860 research outputs found

    Experimentally reducing the quantum measurement back-action in work distributions by a collective measurement

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    In quantum thermodynamics, the standard approach to estimate work fluctuations in unitary processes is based on two projective measurements, one performed at the beginning of the process and one at the end. The first measurement destroys any initial coherence in the energy basis, thus preventing later interference effects. In order to decrease this back-action, a scheme based on collective measurements has been proposed in~[PRL 118, 070601 (2017)]. Here, we report its experimental implementation in an optical system. The experiment consists of a deterministic collective measurement on identically prepared two qubits, encoded in the polarisation and path degree of a single photon. The standard two projective measurement approach is also experimentally realized for comparison. Our results show the potential of collective schemes to decrease the back-action of projective measurements, and capture subtle effects arising from quantum coherence.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Deterministic realization of collective measurements via photonic quantum walks

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    Collective measurements on identically prepared quantum systems can extract more information than local measurements, thereby enhancing information-processing efficiency. Although this nonclassical phenomenon has been known for two decades, it has remained a challenging task to demonstrate the advantage of collective measurements in experiments. Here we introduce a general recipe for performing deterministic collective measurements on two identically prepared qubits based on quantum walks. Using photonic quantum walks, we realize experimentally an optimized collective measurement with fidelity 0.9946 without post selection. As an application, we achieve the highest tomographic efficiency in qubit state tomography to date. Our work offers an effective recipe for beating the precision limit of local measurements in quantum state tomography and metrology. In addition, our study opens an avenue for harvesting the power of collective measurements in quantum information processing and for exploring the intriguing physics behind this power.Comment: Close to the published versio

    Experimental cyclic inter-conversion between Coherence and Quantum Correlations

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    Quantum resource theories seek to quantify sources of non-classicality that bestow quantum technologies their operational advantage. Chief among these are studies of quantum correlations and quantum coherence. The former to isolate non-classicality in the correlations between systems, the latter to capture non-classicality of quantum superpositions within a single physical system. Here we present a scheme that cyclically inter-converts between these resources without loss. The first stage converts coherence present in an input system into correlations with an ancilla. The second stage harnesses these correlations to restore coherence on the input system by measurement of the ancilla. We experimentally demonstrate this inter-conversion process using linear optics. Our experiment highlights the connection between non-classicality of correlations and non-classicality within local quantum systems, and provides potential flexibilities in exploiting one resource to perform tasks normally associated with the other.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom

    Quantum electric-dipole liquid on a triangular lattice

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    Geometric frustrations and quantum mechanical fluctuations may prohibit the formation of long-range ordering even at the lowest temperature, and therefore liquid-like ground states could be expected. A good example is the quantum spin liquid in frustrated magnets that represents an exotic phase of matter and is attracting enormous interests. Geometric frustrations and quantum fluctuations can happen beyond magnetic systems. Here we propose that quantum electric-dipole liquids, analogs to quantum spin liquids, could emerge in frustrated dielectrics where antiferroelectrically coupled small electric dipoles reside on a triangular lattice. The quantum paraelectric hexaferrite BaFe12O19, in which small electric dipoles originated from the off-center displacement of Fe3+ in the FeO5 bipyramids constitute a two-dimensional triangular lattice, represents a promising candidate to generate the anticipated electric-dipole liquid. We present a series of experimental evidences, including dielectric permittivity, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity measured down to 66 mK, to reveal the existence of a nontrivial ground state in BaFe12O19, characterized by itinerant low-energy excitations with a small gap, to which we interpret as an exotic liquid-like quantum phase. The quantum electric-dipole liquids in frustrated dielectrics open up a fresh playground for fundamental physics and may find applications in quantum information and computation as well.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Chiral switching of many-body steady states in a dissipative Rydberg gas

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    Dissipative Rydberg gases are an outstanding platform for the investigation of many-body quantum open systems. Despite the wealth of existing studies, the non-equilibrium dynamics of dissipative Rydberg gases are rarely examined or harnessed from the perspective of non-Hermitian physics, which is but intrinsic to open systems. Here we report the experimental observation of a chiral switching between many-body steady states in a dissipative thermal Rydberg vapor, where the interplay of many-body effects and non-Hermiticity plays a key role. Specifically, as the parameters are adiabatically varied around a closed contour, depending on the chirality of the parameter modulation, the Rydberg vapor can change between two collective steady states with distinct Rydberg excitations and optical transmissions. Adopting a mean-field description, we reveal that both the existence of the bistable steady states and chiral dynamics derive from an exceptional structure in the parameter space, where multiple steady states of the many-body Liouvillian superoperator coalesce. We demonstrate that both the exceptional structure and the resulting state-switching dynamics are tunable through microwave dressing and temperature variations, confirming their reliance on the many-body dissipative nature of the Rydberg vapor

    Preserving quantum correlations and coherence with non-Markovianity

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    Open quantum systems exhibit a rich phenomenology, in comparison to closed quantum systems that evolve unitarily according to the Schr\"odinger equation. The dynamics of an open quantum system are typically classified into Markovian and non-Markovian, depending on whether the dynamics can be decomposed into valid quantum operations at any time scale. Since Markovian evolutions are easier to simulate, compared to non-Markovian dynamics, it is reasonable to assume that non-Markovianity can be employed for useful quantum-technological applications. Here, we demonstrate the usefulness of non-Markovianity for preserving correlations and coherence in quantum systems. For this, we consider a broad class of qubit evolutions, having a decoherence matrix separated from zero for large times. While any such Markovian evolution leads to an exponential loss of correlations, non-Markovianity can help to preserve correlations even in the limit tt \rightarrow \infty. For covariant qubit evolutions, we also show that non-Markovianity can be used to preserve quantum coherence at all times, which is an important resource for quantum metrology. We explicitly demonstrate this effect experimentally with linear optics, by implementing the required evolution that is non-Markovian at all times

    Physical properties and chemical composition of the cores in the California molecular cloud

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    We aim to reveal the physical properties and chemical composition of the cores in the California molecular cloud (CMC), so as to better understand the initial conditions of star formation. We made a high-resolution column density map (18.2") with Herschel data, and extracted a complete sample of the cores in the CMC with the \textsl{fellwalker} algorithm. We performed new single-pointing observations of molecular lines near 90 GHz with the IRAM 30m telescope along the main filament of the CMC. In addition, we also performed a numerical modeling of chemical evolution for the cores under the physical conditions. We extracted 300 cores, of which 33 are protostellar and 267 are starless cores. About 51\% (137 of 267) of the starless cores are prestellar cores. Three cores have the potential to evolve into high-mass stars. The prestellar core mass function (CMF) can be well fit by a log-normal form. The high-mass end of the prestellar CMF shows a power-law form with an index α=0.9±0.1\alpha=-0.9\pm 0.1 that is shallower than that of the Galactic field stellar mass function. Combining the mass transformation efficiency (ε\varepsilon) from the prestellar core to the star of 15±1%15\pm 1\% and the core formation efficiency (CFE) of 5.5\%, we suggest an overall star formation efficiency of about 1\% in the CMC. In the single-pointing observations with the IRAM 30m telescope, we find that 6 cores show blue-skewed profile, while 4 cores show red-skewed profile. [HCO+\rm {HCO}^{+}]/[HNC] and [HCO+\rm {HCO}^{+}]/[N2H+]\rm [N_{2}H^{+}] in protostellar cores are higher than those in prestellar cores; this can be used as chemical clocks. The best-fit chemical age of the cores with line observations is 5×104\sim 5\times 10^4~years.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A