-cm absorption is not associated with the strongest metal line component.Comment: 13 pages with 5 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ