29 research outputs found

    Depositional evolution and models for a deep-lacustrine gravity flow system in a half-graben rifted sag, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea

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    The Paleogene Liushagang Formation is part of the Fushan Sag, a continental lacustrine basin located at theSoutheastern margin of the Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Further understanding of the deep-water gravityflow deposits in this formation will be conducive to lithologic reservoir exploration in the sag. In this study,three members of the Liushagang Formation, SQEls3 SQEls2 and SQEls1, from old to young, are used withcore observation, well log data, and three-dimensional seismic data to identify four deep-lacustrine gravity flowlithofacies including their vertical and lateral relationships within the depositional system. The results are thenused to establish a deep-water gravity flow depositional model. Four types of gravity flow lithofacies developed inthe sag: sandy debrite, turbidite, sandy slump, and bottom-current deposits. Sand-rich sub-lacustrine fan depositswith typical turbidite channels were developed mainly in the western depression, whereas distal isolated lobesformed by sandy debrite flow deposits occurred mainly in the eastern depression. The results obtained in this studywill be helpful in the research of gravity flows in similar continental lacustrine environments

    Strategic plan for the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Peru

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    The purpose of this thesis is to present a Strategic Plan for the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Peru, with a vision for 2030, when the bank should become a preferred, profitable, secure, and innovative financial institution with a focus on bilateral business between Peru and China. D’Alessio’s (2008), The Sequential Model of the Strategic Process, was adopted for the planning; ICBC Peru’s public reports and interviews to its employees have been used to acquire relevant information. Firstly, ICBC Peru’s vision, mission, and so on, are defined and then, the external and internal conditions are analysed. Opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses are then identified through Tridimensional, Porter’s Diamond, PESTE, Five-Forces, AMOFHIT, and so on, and have been used in SWOT to generate twelve strategies, from which eight are retained through SPACE, BCG, IE, and GS analysis. The vision is then divided into actionable long-term objectives to combine with the 5 strategies to generate short-term objectives and their respective conditions, such as organizational structures, policies, evaluation tools for the implementation and revision. The main findings for ICBC Peru in this thesis are: the main opportunities, externally, are the likely future growth of Peru’s GDP, internal demand, and investment; and the main threats are corruption, governmental administrative capacity, and natural disasters; internally, the main strength is the group support; and the main weaknesses are the small equity and lack of effective localization. The eight retained strategies need to solve this external and internal situation by means of: diversification (retail banking & tailored services), market penetration (more marketing), alliance with local banks (localization), and product development (Fintechs introduction).El propósito de esta tesis es presentar un Plan Estratégico para el Banco Industrial y Comercial de China [ICBC] Perú, con una visión para el 2030, año en el cual el Banco ha de convertirse en una institución financiera preferida, rentable, segura e innovadora con un enfoque en negocios bilaterales entre Perú y China. Se adoptó el modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico para la planificación propuesto por D’Alessio (2008). Con la finalidad de adquirir información relevante se utilizó los informes públicos y las entrevistas a los empleados de ICBC Perú. La visión, misión de ICBC Perú fueron definidas primero para pasar al análisis de las condiciones externas e internas. Las oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades se identificaron a través del Diamante Tridimensional de Porter: PESTE, Five-Forces; y se utilizó el AMOFHIT para generar doce estrategias, de las cuales ocho se conservan a través de SPACE, BCG, IE , y análisis de GS. Luego, la visión se divide en objetivos a largo plazo para combinarlos con las cinco estrategias para generar objetivos a corto plazo y sus condiciones correspondientes, como estructuras organizativas, políticas, herramientas de evaluación para la implementación y revisión. Los principales hallazgos de ICBC Perú en esta tesis son: externamente, las oportunidades principales son el probable crecimiento futuro del PIB, la demanda interna y la inversión de Perú; y las principales amenazas son la corrupción, la capacidad administrativa del gobierno y los desastres naturales; internamente, la principal fortaleza es el apoyo grupal; y las principales debilidades son su escasa equidad y la falta de una localización efectiva. Las ocho estrategias retenidas buscan resolver esta situación externa e interna a través de: la diversificación (banca minorista y servicios personalizados), penetración en el mercado (más mercadeo), alianza con bancos locales (localización), y el desarrollo de productos (introducción de Fintech).Tesi

    Numerical simulation study on sub-regional evolution of microseismic characteristics of mining overburden rock

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    In order to explore the fracture zone characteristics and microseismic evolution within overburden rock above mining coal seam, based on the geological engineering conditions of a mine, a microseismic simulation method was constructed according to the moment tensor and particle flow theory, and the microseismic evolution characteristics of overburden rock above panels were simulated. The results show that the magnitude of microseismic events in mining-disturbed overburden is between −2.7 and −1, and the microseismic fracture strength conforms to the Gaussian distribution. The relationship between microseismic frequency and moment magnitude also satisfies the classical moment magnitude-frequency relationship. The microseismic events show prominent regional distribution characteristics in the horizontal direction of the panel. The microseismic events in the left and right coal walls of the goaf occur earlier than the roof above goaf, and the microseismic events develop to both sides around the mining space, and there is a certain advance and lag. When the panel is mined for a certain distance, the vertical stress of the overburden above the goaf shows a 'double peak' characteristic, and the microseismic events extend upward rapidly and gather and develop in the weak overburden so that the microseismic events also show prominent layered distribution characteristics in the vertical direction. According to the stress, displacement, and microseismic distribution characteristics within overburden, the overburden can be divided into ‘four horizontal zones’ and ‘three vertical zones’. The proportion of microseismic events and fracture types in each fracture area is different. The coal wall supported and bed separation areas are the large proportion areas of shear and tensile microseismic events, respectively. In addition, a microseismic monitoring system was established for the study area. The field monitoring and numerical simulation results are consistent, indicating that the constructed microseismic simulation method has a good applicability and can reproduce the microseismic evolution process of mining-disturbed overburden from the mesoscopic level. The research results provide a theoretical basis for revealing the evolution mechanism of mining-induced fractures

    New non-destructive method for testing the strength of cement mortar material based on vibration frequency of steel bar: Theory and experiment

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    Timely and accurately obtaining the strength of pouring material, e.g., concrete, cement mortar, is of great significance for engineering construction. In this paper, a non-destructive, economical and accurate strength detection method that suites for on-site using is proposed for the steel bar cement mortar material. The method based on the relationship between the vibration frequency of the steel bar and the properties of the mortar material, which is obtained by solving the Euler-Bernoulli beam problem. Both Particle Flow Code (PFC) software simulation (calibrated) and Split Hopkinson pressure Bar experiment on test samples of cement mortar and steel bar were performed to verify the theoretically obtained relationship. Studies on samples of various aggregate ratio further confirmed such correspondence. Results show that the dynamic stiffness of the cement mortar material dominates the calculation of the vibration frequency of steel bar, while the combined effect of the density, length, elastic modulus, inertia moment of the steel bar can be safely ignored. A single-valued mapping relation exists in between the dynamic stiffness coefficient and the Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) of the cement mortar sample, i.e., increased dynamic stiffness coefficient with increasing UCS. Both experimental and predicted results showed a linear relationship between the vibration frequency of the steel bar and the strength of the mortar material. Fitted linear relations were proposed with coefficients depending on sample size and aggregate ratio and might serve as a good indicator for the strength of the mortar material. Further studies on the effect of internal defects of the mortar materials as well as on samples of more size and aggregate ratio are required to make the proposed method a practical too

    Special Structures of Sodium Layer Observed in the Daytime Over Beijing, China

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    In this paper the observation of sodium (Na) layer in mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region over complete diurnal cycles based on broadband Na lidar at Yanqing Station, Beijing, China (40.5°N,116°E ) was reported. Faraday filters with dual-channel design were used in the lidar receiving unit to suppress the strong background light in the daytime, which allow observation of Na layer with an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) under sunlit condition. Several special structures of Na layer observed in the daytime was discussed. The simultaneous continuous observation of zonal wind by meteor radar was presented for comparison. These observation results can provide direct and reliable supports for the study of mesopause dynamics and solar effect on Na layer

    Non-limit passive soil pressure on rigid retaining walls

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    This paper aims to reveal the depth distribution law of non-limit passive soil pressure on rigid retaining wall that rotates about the top of the wall (rotation around the top (RT) model). Based on Coulomb theory, the disturbance degree theory, as well as the spring-element model, by setting the rotation angle of the wall as the disturbance parameter, we establish both a depth distribution function for sand and a nonlinear depth distribution calculation method for the non-limit passive soil pressure on a rigid retaining wall under the RT model, which is then compared with experiment. The results suggest that under the RT model: the non-limit soil pressure has a nonlinear distribution; the backfill disturbance degree and the lateral soil pressure increase with an increase in the wall rotation angle; and, the points where the resultant lateral soil pressure acts on the retaining wall are less than 2/3 of the height of the wall. The soil pressure predicted by the theoretical calculation put forward in this paper are quite similar to those obtained by the model experiment, which verifies the theoretical value, and the engineering guidance provided by the calculations are of significance. Keywords: RT model, Rigid wall, Non-limit passive soil pressure, Spring element, Genetic algorith

    Special Structures of Sodium Layer Observed in the Daytime Over Beijing, China

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    In this paper the observation of sodium (Na) layer in mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region over complete diurnal cycles based on broadband Na lidar at Yanqing Station, Beijing, China (40.5°N,116°E ) was reported. Faraday filters with dual-channel design were used in the lidar receiving unit to suppress the strong background light in the daytime, which allow observation of Na layer with an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) under sunlit condition. Several special structures of Na layer observed in the daytime was discussed. The simultaneous continuous observation of zonal wind by meteor radar was presented for comparison. These observation results can provide direct and reliable supports for the study of mesopause dynamics and solar effect on Na layer

    Photoacoustic and magnetic resonance imaging-based gene and photothermal therapy using mesoporous nanoagents

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    The integration of photothermal therapy (PTT) with gene therapy (GT) in a single nanoscale platform demonstrates great potential in cancer therapy. Porous iron oxide nanoagents (PIONs) are widely used as magnetic nanoagents in the drug delivery field and also serve as a photothermal nanoagent for photothermal therapy. However, the therapeutic efficacy of PIONs-mediated GT has not been studied. The long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) CRYBG3 (LNC CRYBG3), a lncRNA induced by heavy ion irradiation in lung cancer cells, has been reported to directly bind to globular actin (G-actin) and cause degradation of cytoskeleton and blocking of cytokinesis, thus indicating its potential for use in GT by simulating the effect of heavy ion irradiation and functioning as an antitumor drug. In the present study, we investigated the possibility of combining PIONs-mediated PTT and LNC CRYBG3-mediated GT to destroy non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells both in vitro and in vivo. The combination therapy showed a high cancer cell killing efficacy, and the cure rate was better than that achieved using PTT or GT alone. Moreover, as a type of magnetic nanoagent, PIONs can be used for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and photoacoustic imaging (PAI) both in vitro and in vivo. These findings indicate that the new combination therapy has high potential for cancer treatment