297 research outputs found

    Toxic testing : it’s time to reflect upon our current testing practices

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    Explores the history and reasons behind testing methods in U.S. schools; proposes future methods for student testing. Accepted ManuscriptGunzelmann, B. (2005). Toxic Testing: It’s Time to Reflect upon Our Current Testing Practices. Educational Horizons 83(3), 212-220

    Hidden dangers within our schools : what are these safety problems and how can we fix them?

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    Describes dangers to students in U.S. schools including peer pressure, overscheduling, gender bias, and environmental issues. Accepted ManuscriptGunzelmann, B. (2004). Hidden Dangers within Our Schools: What Are These Safety Problems and How Can We Fix Them? Educational Horizons 83(1), 66-76

    New possibilities for a new era : research-based education for equality and excellence

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    Explores history and importance of research-based methods for improving education in U.S. schools. Accepted ManuscriptGunzelmann, B. (2009). New Possibilities for a New Era: Research-based Education for Equality and Excellence. Educational Horizons 88(1) 21-7

    Advantages and practical limitations of mathematical continuity in cam profile design

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    The basics of cam profile design are discussed with emphasis on mathematical profile types i.e., polynomial versus trigonometric. Comparisons are made and recommendations on the applicability of the various profiles with respect to their dynamic performance are extracted from existing texts. A literature search was done into specific cam system dynamic performance. The categories researched were: a) shock spectrum analysis with return profiles as a forcing function, b) cam shaft wind up, c) follower stiffness effects, d) crossover shock and jump phenomena, e) drive errors to the cam, f) manufacturing tolerance effects, g) curve types, h) return spring surge, and finally, i) the effects of friction at zero velocity. A three degree of freedom lumped parameter computer model was written for rise-return cams commonly used as the drive mechanism for the optics in a xerographic machine. The model was used to investigate the differences between seventh order polynomials and cycloidal curves as well as many of the above listed dynamic phenomena

    Hidden assumptions, attitudes, and procedures in failing schools

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    Describes the different assumptions and ingrained habits used in education that are observed to impede learning in schools. Accepted ManuscriptGunzelmann, B. (2008). Hidden Assumptions, Attitudes, and Procedures in Failing Schools. Educational Horizons 86(2), 85-97

    The new gender gap : social, psychological, neuro-biological, and educational perspectives

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    The differences between boys and girls are explored, and the way boys are treated in class and at home is addressed. Postulates that the Boy Code may be responsible for the low performance of male students in school. Accepted ManuscriptGunzelmann, B. & Connell, D. (2006). The New Gender Gap: Social, Psychological, Neuro-biological, and Educational Perspectives. Educational Horizons 84(2), 94-101

    Kulturlandschaft zwischen Raumordnung und Denkmalpflege - das bayerische Beispiel

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    In der bayerischen Denkmalpflege gibt es eine mehr als zehnjährige Tradition der Beschäftigung mit kulturlandschaftlichen Ansätzen. Dabei wurde von vornherein davon ausgegangen, dass es nicht allein Aufgabe der Denkmalpflege sein kann, sich hauptverantwortlich um die Erhaltung der historischen Kulturlandschaft zu bemühen. Ihr fällt es in erster Linie zu, die Denkmalqualitäten von Elementen und Strukturen der Kulturlandschaft zu definieren. Für die Erhaltung und Pflege der Kulturlandschaft müssen Partner aus den Feldern des Naturschutzes und der Landschaftspflege, der Ländlichen Entwicklung und der Raumordnung gewonnen werden. Beispielhaft ist dies gelungen im Fall des Modellprojektes "Die historische Kulturlandschaft in der Region Oberfranken-West".In Bavaria, there is now a tradition stretching back over ten years of incorporating a concern for cultural landscapes within the established function of conserving sites of historical interest. However, from the outset it was understood that the prime responsibility for preserving the historical cultural landscape could not be placed solely with conservation agencies. These agencies are primarily responsible for defining the conservation status and qualities of the elements and structures which form part of the cultural landscape. The protection and cultivation of cultural landscapes requires suitable partners to be identified from the fields of environmental protection and landscape preservation, rural development and spatial planning. The model project outlined here on the "Historical cultural landscape in the Upper Franconia West region" provides one successful example of such an approach

    Geschichtliche Ăśberlieferung im Raum - der Ansatz der historischen Kulturlandschaft in der Denkmalpflege

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    In einer Kulturlandschaft gibt es zahlreiche, von Menschenhand geschaffene Phänomene aus unterschiedlichen Zeitschichten nebeneinander. Sind solche Elemente materiell ausgeprägt, wächst ihnen historische Zeugniskraft zu und damit in manchen Fällen, wenn ihre Bedeutung für die Allgemeinheit hoch genug ist, auch Denkmalqualität. Wenn auch die Denkmalschutzgesetze der Länder sehr unterschiedliche Prämissen für die Behandlung der Kulturlandschaft in der Denkmalpflege setzen, so kann doch heute davon ausgegangen werden, dass es einen Konsens gibt, die Kulturlandschaft als ein Aufgabenfeld der Denkmalpflege zu sehen. Nicht zuletzt äußert sich dies in der Kategorie "Kulturlandschaft" des Welterbebegriffs der UNESCO.A cultural landscape will display side by side numerous examples of man-made phenomena from different periods of history. Where these elements have material shape, they acquire the role of bearing testimony to history and, if the general public are familiar with their importance, they take on the quality of historic monuments. Even though the legislation on the protection of historic monuments in place in the various federal states in Germany is based on very different premises for dealing with cultural landscapes within the context of preserving historic monuments, a consensus can nonetheless be assumed to exist today to regard cultural landscapes as one aspect of the sites of historic interest which are afforded protection. This is expressed not least in the category "cultural landscape landscapes" within UNESCO’s concept of World Heritage Sites

    Traumatic experiences and post-traumatic stress disorder among elderly Germans: results of a representative population-based survey

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    Background: Only a few population-based studies on the epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSDs) are available to date. Most of the existing studies are from the U.S.A. Against the background of World War II, the extent and long-term effects of war-related traumatic experiences in the German elderly population are of special interest. Nevertheless, population-based data on this topic are lacking to date. Methods: This study examines the occurrence of traumatic experiences and the prevalence rates of PTSD according to DSM-IV and of partial PTSD in a randomly selected sample of the German general population aged 60 years and over (N = 814) using self-rating instruments. Results: PTSD is apparent in 3.4%; when partial post-traumatic stress syndromes are included, a total of 7.2% of the aged population are involved. The most common individual symptoms resulting from war-induced trauma are avoidance of thoughts and feelings, sleep disturbances, distressing dreams and intrusive thoughts. The most frequently mentioned traumatic experiences of the generation examined in this study were war-related trauma experienced as children or in early adulthood during World War II. As a person's age increases, so does the prevalence of war-related traumatic experiences. There are some gender differences in traumatic experiences, but not in post-traumatic symptoms. Conclusion: The results emphasize the importance of war-related traumatic experiences from World War II in the German elderly population and their impact on the prevalence of PTSD more than 60 years late
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