66 research outputs found

    Kangaroos and Dragons: The 1923 Chinese football tour of Australia

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    The 1923 tour of Australia by a Chinese soccer team generated considerable public attention. It was, and was intended to be, a series of events that places these athletes in contrast to prevailing stereotypes of the Chinese in Australia. Much more than a spectacle or curiosity, however, the tour provided an opportunity for a range of interests to advance their claims and to find, in relation to each other, new points of synthesis on the issues of race, class, immigration, trade and the place of the Australian nation in a post World War One context. This thesis offers an account of the tour and an analysis of the aspirations invested in it by its promoters, the press, businessmen, politicians, Chinese communities and spectators. The tour's impact is hard to assess, but its significance in reflecting this synthesis and these aspirations is considerable

    Beyond a cup of tea: Trade relationships between colonial Australia and China, 1860-1880

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    This thesis examines the trade relationships between China and colonial Australia between 1860 and 1880. At the time, the Australian continent was emerging from the boom created by the 1850s gold rushes in the colonies of Victoria and New South Wales. China had submitted to the debts incurred from the two Opium Wars and, through that, the creation of the Treaty Ports. New companies and export industries were being developed. Trade between Australia and China increased. The key products included coal from New South Wales, sandalwood from Western Australia and tea from China. Together, they created a flourishing trade environment. Attention in the China-Australia trade discourse has been overly restricted to the tea trade and the search for staples to pay for the tea. This thesis moves beyond this past bilateral consideration. Instead, it argues that a fuller understanding of the China–Australia trade relationship needs to be multifaceted and multi-national. Much bilateral trade was conducted via intermediary ports and traders, rather than directly between ports and traders in Australia and China. Further, complex payment and remittance systems involved firms based in an array of countries, including Great Britain, India and the United States. This thesis, thus, states the importance of analysing trade relationships within a multilateral focus. This thesis uses analysis at the transaction level to explain the prevalent multilateral relationships of this period. Archival records from England, the United States and Hong Kong supplement those in Australia to provide insights into the methods employed to complete transactions. This thesis provides history with an interpretation of the records relating to the China-Australia trade. It engages the correspondence and financial records of of key companies like Jardine Matheson & Co. of England, Augustine Heard & Co. and Russell & Co. of the United States and Robert Towns and Co. from Australia, among others, to interpret the transactions. Analysing trade at a transactional level requires an interdisciplinary approach that draws on insights from a mixture of historical sub-disciplines, including economic history, business history, maritime history, Australian history, China Treaty Port history, Chinese mercantile history and the histories of various commodities. All of these feature in this thesis under the umbrella of trade history to create a broader comprehension of port-to-port relationships. Interpreting at the transaction level moves this interdisciplinary study into an alternate realm, one that opens a better understanding of how each of its elements placed Australia within the global trade environment of the 1860s and 1870s

    Dominions apart:scandal and sporting mismatch in Australian-South African association football encounters, 1947-1955

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    South Africa, Australia and New Zealand participated in numerous sporting contests prior to World War Two. These encounters were primarily on cricket pitches and rugby fields. After nearly four decades of negotiations the first Association football matches were played between the three countries in 1947. The first tour of South Africa to Australia and New Zealand was plagued by scandals on and off the pitch, but despite this Australia returned the favour and toured South Africa three years later. Another five years would pass before South African returned to Australia, by which time it was clear that a large gulf had emerged between the two nations in terms of sporting ability and organisational efficiency. This article focuses on the three tours of 1947, 1950 and 1955, dissecting each as they occurred against a backdrop of scandal, organisational inefficiency and sporting mismatch

    ANALYZA – Datový sklad

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    Softwarová komponenta Datový sklad implementuje úložiště veškerých dat v systému ANALYZA, prakticky uložených ve formě (rozměrných) souborů, objektů a vazeb mezi nimi. Mimo uložení dat určených k analýze představuje Datový sklad i prostor, do kterého je možné ukládat mezivýsledky analytických operací – například v podobě rozšíření stávajících objektů o nové informace, atributy nebo i vytvořením zcela nových objektů či souborů. Hlavní důraz vytvořeného software je kladen na škálovatelnost, spolehlivost, rychlost a flexibilitu celého řešení. Kromě samotného datové skladu obsahuje archiv demonstraci doplňujícího software zajišťujícího propojení více Datových skladů (tzv. proxy komponenta) a demonstraci jejich plnění pomocí uživatelsky přívětivého prostředí.The Data Warehouse software component implements the storage of all data in the ANALZA system, practically stored in the form of (large) files, objects, and links between them. In addition to storing data for analysis, the Data Warehouse also represents a space in which it is possible to store intermediate results of analytical operations – for example, in the form of extending existing objects with new information, attributes, or creating entirely new objects or files. The primary emphasis of the created software is placed on the scalability, reliability, speed, and flexibility of the whole solution. In addition to the data warehouse itself, the archive contains additional demonstrator software ensuring the interconnection of several Data warehouses (proxy component) and demonstrator of data insertion using a user-friendly environment

    Role Královského námořnictva v proti-povstaleckých kampaní po roce 1945

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    The aim of this work is to prove that a navy can play an important role during a counter-insurgency campaign and be involved in many different tasks both at sea and from sea, particularly due to its flexibility, mobility and versatility. The main research question of the thesis is: what role can a navy play in a counter-insurgency campaign? The decision to focus on the role of the Royal Navy is based on the fact, that the Royal Navy is probably the most experienced navy in the world in the field of counter-insurgency. Five counter-insurgency campaigns were selected as case studies for this thesis, namely Palestine (1945-1948), Malaya (1948-1960), Cyprus (1954- 1958), Malaysia (1963-1966) and Aden (1965-1967)

    A new China: Using sport to expose a multi-class race through the 1923 Chinese soccer tour of Australia

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    In the early 1920s, the perceptions by Australians of the Chinese race was one of a single culture and single class. Chinese Australians continuously attempted to break from the shackles of this monolithic construction. A soccer tour in late 1923 provided the local Chinese with an opportunity to alter these stereotypes. Through the performances both on the field and off, through the persistence of the organisers to promote a 'different type' of Chinese and through the development of this alternative image in the Western press, the Australian public were afforded a view of Chinese they had not experienced prior, one which included well-educated, middle-class and athletic individuals. The paper investigates the projection of a multi-class society within China to white Australians as portrayed by the soccer tour and how it challenged the entrenched negative perceptions imposed on Australians through the White Australia Policy

    The British are Coming, Hopefully: Great Expectations and the Two Phases of the Commonwealth Football Association

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    Association football (soccer) in Australia began as a sport in the 1870s, yet it took four decades for Australians to embrace a national organisation. In 1911 the State associations met in Sydney and consequently the Commonwealth Football Association was formed. The impetus was the desire for a tour by the English. Over the next fifteen years, negotiations would to and fro between Australia, New Zealand and England, eventually leading to the arrival of the English in May 1925. By then the Commonwealth Football Association had become the key organisation in the development of football in Australia and through this, the Association would register as a company. There were several obstacles to the Association's development, including the alienation of both New Zealand and Western Australia. Yet the Association became a success and was the foundation for the future of association football in Australia

    Association Football, China

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    Role Královského námořnictva v proti-povstaleckých kampaní po roce 1945

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá úlohou britského královského námořnictva v proti-povstaleckých operacích po roce 1945. Vedení proti-povstaleckých bojů se věnuje poměrně značný prostor v odborné literatuře, ale význam a úloha námořních sil v takových operacích bývá opomíjená. Proti-povstalecké operace představují jeden ze způsobů asymetrického vedení boje a zpravidla pro ně platí, že povstalci, proti kterým se boj vede nevyužívají námořní síly, respektive je využívají jenom minimálně. Tahle práce se tak snaží dokázat, že i v takových kampaních může, a často i zahrává námořnictvo širokou škálu úloh jednak přímo na moři, ale i z moře, ve spolupráci s ostatními složkami ozbrojených sil nebo samostatně. Za tímto účelem bylo vybrané britské královské námořnictvo, nakolik Spojené království má s vedením proti-povstaleckých kampaní bohaté zkušenosti. Práce analyzuje zapojení námořnictva v pěti kampaní, jmenovitě v Palestině, v Malajsku, na Kypru, v Malajsii a v Adenu.The aim of this work is to prove that a navy can play an important role during a counter-insurgency campaign and be involved in many different tasks both at sea and from sea, particularly due to its flexibility, mobility and versatility. The main research question of the thesis is: what role can a navy play in a counter-insurgency campaign? The decision to focus on the role of the Royal Navy is based on the fact, that the Royal Navy is probably the most experienced navy in the world in the field of counter-insurgency. Five counter-insurgency campaigns were selected as case studies for this thesis, namely Palestine (1945-1948), Malaya (1948-1960), Cyprus (1954- 1958), Malaysia (1963-1966) and Aden (1965-1967)

    A New China : using sport to expose a multi-class race through the 1923 Chinese soccer tour of Australia

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    In the early 1920s, the perceptions by Australians of the Chinese race was one of a single culture and single class. Chinese Australians continuously attempted to break from the shackles of this monolithic construction. A soccer tour in late 1923 provided the local Chinese with an opportunity to alter these stereotypes. Through the performances both on the field and off, through the persistence of the organisers to promote a �different type� of Chinese and through the development of this alternative image in the Western press, the Australian public were afforded a view of Chinese they had not experienced prior, one which included well-educated, middle-class and athletic individuals. The paper investigates the projection of a multi-class society within China to white Australians as portrayed by the soccer tour and how it challenged the entrenched negative perceptions imposed on Australians through the White Australia Policy