162 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Penangkapan Radikal 2,2–Difenil–1–Pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) Oleh Ekstrak Metanol Paprika Merah (Capsicum annuum, L.)

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    Paprika merah (Capsicum annum L.) banyak mengandung β–karoten  (provitamin A), likopen, vitamin E serta vitamin C telah diuji aktivitasnya sebagai penangkap radikal 2,2–difenil–1–pikrilhidrazil (DPPH). Sampel diekstraksi dengan cara maserasi menggunakan metanol. Ekstrak yang diperoleh dilakukan analisis aktivitas antioksidannya secara kualitatif dengan larutan DPPH 0,4 mM dan reagen ferri tiosianat. Identifikasi terhadap senyawa yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan dilakukan dengan spektrofotometer UV–Vis. Aktivitas penangkapan radikal DPPH oleh ekstrak metanol paprika merah ditetapkan secara spektrofotometri pada panjang gelombang 517 nm. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh nilai IC50 paprika merahsebesar0,299 ± 4,98x10-3 mg/mL. Aktivitas paprika merah sebagai penangkap radikal DPPH  kurang poten dibandingkan dengan β–karoten (IC50 0,066 ± 3,24x10-3 mg/mL). Kata kunci : antioksidan, paprika merah, Capsicum annuum, DPP

    Analysis of dog fat in beef sausage using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) combined with chemometrics

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    Sausage is ready to eat meals for children and adults. The meat contained in a beef sausage might not be consistent to the one listed on the label. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy combined with a chemometric method was the most used methods to detect beef fat with rapid and consistent results. Results of analysis can classify fatty acid composition. The aim of this study was to know the profile of spectra and grouping of beef tallow and dog meat with FTIR. The study was designed by making 7 different variations of dog reference sample concentrations (100%, 75%, 65%, 50%, 35%, 25%, and 100%) beef fat and five other samples were gathered from various street vendors. Results were analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy combined with chemometric with PLS (Partial Least Square) and PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The results of analysis will be analysed using Horizon MB application to obtained optimal wave number at 688-1124 cm-¹. Results equation obtained y = 0.9999 x + 0.0004 and value R² equal to 0.9999; RMSEC (root mean square error of calibration) of 0.30%; RMSEP (root mean square error of prediction) of 0.05% and RMSECV (root mean square error of cross validation) of 0.05%. The low values of RMSEP, RMSEC, RMSECV and R² close to one indicate that the FTIR combined with chemometric is an appropriate method for analyzing the presence of fat content in the sample. From the analysis showed that 1 of 5 sausage market samples has similarities with dog fat.

    An informative search of dyes content rhodamin b in blusher, lipstick, and eyeshadow cosmetics

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    Decorative cosmetics are preparations used to beautify the appearance and cover up flaws in the skin, such as blemishes on the skin so that the user looks fresher. Examples of decorative cosmetics include lipstick, blusher, eye shadow, and so on, which are usually given the addition of synthetic dyes such as rhodamine. The addition of rhodamine B dye to cosmetics is not permitted. However, the use of dyes is still widely abused by irresponsible people. This review article aims to see whether Rhodamine B dye is present in decorative cosmetics such as blusher, lipstick, and eye shadow. I am writing review articles by searching using search engine assistance, namely Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct. A literature search was performed using the following keywords or terms and strategies: "analysis" OR "determination" OR "Rhodamine B" AND "cosmetics" AND "lipstick" OR "blush" OR "eye shadow.” Data used in the review of this article refers to studies or studies that have been carried out previously, namely in the form of articles or journals for the last five years, from 2015 to 2019, and other sources such as textbooks and these data. The results obtained in the search for articles were from 125 journals. They are then selected based on predetermined inclusion criteria. Seven journals fall into the inclusion criteria. The sample criteria include registered BPOM, not registered with BPOM, red and inexpensive color. The search results concluded that there are still many rhodamine B coloring agents in decorative cosmetics circulating in Indonesia, such as blush, lipstick, and eye shadow. Dede Komarudin did the highest levels of Rhodamine B in Siva Fauziah, Ratih Pramintari (2019) with a blush on a 776.98 μg/mg sample taken from Jatinegara Market, Jakarta

    Antioxidant activity of methanolic extract from yellow paprika (Capsicum annuum, L.) by DPPH radical scavenging method

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    Yellow paprika (Capsicum annuumL.) is one of fruit that contains of carotenoid compounds as an antioxidant. This reasearch was aimed to know an antioxidant capacity of methanolic extract from yellow paprika with 2,2–diphenyl–1–picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging method. The fresh yellow paprika was determined of its loss of drying by gravimetric. The yellow paprika extract was obtained by maceration using methanol as solvent. The content of β–carotene from this extract was analyzed qualitively by thin layer chromatography and UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The antioxidant activity of methanolic extract from yellow paprika was determined base on measurement of residual DPPH by UV–Vis spectrophothometric at wavelength of 515.6 nm. The data was used to calculate % inhibition. Furthermore, IC50 value was determined to know potency of its antioxidant. The result of loss of drying yellow paprika fruit was obtained 6.33 ± 0.02 %. The analysis with thin layer chromatography and UV-Vis spectrophotometer showed that this fruit was contain of β–carotene. The result of antioxidant activity analysis from yellow paprika fruit was obtained IC50 value of 0.3028 ± 0.0093 mg/mL. The result of the research showed that the antioxidant potency of yellow paprika was less than β–carotene (IC50 0.0852 ± 0.0009 mg/mL)

    Hasil cek Similarity ""Authentication Of Dog Fat With Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy Combined With Chemometrics

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    Benzoic acid is one of the synthetic preservatives, work effectively at pH 2.5 to4.0, therefore it is widely used in acidic food or drink. This study aims to determinebenzoic acid content in some soft drink products, their conformity with Permenkes RINo.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88 on food additives, and to find out if there were any varianceof benzoid acid content in a different kinds of soft drink products.Determination of benzoid acid levels was performed by ultravioletspectrophotometry following solvent extraction of the benzoid acid with chloroform.Qualitatively, it was found that all of the sample contained benzoid acid. Quantitatively,the amount of benzoid acid in sample A was 227,73 mg/kg of materials; sample B was182,38 mg/kg of materials; sampel C was 259,52 mg/kg of materials; sample D was325,01 mg/kg of materials; sample E was 357,33 mg/kg of material. The resultindicated that there were variance of benzoid acid content in different soft drinkproducts. The use of benzoic acid in soft drinks was lower compaired to that ofPermenkes RI No.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88 (600 mg/kg of materials)

    Traditional literature review: investigation of rhodamine b on street foods and sauce products in Indonesia

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    Food is one of the most important basic human needs for growth and development. Generally, the types of food cater to tastes and look attractive. To make it look attractive and have good taste is usually added with food additives. The food products with the most coloring added are street foods, red sauces, and rainbow cakes that children love. Rhodamine B is a prohibited coloring agent and is not present in food because, for a long time, it will cause liver damage, tumors, and cancer. Therefore, an article review was conducted to determine the levels and methods that can be used to analyze Rhodamine B from several research journals that have been conducted. The literature review method uses the following keywords or terms and strategies: "analysis" AND "rhodamine B" AND "food" OR "chili sauce" for searches on PubMed and Science Direct, while Google Scholar uses the keywords "Analysis, Rhodamine B, makanan, Sauce." And the inclusion criteria used were: (1) research articles in the form of journals published in the last ten years (2010-2020), using both English and Indonesian, full text; (2) Articles that discuss the analysis of Rhodamine B in snack foods and sauces located in Indonesia; (3) proved to be positive for Rhodamine B. The results of the reviewed articles showed that there was still Rhodamine B content in snack foods and sauces used by traders. The analytical methods used for identification were TLC, color detection with wool yarn, Rhodamine B Rapit-test Kit, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, and Gravimetry. The highest levels of Rhodamine B were found at 194 ppm in tomato sauce. The review of articles that have been conducted shows that there is still Rhodamine B found in snack foods and sauces by traders, which can be harmful to health in the long and short term

    Realisasi Mengajar Semester Gasal 2023/2024

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    Green paprica (Capsicum annum L.) is one of fruits which have contain–carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C, which have antioxidant activity. The aim of thisresearch is to know an antioxidant capacity of green paprica. An analysis of theantioxidant activity of this research used radical scavenging DPPH(1,1–difenil–2–pikrilhidrazil) method. The sample was preparated with maceration for4 days using methanol as the solvent. Crude extract was evaluated qualitatively using0,4 mM DPPH reagent. This result of qualitative analysis showed that green papricahave an antioxidant activity. Then, absorbance was measured using UV–Visspectrophotometer at wavelength of 517 nm. The result of this analysis obtained EC50value of green paprica was 0,3399 ± 0,01408 mg/ml
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