5,176 research outputs found

    Association Mapping for Common Bunt Resistance in Wheat

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    Common bunt, caused by Tilletia caries and T. foetida, is a fungal disease of wheat world wide. Infection, occurring via seed borne teliospores, is generally controlled by the application of seed treatments prior to sowing. Farming systems like organic agriculture with a very limited range of organic seed treatments available rely heavily on common bunt resistance genes within wheat. In the framework of the BIOBREED project an association study in winter wheat was conducted, aiming at the identification of genetic loci linked to resistance towards common bunt in wheat. 152 European wheat cultivars were phenotyped for their resistance reaction for the two consecutive years 2011/12 at Agrologica research station at Mariager. Infection was scored as percent infected ears. The scorings were log-transformed to fit a disease scoring scale ranging from 1 to 9. The association analysis was performed for each year separately as well as for the mean scoring of the two years. The wheat cultivars were genotyped with DArT markers, yielding 1832 polymorphic loci. The association analysis was conducted using the computer program Genstat, with the ASReml module. Minimun allele frequency for the association analysis was set to 0.07. 13 out of the total of1832 marker in our study were linked to common bunt resistance in wheat (-log10(P) >3). These marker are located on 8 out of the 21 wheat chromosomes. Comparisons of these findings with other published results are difficult since only very little is known about the chromosomal location of common bunt resistance genes/QTL in wheat. Chromosome 2B was previously reported to carry gene(s) for common bunt resistance. Findings of our analysis are in accordance with this: 4 of the linked marker resided on this chromosome. Further, another two linked marker were found on chromosome 2D, another chromosome previously reported to carry common bunt resistance genes. Our study shows the possibilities of finding makers linked to common bunt resistance in wheat, and of using these markers for marker assisted selection of wheat cultivars tailored for the needs of organic agriculture

    Common bunt resistant wheat composite cross populations

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    Utilising diverse populations instead of single line varieties is expected to lead to a number of advantages in cereal production. These include reduced epidemics of plant diseases, improved weed competition and better exploitation of soil nutrients, resulting in improved yield stability. However, a number of challenges must be met before diverse wheat populations can be introduced into commercial wheat production: one of these is the development of breeding technologies based on mass selection which enable breeders and farmers to improve specific traits in populations and maintain diversity at the same time. BIOBREED is a project started in Denmark in 2011 to meet these challenges for wheat population breeding. The project is focusing on the development of tools and methods for mass selection of traits relevant for organic and low input production, where it is expected that the highest benefits of utilizing diverse populations can be achieved. BIOBREED focuses on three main aspects of wheat population breeding for organic and low input production systems: i) common bunt (caused by Tilletia caries) resistance, ii) selection for improved protein content and iii) the influence on population diversity of different selection pathways. Selection for common bunt resistance in wheat composite cross populations 33 crosses were made between 23 common bunt resistant winter wheat varieties in order to generate two populations. Progeny of all crosses was bulked in the F 3 to constitute the first population Pop.No.Sel. Prior to the creation of the second population Pop.Sel, the F 3 of the parental crosses was sown as head-rows with common bunt infection. Only lines that showed resistance to common bunt were used to create Pop.Sel. in generation F 4 . Afterwards the two populations were grown with and without inoculation with common bunt in order to i) select for bunt resistance and ii) to be able to compare the effect on diversity of this selection step. Preliminary results show a higher level of common bunt resistance in Pop.Sel in the first year. Single seed sorting for protein content Prior to sowing the F 5 seed of the population Pop.Sel, the seed were sorted individually for protein content using a BoMill IQ Grain Quality Sorter 1002S. The fraction of seeds containing the 10% highest and another fraction containing the 10% lowest protein content were selected. The four populations, Pop.No.Sel, Pop.Sel, and Pop.Sel.high. Protein and Pop.Sel.low.Protein and the parental lines were sown in a randomized complete block yield trial at two locations in Denmark in order to assess their yield and quality parameters such as protein content and baking quality of the parents and there derived populations. Results are expected in the summer 2013. Diversity of wheat composite cross populations. The practical question of “how much diversity is needed in populations?” has not been answered yet. BIOBREED will aim to to quantify the levels of diversity in wheat composite cross populations after the different selection steps i) cultivation with and without common bunt inoculum, and ii) sorting for single protein content. In a fist attempt SSR markers will be used to describe the influence these different selection pathways will have on the population diversity. 90 SSR markers—about two markers per chromosome arm—will be used to describe the initial genetic diversity of the 23 parental lines. F 6 seed of the different populations will be analysed with the same markers and population diversity after different selection pathways will be quantified

    Laser velocimeter for simultaneous two-dimensional velocity measurements

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    Laser velocimeter provides simultaneous orthogonal measurements in manner which minimizes many problems attending prior systems, and allows spatial traversing of flowfield in order to obtain velocity profiles. Velocimeter permits rapid interrogation of unsteady flows where area of interest is of the order of one meter in extent and flow does not vary appreciably over time of about one second

    Dynamic analysis of flexible rotor-bearing systems using a modal approach

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    The generalized dynamic equations of motion were obtained by the direct stiffness method for multimass flexible rotor-bearing systems. The direct solution of the equations of motion is illustrated on a simple 3-mass system. For complex rotor-bearing systems, the direct solution of the equations becomes very difficult. The transformation of the equations of motion into modal coordinates can greatly simplify the computation for the solution. The use of undamped and damped system mode shapes in the transformation are discussed. A set of undamped critical speed modes is used to transform the equations of motion into a set of coupled modal equations of motion. A rapid procedure for computing stability, steady state unbalance response, and transient response of the rotor-bearing system is presented. Examples of the application of this modal approach are presented. The dynamics of the system is further investigated with frequency spectrum analysis of the transient response

    Quasi-Normal Modes of Brane-Localised Standard Model Fields

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    We present here a detailed study of the quasi-normal spectrum of brane-localised Standard Model fields in the vicinity of D-dimensional black-holes. A variety of such backgrounds (Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom and Schwarzszchild-(Anti) de Sitter) are investigated. The dependence of the quasi-normal spectra on the dimensionality D, spin of the field s, and multipole number l is analyzed. Analytical formulae are obtained for a number of limiting cases: in the limit of large multipole number for Schwarzschild, Schwarzschild-de Sitter and Reissner-Nordstrom black holes, in the extremal limit of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole, and in the limit of small horizon radius in the case of Schwarzschild-Anti de Sitter black holes. We show that an increase in the number of hidden, extra dimensions results in the faster damping of all fields living on the brane, and that the localization of fields on a brane affects the QN spectrum in a number of additional ways, both direct and indirect.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Program logics for homogeneous meta-programming.

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    A meta-program is a program that generates or manipulates another program; in homogeneous meta-programming, a program may generate new parts of, or manipulate, itself. Meta-programming has been used extensively since macros were introduced to Lisp, yet we have little idea how formally to reason about metaprograms. This paper provides the first program logics for homogeneous metaprogramming – using a variant of MiniMLe by Davies and Pfenning as underlying meta-programming language.We show the applicability of our approach by reasoning about example meta-programs from the literature. We also demonstrate that our logics are relatively complete in the sense of Cook, enable the inductive derivation of characteristic formulae, and exactly capture the observational properties induced by the operational semantics