7,587 research outputs found

    Matching optics for Gaussian beams

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    A system of matching optics for Gaussian beams is described. The matching optics system is positioned between a light beam emitter (such as a laser) and the input optics of a second optics system whereby the output from the light beam emitter is converted into an optimum input for the succeeding parts of the second optical system. The matching optics arrangement includes the combination of a light beam emitter, such as a laser with a movable afocal lens pair (telescope) and a single movable lens placed in the laser's output beam. The single movable lens serves as an input to the telescope. If desired, a second lens, which may be fixed, is positioned in the beam before the adjustable lens to serve as an input processor to the movable lens. The system provides the ability to choose waist diameter and position independently and achieve the desired values with two simple adjustments not requiring iteration

    Pseudo-backscatter laser Doppler velocimeter employing antiparallel-reflector in the forward direction

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    A laser Doppler velocimeter for measuring the velocity of a flowing fluid was discussed. It comprises laser means for providing first and second beams of collimated coherent monochromatic electromagnetic radiation which are focused to intersect at a predetermined location in a flowing fluid. The movement of the particles of the fluid serve to scatter radiation in substantially all directions. The scattered radiation is shifted in frequency from that of the first beam by an amount corresponding to the velocity of the fluid at the predetermined location. A corner cube is disposed generally forward of the predetermined location, the corner cube responding to a portion of the radiation scattered in the forward direction and being operative to reflect the portion in a direction substantially antiparallel to the forward direction

    Projection lens scanning laser velocimeter system

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    A laser Doppler velocimeter system is disclosed that has a laser, a waist position adjusting lens, and a beam splitter which direct laser beams parallel to the optical axis of the negative lens. The negative lens is fixed relative to an afocal lens pair. A pair of planar mirrors intersect at right angles and respectively intersect the optical axis and the optical axis of the afocal lens pair. Mirrors are movable along the optical axis toward and away from the afocal lens pair to focus the laser beams in focus area while maintaining a constant beam waist, crossing angle, and intersection with other laser beams. This produces a constant sensitive volume as the focus is changed

    Multiple axis reticle

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    A reticle permits the alignment of three orthogonal axes (X, Y and Z) that intersect at a common target point. Thin, straight filaments are supported on a frame. The filaments are each contained in a different orthogonal plane (S sub xy, S sub xz, and S sub yz) and each filament intersects two of the three orthogonal axes. The filaments, as viewed along the frame axis, give the appearance of a triangle with a V extending from each triangle vertex. When axial alignment is achieved, the filament portions adjacent to a triangle vertex are seen (along the axis of interest) as a right-angle cross, whereas these filament portions are seen to intersect at an oblique angle when axial misalignment occurs. The reticle is open in the region near the target point leaving ample space for alignment aids such as a pentaprism or a cube mirror

    Regulating Mobile Mental Health Apps

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    Mobile medical apps (MMAs) are a fast‐growing category of software typically installed on personal smartphones and wearable devices. A subset of MMAs are aimed at helping consumers identify mental states and/or mental illnesses. Although this is a fledgling domain, there are already enough extant mental health MMAs both to suggest a typology and to detail some of the regulatory issues they pose. As to the former, the current generation of apps includes those that facilitate self‐assessment or self‐help, connect patients with online support groups, connect patients with therapists, or predict mental health issues. Regulatory concerns with these apps include their quality, safety, and data protection. Unfortunately, the regulatory frameworks that apply have failed to provide coherent risk‐assessment models. As a result, prudent providers will need to progress with caution when it comes to recommending apps to patients or relying on app‐generated data to guide treatment

    Optical enhancement of photomultiplier sensitivity

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    Transmission and reflection light losses are reduced by introducing light into end-window of device at an angle large enough to normal so total internal reflection occurs at both photocathode-vacuum and window-air interfaces

    Multiple pass reimaging optical system

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    An optical imaging system for enabling nonabsorbed light imaged onto a photodetective surface to be collected and reimaged one or more times onto that surface in register with the original image. The system includes an objective lens, one or more imaging lenses, one or more retroreflectors and perhaps a prism for providing optical matching of the imaging lens focal planes to the photo detective surface

    SPARCS: Stream-processing architecture applied in real-time cyber-physical security

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    In this paper, we showcase a complete, end-To-end, fault tolerant, bandwidth and latency optimized architecture for real time utilization of data from multiple sources that allows the collection, transport, storage, processing, and display of both raw data and analytics. This architecture can be applied for a wide variety of applications ranging from automation/control to monitoring and security. We propose a practical, hierarchical design that allows easy addition and reconfiguration of software and hardware components, while utilizing local processing of data at sensor or field site ('fog computing') level to reduce latency and upstream bandwidth requirements. The system supports multiple fail-safe mechanisms to guarantee the delivery of sensor data. We describe the application of this architecture to cyber-physical security (CPS) by supporting security monitoring of an electric distribution grid, through the collection and analysis of distribution-grid level phasor measurement unit (PMU) data, as well as Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) communication in the control area network