1,081 research outputs found

    The convergence of the physical, mental and virtual

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    This editorial introduces a special issue of Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology, centring on the convergence of the physical, mental and virtual. The idea of publishing a special issue on this matter came about at a conference, ICT that makes the difference, organised by the consortium of a FP7-funded project, ICTethics. In particular, we wanted to foreground some of the material presented and debated in sessions on the role of assistive robotics, the use of RFIDs and other implants for brain/body-device interactions, and issues surrounding ‘medical access to the brain’. The special issue takes as its point of departure the gap that exists between the visionary work and experimentation undertaken by scientists, and the results of theoretical and practical reflection on issues of ethical, legal and social relevance. One of the objectives of the ICTethics project is to investigate how ELSA studies can be operationally embedded in the early stages of ICT design and development, as well as in agenda setting for S&T research. But to what extent do scientists, policy-makers, ELSA scholars and other stakeholders network and communicate to bring about improved conditions for good governance and professional accountability? The special issue brings together cutting-edge experimenters, philosophers and ELSA scholars, as both authors and commentators, to explore some of the latest developments that manifest convergence of the physical, mental and virtual, and relate them specifically to issues of selfhood, identity and responsibility, empathy, medical ethics, social robustness and accountability. In doing this, we hope to set an example of how radically different disciplines can communicate and complement each other’s work

    The fifth freedom and the burden of executive power

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    Advanced ICTs and biometry in mass-surveillance and border control is integral to the securitization agenda which emerged in the early 2000s. This agenda has been particularly instrumental in cultivating migration anxieties and framing the problem of threat as an imperative to identify those who are dangerous to public safety. As well founded as that may be, this framing masks the pivotal role ICTs have in the supervision and surveillance of industries and markets. ICTs are essential to achieve all four freedoms of movement in European market integration, i.e., of goods, services, capital and persons. They are essential to EU-US trade and investment relations which are increasingly underpinned by cross-border data flows. Drawing on mobilities research, this chapter explores how the mobilities of materials, commodities, markets and labour are simultaneously constrained and facilitated in reference to the obligation in Europe to protect yet another freedom of movement, that of data. Against efforts to better protect personal data in these flows, narratives of threat and emergency call for immediate action, whereby any data that can be intercepted can also be gathered for investigative purposes on the basis of exceptional circumstance. The securitization agenda finds its practical utility here in the hands of executive powers, avoiding the legislature and the judiciary. There is no evidence that authorities catch terrorists and criminals because of advanced ICTs in data intercept. The practical utility lies in the ability to target and investigate any individual, any political opposition or exercise in citizen rights to challenge the socio-economic and moral order. Under the circumstances, the only immediate defence available is self-censorship. Publics have no meaningful way of objecting to states of exception in which illiberal practices are legitimized, and neither does the legislature and the judiciary unless the checks on executive powers are adequately reined in

    Hirschsprung´s Disease & Gastroesophageal Reflux. Aspects on Two Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders in Childhood

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    Gastrointestinal motility disorders are common in childhood and in this thesis we look at two of them, i.e. Hirschsprung´s Disease (HD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in five different studies. HD is a congenital disease characterized by an abscence of ganglion cells in myenteric and submucous ganglia, most commonly in the distal part of the large bowel. In Paper I, we have studied the CART peptide (cocaine-and amphetamine regulated transcript), in human bowel prepararions and were able to show for the first time that the CART peptide is localized in normal human bowel. It is primarily expressed in the myenteric ganglia with high colocalization with the neurotransmitters VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide) and NO (nitric oxide) indicating a functional role in the intestinal wall. CART-IR (immunoreactive) neurons were not found in the aganglionic part of the bowel indicating an intrinsic origin of the peptide. In Paper II the quality of life (QoL) of adults operated on for HD in their childhood was studied. For that, two validated questionnaires were used, SF-36 health survey and GIQLI (gastrointestinal quality of life index). We found that the adults operated on for HD in childhood, had generally normal QoL. The women, however, had worse general and mental health when compared to the normal population. It was also noted that the longer the aganglionic segment was, the more affected the QoL of the patient. In Paper III we compared the outcome, after two year follow-up, of the Duhamel pull-through operation for rectosigmoid HD and the TERPT (transanal endorectal pull-through) method which we introduced in 2005 in Lund. The study showed that patients operated on with the TERPT-method recovered significantly faster and required fewer interventions during follow-up time, without compromising the functional results. Also the cosmetic results were far better for TERPT group. Our result support the use of the TERPT method in favor of the Duhamel pull-through for rectosigmoid HD. PH-monitoring is valuable in the diagnosis of GERD and the gold standard has been catheter-based monitoring. In Paper IV-V we have shown that a wireless esophageal pH-monitoring system is feasible for use and well-tolerated by children, and is to be recommended. Our result found no clear advantage of esophageal pH-monitoring for 48 hours compared to 24 hours in the diagnosis of GERD in children. It was also shown that it is the combination of symptoms, endoscopic findings, pH-monitoring results and pathological examination that gives the most reliable diagnosis of GERD in children

    Wastewater Treatment in Greenland

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    Investigating Risk Factors of Underground Power Cables in Iceland

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    In designing, installing and managing an underground electric power cable system in Iceland, efficient thermal dissipation in the soil surrounding the cable is critical in preventing thermal breakdown due to high temperatures at cable jackets. Two underground power cables extend from the Nesjavellir geothermal plant to Reykjavik. Previous work has shown that the thermal conductivity of soil is dependent on soil water content. There are various environmental factors that may affect soil water content, causing the soil to dry up. This study identified the various factors that should be considered when dealing with underground power cables, particularly with regard to Icelandic environmental conditions. Data on temperature and moisture around cables collected in the field at several sites, as well as a compilation of published meteorological information, and power production at Nesjavellir over a 90 day period, were used to determine relationships among these factors. A mineral analysis was performed on soil samples from sites, and the backfill material. Maps of the cable route, weighing different environmental factors that could possibly affect the soil water content were evaluated. These maps show the risk areas for cable failure to coincide with drier areas. There is a strong correlation between thermal conductivity and soil water content, supporting previous research. The backfill material surrounding the cable needs to have certain physical properties that allow for a consistent unrestricted thermal dissipation from the cable jacket. Due to environmental conditions in Iceland, the risk of cable failure is generally minimal. An exception is extended droughts in the summer, due to decreased soil moisture causing decreased thermal conductivity in the surrounding soil. The risk maps indicate that the area between the Nesjavellir power plant and Reykjavik is of relatively low risk. These results support the hypothesis that the soil surrounding an underground cable needs to have high enough water-holding properties for the thermal conductivity not to be affected by decreased soil moisture, thereby allowing for unrestricted thermal dissipation from the cable jacket

    Jeg synes skolen bør være mer glad i sine elever. Kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse av ugyldig fravær og opplevelse av faglig mestring i videregående skole på Island.

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    Dette masterprosjektet har hatt fokus på å få frem ungdommenes synspunkter på ugyldig fravær og opplevelsen deres av faglig mestring i videregående skole. Ved å bruke kvalitativ semistrukturert intervjuundersøkelse har jeg fokusert på ungdommenes opplevelse av manglende fremmøte og deres mestringsopplevelser i skolen med utgangspunkt i oppgavens problemstilling: «Hvordan opplever ungdommer med mye ugyldig fravær faglig mestring i videregående skole på Island?» For å operasjonalisere problemstillingen formulerte jeg tre forskningsspørsmål: 1) Hvordan gir ungdommene uttrykk for mestring og motivasjon i ungdomsskolen og i videregående skole? 2) Hvordan beskriver ungdommene forholdet sitt til mye ugyldig fravær? 3) Hvordan opplever ungdommene skolesystemet? Bearbeiding av datamateriale i denne intervjuundersøkelsen er fremstått gjennom semistrukturerte intervjuer med fem ungdommer i alderen 18 til 21 år som har eller har hatt mye ugyldig fravær i videregående skole på Island. Disse ungdommene er enten i skole nå eller er falt fra opplæringen. For å få frem ungdommenes tanker, erfaringer og følelser er datamaterialet analysert og tolket i et fenomenologisk vitenskapsteoretisk perspektiv, samt drøftet i lys av teoretisk og forskningsmessig forståelsesramme. Resultatene peker på at ungdommene opplever ungdomsskolen som altfor lett. De yter minimalt i skolen, men får likevel høye gjennomsnittskarakterer i slutten av tiende klasse. Fag som er av interesse gir høye karakterer, og de som er av lite interesse gir lavere karakterer. På videregående skole trives ungdommene dårlig. De mangler tilhørighet og ser ikke meningen med det de skal lære der. De sliter med fremmøte og forteller at ingen bryr seg om de er på skolen eller ikke. Ungdommene blir ikke kontaktet av rådgiver når de har så dårlig fremmøte, men må selv søke kontakt, noe de ikke gjør. Videre viser resultatene sammenheng mellom karakterer og troen på å lykkes i skolen. Får ungdommene lave karakterer, velger de å vrake faget og mister interesse selv om de tidligere har hatt faget som favorittfag i mange år. Ungdommene fremhever at de savner at skolen er der for dem, men ikke at de skal være der for skolen. Undersøkelsen er et godt innlegg i diskusjonen om frafall på Island og den henvender seg til alle som underviser i ungdomsskolen og videregående skole, rådgivere og andre som bryr seg om ungdommenes opplæring

    Relationship between growth and feeding in infancy and body mass index at the age of 6 years

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldOBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between size and growth measurements in infancy to body mass index (BMI) at 6 y. DESIGN: A longitudinal observation study on randomly chosen infants' growth and consumption in infancy. Follow-up until the age of 6 y. SUBJECTS: A total of 90 children who were born healthy and full-term. MEASUREMENTS: Weight and height were measured at maternity wards and healthcare centers in Iceland throughout infancy and at 6 y. Food records were made every month during infancy. At 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12 months, food was weighed to calculate food and nutrient intake. RESULTS: Weight gain from birth to 12 months as a ratio of birth weight was positively related to BMI at the age of 6 y in both genders (B=2.9+/-1.0, P=0.008, and B=2.0+/-0.9, P=0.032 for boys and girls, respectively). Boys in the highest quartile of protein intake (E%) at the age of 9-12 months had significantly higher BMI (17.8+/-2.4 kg/m(2)) at 6 y than the lowest (15.6+/-1.0 kg/m(2), P=0.039) and the second lowest (15.3+/-0.8 kg/m(2), P=0.01) quartile. Energy intake was not different between groups. Together, weight gain at 0-12 months and protein intake at 9-12 months explained 50% of the variance in BMI among 6-y-old boys. CONCLUSION: Rapid growth during the first year of life is associated with increased BMI at the age of 6 y in both genders. In boys, high intake of protein in infancy could also contribute to childhood obesity

    Iodine status of adolescent girls in a population changing from high to lower fish consumption

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldObjectives:During the last decades, fish and milk consumption has decreased considerably in Iceland, especially among adolescents. As these food items are important dietary iodine (I) sources, the aim of the study was to assess the iodine status and dietary pattern of adolescent girls in a population changing from a high to lower consumption of milk and fish.Subjects/Methods:Subjects were randomly selected adolescent girls (16-20 years old, n=112). A validated Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used to evaluate food consumption and compare it with food-based dietary guidelines for milk and dairy products (2-3 portions/day) and fish (>/=2 times/week). Urine samples were collected for measuring urinary iodine (U-I) and creatinine (Cr) and blood samples for measuring serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).Results:Milk and dairy products provided 43% and fish provided 24% of the total dietary I. More than 65% of the girls consumed fish less than twice a week, and 40% consumed less than two portions of milk and dairy products per day. The median U-I concentration was 200 mug/l and the U-I/Cr ratio 138 mug I/g Cr. High intake of milk was associated with higher urinary iodine concentration, but fish intake was not found to be directly associated with urinary iodine concentration.Conclusions:Iodine status of Icelandic adolescent girls is within the optimal range defined by the World Health Organization. It is important to monitor both iodine status and the iodine concentration of important sources of iodine, as both dietary habits and composition of food might change with time

    Disciplinary orientations and method - Interdisciplinary approximations and distantiations. Documentation report of case study progress.

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    This deliverable provides a progress documentation of the Epinet case studies. It focusses on key factors in the coming together of disciplinary orientations and methods both within each case study and among the broader communities of expertise and experience who were involved in the embedding phase of the case studies

    Death within 8 days after discharge to home from the emergency department

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldBACKGROUND: Deaths within 8 days after discharge have, in previous studies, been evaluated retrospectively based on review of hospital records and the cause of death. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association of death within 8 days after discharge to home from the emergency department with a non-causative diagnosis in a prospective cohort study. METHODS: The records from the emergency department were filed by personal identification number and included information on gender, age, admission, discharge and diagnosis. The cause of death was obtained from a nation-wide registry by record linkage. Mortality per 100,000 within 8 days and the hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for all causes of death in a time-dependent analysis. RESULTS: A non-causative diagnosis had been given to 11% of those who died within 8 days after discharge home. The mortality per 100,000 within 8 days was 208.5, within 15 days 347.4 and within 30 days 648.6. In the analysis of deaths within 8 days, the hazard ratio was higher for men than women and increasing age was significantly associated with high mortality. The hazard ratio for non-causative diagnosis was 0.44 (95% CI 0.20-0.96) as compared to causative diagnosis, adjusted for gender and age. CONCLUSION: The mortality rate within 8 days of discharge found in the present study is considerably higher than findings in previous studies. Death shortly after discharge of patients with non-causative diagnosis may indicate a misjudgement of the patients' condition at the time of discharge