12,409 research outputs found

    A Possible Hermitian Neutrino Mixing Ansatz

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    Using a recent global analysis result after the precise measurement of θ13\theta_ {13}, a possible Herimtian neutrino mixing ansatz is discussed, the mixing matrix is symmetric and also symmetric with respect with the second diagonal line in the leading order. This leading order ansatz predicts θ13=12.2\theta_{13}=12.2^\circ. Next, consider the hierarchy structure of the lepton mass matrix as the origin of perturbation of the mixing matrix, we find that this ansatz with perturbation can fit current data very well.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Holographic R\'enyi Entropy and Generalized Entropy method

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    In this paper we use the method of generalized gravitational entropy in \cite{Lewkowycz:2013nqa} to construct the dual bulk geometry for a spherical entangling surface, and calculate the R\'enyi entropy with the dual bulk gravity theory being either Einstein gravity or Lovelock gravity, this approach is closely related to that in \cite{Casini:2011kv}. For a general entangling surface we derive the area law of entanglement entropy. The area law is closely related with the local property of the entangling surface.Comment: 17+6 page

    Entropy for gravitational Chern-Simons terms by squashed cone method

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    In this paper we investigate the entropy of gravitational Chern-Simons terms for the horizon with non-vanishing extrinsic curvatures, or the holographic entanglement entropy for arbitrary entangling surface. In 3D we find no anomaly of entropy appears. But the squashed cone method can not be used directly to get the correct result. For higher dimensions the anomaly of entropy would appear, still, we can not use the squashed cone method directly. That is becasuse the Chern-Simons action is not gauge invariant. To get a reasonable result we suggest two methods. One is by adding a boundary term to recover the gauge invariance. This boundary term can be derived from the variation of the Chern-Simons action. The other one is by using the Chern-Simons relation dΩ4n1=tr(R2n)d\bm{\Omega_{4n-1}}=tr(\bm{R}^{2n}). We notice that the entropy of tr(R2n)tr(\bm{R}^{2n}) is a total derivative locally, i.e. S=dsCSS=d s_{CS}. We propose to identify sCSs_{CS} with the entropy of gravitational Chern-Simons terms Ω4n1\Omega_{4n-1}. In the first method we could get the correct result for Wald entropy in arbitrary dimension. In the second approach, in addition to Wald entropy, we can also obtain the anomaly of entropy with non-zero extrinsic curvatures. Our results imply that the entropy of a topological invariant, such as the Pontryagin term tr(R2n)tr(\bm{R}^{2n}) and the Euler density, is a topological invariant on the entangling surface.Comment: 19 pag

    Holographic Entanglement Entropy for the Most General Higher Derivative Gravity

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    The holographic entanglement entropy for the most general higher derivative gravity is investigated. We find a new type of Wald entropy, which appears on entangling surface without the rotational symmetry and reduces to usual Wald entropy on Killing horizon. Furthermore, we obtain a formal formula of HEE for the most general higher derivative gravity and work it out exactly for some squashed cones. As an important application, we derive HEE for gravitational action with one derivative of the curvature when the extrinsic curvature vanishes. We also study some toy models with non-zero extrinsic curvature. We prove that our formula yields the correct universal term of entanglement entropy for 4d CFTs. Furthermore, we solve the puzzle raised by Hung, Myers and Smolkin that the logarithmic term of entanglement entropy derived from Weyl anomaly of CFTs does not match the holographic result even if the extrinsic curvature vanishes. We find that such mismatch comes from the `anomaly of entropy' of the derivative of curvature. After considering such contributions carefully, we resolve the puzzle successfully. In general, we need to fix the splitting problem for the conical metrics in order to derive the holographic entanglement entropy. We find that, at least for Einstein gravity, the splitting problem can be fixed by using equations of motion. How to derive the splittings for higher derivative gravity is a non-trivial and open question. For simplicity, we ignore the splitting problem in this paper and find that it does not affect our main results.Comment: 28 pages, no figures, published in JHE