293 research outputs found

    A framework for strict structured literature reviews within management research and management education: establishing a model for evidence-based management and increased scholarly interaction

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    Over the last decade, the systematic literature review has extended to management research and management education. The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative method named Strict Structured Literature Review (SSLR), to provide a robust selection of articles for starting a longitudinal study or as a fast reliable and transparent method reviewing literature for shorter work under a time-limit, for example research projects or educational assignments. A properly executed Strict Structured Literature Review will lead to the desirable outcome of connecting researchers, or students, with practitioners and create conditions for evidence-based management based on already existing research results. Using a Strict Structured Literature Review would create a publishing strategy where research funders return on investments (ROI) can be met through increased implementation of earlier research results in organizational decision making as well as extended scholarly communication. This is completely in line with the movement towards open science. At the same time, the method for Strict Structured Literature Review fosters a development within management education towards evidence-based management and scholarly interaction

    Urine culture doubtful in determining etiology of diffuse symptoms among elderly individuals [Urinodling har tveksamt vÀrde vid beslut om antibiotikabehandling av patienter pÄ Àldreboenden]

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    Background: As many as half of elderly residents at nursing homes have asymptomatic bacteriuria. Thus it’s hard to know if a new symptom is related to findings of bacteria in urine or not. There are different opinions on the possible connection between different non-specific symptoms and urinary tract infections (UTI). Non-specific symptoms in combination with diagnostic uncertainty often lead to antibiotic treatments of uncertain value. Antibiotic overuse increases the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Research question: What is the relationship between bacteria in the urine and new or increased fatigue, confusion, restlessness, aggressiveness, not being herself/himself, dysuria, urgency and fever. Methods: In this cross-sectional study symptoms were registered and voided urine specimens collected for urine cultures from 651 elderly residents in 32 nursing homes located in south-western Sweden. Correlation between bacteriuria and presence of a symptom at group level were determined using logistic regression. To estimate the clinical relevance of correlations at group level positive and negative etiological predictive values (EPV) were calculated. EPV takes into account the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria. Results: In this study 207/651 (32%) of urine cultures were positive. Fatigue, restlessness and confusion were the most common symptoms. Logistic regression indicated some correlations at group level. Aside from Escherichia coli in the urine and not being herself/himself present for at least one month, but less than three months, EPV indicated no clinically useful correlation between any symptoms in this study and findings of bacteriuria. Conclusion: Urine cultures are insufficiently specific when evaluating elderly patients at nursing homes presenting with new or increased restlessness, fatigue, confusion, aggressiveness, dysuria or urgency

    Urine culture doubtful in determining etiology of diffuse symptoms

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    Background: As many as half of elderly residents at nursing homes have asymptomatic bacteriuria. Thus it’s hard to know if a new symptom is related to findings of bacteria in urine or not. There are different opinions on the possible connection between different non-specific symptoms and urinary tract infections (UTI). Non-specific symptoms in combination with diagnostic uncertainty often lead to antibiotic treatments of uncertain value. Antibiotic overuse increases the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Research question: What is the relationship between bacteria in the urine and new or increased fatigue, confusion, restlessness, aggressiveness, not being herself/himself, dysuria, urgency and fever. Methods: In this cross-sectional study symptoms were registered and voided urine specimens collected for urine cultures from 651 elderly residents in 32 nursing homes located in south-western Sweden. Correlation between bacteriuria and presence of a symptom at group level were determined using logistic regression. To estimate the clinical relevance of correlations at group level positive and negative etiological predictive values (EPV) were calculated. EPV takes into account the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria. Results: In this study 207/651 (32%) of urine cultures were positive. Fatigue, restlessness and confusion were the most common symptoms. Logistic regression indicated some correlations at group level. Aside from Escherichia coli in the urine and not being herself/himself present for at least one month, but less than three months, EPV indicated no clinically useful correlation between any symptoms in this study and findings of bacteriuria. Conclusion: Urine cultures are insufficiently specific when evaluating elderly patients at nursing homes presenting with new or increased restlessness, fatigue, confusion, aggressiveness, dysuria or urgency

    Urine culture doubtful in determining etiology of diffuse symptoms among elderly individuals [Urinodling har tveksamt vÀrde vid beslut om antibiotikabehandling av patienter pÄ Àldreboenden]

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    Background: As many as half of elderly residents at nursing homes have asymptomatic bacteriuria. Thus it’s hard to know if a new symptom is related to findings of bacteria in urine or not. There are different opinions on the possible connection between different non-specific symptoms and urinary tract infections (UTI). Non-specific symptoms in combination with diagnostic uncertainty often lead to antibiotic treatments of uncertain value. Antibiotic overuse increases the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Research question: What is the relationship between bacteria in the urine and new or increased fatigue, confusion, restlessness, aggressiveness, not being herself/himself, dysuria, urgency and fever. Methods: In this cross-sectional study symptoms were registered and voided urine specimens collected for urine cultures from 651 elderly residents in 32 nursing homes located in south-western Sweden. Correlation between bacteriuria and presence of a symptom at group level were determined using logistic regression. To estimate the clinical relevance of correlations at group level positive and negative etiological predictive values (EPV) were calculated. EPV takes into account the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria. Results: In this study 207/651 (32%) of urine cultures were positive. Fatigue, restlessness and confusion were the most common symptoms. Logistic regression indicated some correlations at group level. Aside from Escherichia coli in the urine and not being herself/himself present for at least one month, but less than three months, EPV indicated no clinically useful correlation between any symptoms in this study and findings of bacteriuria. Conclusion: Urine cultures are insufficiently specific when evaluating elderly patients at nursing homes presenting with new or increased restlessness, fatigue, confusion, aggressiveness, dysuria or urgency

    "CLEVER, BUT NOT CHOPINESQUE"- Fyra nutida pianopedagogers syn pÄ Frédéric Chopins pianometodik genom tiderna

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    Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka fyra nutida pianopedagogers syn pĂ„ hur FrĂ©dĂ©ric Chopins pianometodik har utvecklats frĂ„n kompositörens tid fram till nutid. Litteraturen som anvĂ€nds för denna studie fokuserar pĂ„ Chopins tankar om undervisning, Chopin-spel under olika tider, samt traditionsöverföring. Studien baseras pĂ„ personliga intervjuer och en kvalitativ metod. Data samlas in genom intervjuer med fyra framstĂ„ende pianopedagoger frĂ„n tvĂ„ olika delar av Sverige. Resultaten visar att de fyra pianopedagogerna ser Chopin som en central gestalt i sina arbetsliv som lĂ€rare, samtidigt som de inte ser sig sjĂ€lva som arvtagare eller förmedlare av nĂ„gon speciell pianotradition. Resultatet tyder pĂ„ att en pedagogisk, musikalisk metod som Chopins kan bevaras genom flera generationer, Ă€ven om den ofta blir föremĂ„l för modifiering och förnyelse. Dessa resultat diskuteras utifrĂ„n olika aspekter som anknyter till Chopininterpretation.Title: "Clever, but not Chopinesque" - A study of four contemporary piano pedagogues’views on FrĂ©dĂ©ric Chopin’s piano method through the years The purpose of this study is to investigate four contemporary piano pedagogues’ views on how FrĂ©dĂ©ric Chopin’s pedagogical piano method has developed from the time of the composer to the present day. The literature used for this study focused on Chopin’s teaching, the style of Chopin playing through the years, and the preservation of traditions. A qualitative research was used as method for the making of this study. Data was collected through interviews with four eminent piano pedagogues from two different parts of Sweden. The results show that the four piano pedagogues seem to consider Chopin as a central composer when teaching their piano students, even if they don’t necessarily see themselves as representatives of a certain piano tradition. The results also imply that a pedagogical musical method like that of Chopin can be preserved by generations through different times, although it will often be exposed to transformations. These results are discussed departing from different aspects related to the interpretation of Chopin's music

    Urine culture doubtful in determining etiology of diffuse symptoms

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    Background: As many as half of elderly residents at nursing homes have asymptomatic bacteriuria. Thus it’s hard to know if a new symptom is related to findings of bacteria in urine or not. There are different opinions on the possible connection between different non-specific symptoms and urinary tract infections (UTI). Non-specific symptoms in combination with diagnostic uncertainty often lead to antibiotic treatments of uncertain value. Antibiotic overuse increases the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Research question: What is the relationship between bacteria in the urine and new or increased fatigue, confusion, restlessness, aggressiveness, not being herself/himself, dysuria, urgency and fever. Methods: In this cross-sectional study symptoms were registered and voided urine specimens collected for urine cultures from 651 elderly residents in 32 nursing homes located in south-western Sweden. Correlation between bacteriuria and presence of a symptom at group level were determined using logistic regression. To estimate the clinical relevance of correlations at group level positive and negative etiological predictive values (EPV) were calculated. EPV takes into account the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria. Results: In this study 207/651 (32%) of urine cultures were positive. Fatigue, restlessness and confusion were the most common symptoms. Logistic regression indicated some correlations at group level. Aside from Escherichia coli in the urine and not being herself/himself present for at least one month, but less than three months, EPV indicated no clinically useful correlation between any symptoms in this study and findings of bacteriuria. Conclusion: Urine cultures are insufficiently specific when evaluating elderly patients at nursing homes presenting with new or increased restlessness, fatigue, confusion, aggressiveness, dysuria or urgency

    A framework for strict structured literature reviews within management research and management education: establishing a model for evidence-based management and increased scholarly interaction

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    Over the last decade, the systematic literature review has extended to management research and management education. The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative method named Strict Structured Literature Review (SSLR), to provide a robust selection of articles for starting a longitudinal study or as a fast reliable and transparent method reviewing literature for shorter work under a time-limit, for example research projects or educational assignments. A properly executed Strict Structured Literature Review will lead to the desirable outcome of connecting researchers, or students, with practitioners and create conditions for evidence-based management based on already existing research results. Using a Strict Structured Literature Review would create a publishing strategy where research funders return on investments (ROI) can be met through increased implementation of earlier research results in organizational decision making as well as extended scholarly communication. This is completely in line with the movement towards open science. At the same time, the method for Strict Structured Literature Review fosters a development within management education towards evidence-based management and scholarly interaction

    Proteintillskott och trÀning- En studie av mÀns och kvinnors motiv till trÀning och konsumtion av proteintillskott

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    SjÀlvkoncept, och dÄ i synnerhet individens kroppsuppfattning, kan styra individens motiv till trÀning samt instÀllning till proteintillskott. Vidare forskning krÀvs för att verkligen pÄvisa skillnader mellan könen Àven om tendenser kunde urskiljas

    Konfigurerbar systembrygga mellan Jourhavande bibliotekarie och FrÄga biblioteket: slutrapport

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    Arbetet med att utveckla en systembrygga för en fördjupad samverkan inom omrÄdet virtuell referenstjÀnst inom och mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier i olika bibliotekstyper, innebÀr att en infrastruktur finns för att ta hand om alla frÄgor pÄ ett systematiskt sÀtt. Möjligheterna för en samordning av en virtuell referenstjÀnst pÄ nationell nivÄ ger inte bara kostnadseffektivitet utan ocksÄ driftsÀkerhet samt möjlighet att utveckla en kunskapsbank för att tillvarata och ÄteranvÀnda den kunskap som skapas vid referenssamtalen. FrÄga biblioteket har med sin nuvarande kunskapsbank visat att det gÄr att bygga upp en mycket omfattande sÄdan inom en rimlig tidsperiod. En nationell lösning med systembryggan som grund gör det möjligt att arbeta lokalt, regionalt och nationellt i ett grÀnsöverskridande samarbete mellan olika biblioteksorganisationer. En referenstjÀnst pÄ webben bidrar ocksÄ till att öka tillgÀngligheten till bibliotekens tjÀnster. Att delta i ett arbete med virtuella referenstjÀnster, dÀr samverkan pÄ olika nivÄer mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier Àr möjlig, kan ocksÄ bidra till en kompetensutveckling inom omrÄdet. En referenstjÀnst pÄ webben bidrar ocksÄ till att öka tillgÀngligheten till bibliotekens tjÀnster. Att delta i ett arbete med virtuella referenstjÀnster, dÀr samverkan pÄ olika nivÄer mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier Àr möjlig, kan ocksÄ bidra till en kompetensutveckling inom omrÄdet. Systembryggan i en kort sammanfattning: Ett flexibelt system för hantering av alla e-frÄgor En kollaborativ lösning som Àven innebÀr fristÄende tjÀnster lokalt Möjlighet att skapa helt nya tjÀnster för samverkan En vÀl utvecklad managementdel med bl.a. uttag av rapporter pÄ lokal, regional och nationell nivÄ och möjlighet att skapa enkÀter pÄ olika nivÄer Full frihet att sjÀlv skrÀddarsy layout och texter med exempelvis egna loggor Möjlighet till uppföljning av alla frÄgor nÀr som helst Funktioner för back office mellan samtliga bibliotek av alla bibliotekstype

    Arkitekturen fylder rundt

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