221 research outputs found

    DNA Topoisomerase IIα contributes to the early steps of adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells

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    DNA topoisomerases (Topo) are multifunctional enzymes resolving DNA topological problems such as those arising during DNA replication, transcription and mitosis. Mammalian cells express 2 class II isoforms, Topoisomerases IIα (Topo IIα) and IIβ (Topo IIβ), which have similar enzymatic properties but are differently expressed, in dividing and pluripotent cells, and in post-mitotic and differentiated cells respectively. Pre-adipocytes re-enter the cell cycle prior to committing to their differentiation and we hypothesised that Topo II could contribute to these processes. We show that Topo IIα expression in 3T3-L1 cells is induced within 16 h after the initiation of the differentiation programme, peaks at 24 h and rapidly declines thereafter. In contrast Topo IIβ was present both in pre-adipocytes and throughout differentiation. Inhibition of PI3K with LY294002, known to prevent adipocyte differentiation, consistently reduced the expression of Topo IIα, whereas a clear effect on Topo IIβ was not apparent. In addition, inhibition of mTOR with rapamycin also reduced the protein levels of Topo IIα. Using specific class IA PI3K catalytic subunit inhibitors, we show that p110α inhibition with A66 has the greatest reduction of Topo IIα expression and of differentiation, as measured by triglyceride storage. The timing of Topo IIα expression coincides with the mitotic clonal expansion (MCE) phase of differentiation and inhibition of Topo II with ICRF-187 during this stage decreased PPARγ1 and 2 protein levels and triglyceride storage, whereas inhibition later on has little impact. Moreover, the addition of ICRF-187 had no effect on the incorporation of EdU during S-phase at day 1 but lowered the relative cell numbers on day 2. ICRF-187 also induced an increase in the centri/pericentromeric heterochromatin localisation of Topo IIα, indicating a role for Topo IIα at these locations during MCE. In summary, we present evidence that Topo IIα plays an important role in adipogenesis during MCE and in a PI3K/mTOR-dependent manner. Considering that Topoisomerases II are targets in cancer chemotherapy, our results highlight that treatment of cancer with Topo II inhibitors may alter metabolic processes in the adipose tissue.publishedVersio

    Generating a Precision Endoxifen Prediction Algorithm to Advance Personalized Tamoxifen Treatment in Patients with Breast Cancer

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    Tamoxifen is an endocrine treatment for hormone receptor positive breast cancer. The effectiveness of tamoxifen may be compromised in patients with metabolic resistance, who have insufficient metabolic generation of the active metabolites endoxifen and 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen. This has been challenging to validate due to the lack of measured metabolite concentrations in tamoxifen clinical trials. CYP2D6 activity is the primary determinant of endoxifen concentration. Inconclusive results from studies investigating whether CYP2D6 genotype is associated with tamoxifen efficacy may be due to the imprecision in using CYP2D6 genotype as a surrogate of endoxifen concentration without incorporating the influence of other genetic and clinical variables. This review summarizes the evidence that active metabolite concentrations determine tamoxifen efficacy. We then introduce a novel approach to validate this relationship by generating a precision endoxifen prediction algorithm and comprehensively review the factors that must be incorporated into the algorithm, including genetics of CYP2D6 and other pharmacogenes. A precision endoxifen algorithm could be used to validate metabolic resistance in existing tamoxifen clinical trial cohorts and could then be used to select personalized tamoxifen doses to ensure all patients achieve adequate endoxifen concentrations and maximum benefit from tamoxifen treatment.publishedVersio

    Tissue-Specific Effects of Bariatric Surgery Including Mitochondrial Function

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    A better understanding of the molecular links between obesity and disease is potentially of great benefit for society. In this paper we discuss proposed mechanisms whereby bariatric surgery improves metabolic health, including acute effects on glucose metabolism and long-term effects on metabolic tissues (adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and liver) and mitochondrial function. More short-term randomized controlled trials should be performed that include simultaneous measurement of metabolic parameters in different tissues, such as tissue gene expression, protein profile, and lipid content. By directly comparing different surgical procedures using a wider array of metabolic parameters, one may further unravel the mechanisms of aberrant metabolic regulation in obesity and related disorders

    Metabolic and Epigenetic Regulation by Estrogen in Adipocytes

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    Sex hormones contribute to differences between males and females in body fat distribution and associated disease risk. Higher concentrations of estrogens are associated with a more gynoid body shape and with more fat storage on hips and thighs rather than in visceral depots. Estrogen-mediated protection against visceral adiposity is shown in post-menopausal women with lower levels of estrogens and the reduction in central body fat observed after treatment with hormone-replacement therapy. Estrogen exerts its physiological effects via the estrogen receptors (ERα, ERβ and GPR30) in target cells, including adipocytes. Studies in mice indicate that estrogen protects against adipose inflammation and fibrosis also before the onset of obesity. The mechanisms involved in estrogen-dependent body fat distribution are incompletely understood, but involve, e.g., increased mTOR signaling and suppression of autophagy and adipogenesis/lipid storage. Estrogen plays a key role in epigenetic regulation of adipogenic genes by interacting with enzymes that remodel DNA methylation and histone tail post-translational modifications. However, more studies are needed to map the differential epigenetic effects of ER in different adipocyte subtypes, including those in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues. We here review recent discoveries of ER-mediated transcriptional and epigenetic regulation in adipocytes, which may explain sexual dimorphisms in body fat distribution and obesity-related disease risk.publishedVersio

    Dietary fish intake increased the concentration of soluble ACE2 in rats. Can fish consumption reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection through interception of SARS-CoV-2 by soluble ACE2?

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) enters the cells after binding to the membrane-bound receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), but this may be prevented through interception by soluble ACE2 (sACE2) or by inhibition of the ACE2 receptor, thus obstructing cell entry and replication. The main objective of this study was to investigate if fish intake affected the concentration of sACE2 in rats. The secondary aim was to evaluate the in vitro ACE2-inhibiting activity of fish proteins. Rats were fed cod muscle as 25 % of dietary protein, and blood was collected after 4 weeks of intervention. Muscle, backbone, skin, head, stomach, stomach content, intestine and swim bladder from haddock, saithe, cod and redfish were hydrolysed with trypsin before ACE2-inhibiting activity was measured in vitro. In vivo data were compared using unpaired Student’s t test, and in vitro data were compared using one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey HSD post hoc test. The mean sACE2 concentration was 47 % higher in rats fed cod when compared with control rats (P 0·034), whereas serum concentrations of angiotensin II and TNF-α were similar between the two experimental groups. Muscle, backbone, skin and head from all four fish species inhibited ACE2 activity in vitro, whereas the remaining fractions had no effect. To conclude, our novel data demonstrate that fish intake increased the sACE2 concentration in rats and that the hydrolysed fish proteins inhibited ACE2 activity in vitro.publishedVersio

    Urine and plasma concentrations of amino acids and plasma vitamin status differ, and are differently affected by salmon intake, in obese Zucker fa/fa rats with impaired kidney function and in Long-Evans rats with healthy kidneys

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    Under embargo until: 2020-08-09Kidney function affects amino acid metabolism and vitamin status. The aims of the present study were to investigate urine and plasma concentrations of amino acids as well as plasma vitamin status in rats with impaired renal function (Zucker fa/fa rats) and in rats with normal kidney function (Long-Evans rats), and to explore the effects of salmon intake on these parameters and potential biomarkers of salmon intake in both rat strains. Male rats were fed diets with casein as sole protein source (control diet) or 25 % protein from baked salmon and 75 % casein for 4 weeks. Urine concentrations of markers of renal function and most amino acids and plasma concentrations of most vitamins were higher, and plasma concentrations of several amino acids including arginine, total glutathione and most tryptophan metabolites were lower in Zucker fa/fa rats compared with Long-Evans rats fed the control diet. Concentrations of kidney function markers were lower after salmon intake only in Zucker fa/fa rats. A trend towards lower urine concentrations of amino acids was seen in both rat strains fed the salmon diet, but this was more pronounced in Long-Evans rats and did not reflect the dietary amino acid content. Urine 1-methylhistidine, 3-methylhistidine, trimethylamineoxide and creatine concentrations, and plasma 1-methylhistidine and creatine concentrations were higher after salmon intake in both rat strains. To conclude, concentrations of amino acids in urine and plasma as well as vitamin status were different in Zucker fa/fa and Long-Evans rats, and the effects of salmon intake differed by rat strain for some of these parameters.publishedVersio

    Consumption of a light meal affects serum concentrations of one-carbon metabolites and B-vitamins. A clinical intervention study

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    The transfer of one-carbon units between molecules in metabolic pathways is essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis, but little is known about whether the circulating concentrations of metabolites involved in the one-carbon metabolism are affected by the prandial status. Epidemiological studies do not always consistently use fasting or non-fasting blood samples or may lack information on the prandial status of the study participants. Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of a light breakfast on serum concentrations of selected metabolites and B-vitamins related to the one-carbon metabolism; i.e. the methionine-homocysteine cycle, the folate cycle, the choline oxidation pathway and the transsulfuration pathway. Sixty-three healthy adults (thirty-six women) with BMI ≥ 27 kg/m2 were included in the study. Blood was collected in the fasting state and 60 and 120 min after intake of a standardised breakfast consisting of white bread, margarine, white cheese, strawberry jam and orange juice (2218 kJ). The meal contained low amounts of choline, betaine, serine and vitamins B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12. Serum concentrations of total homocysteine, total cysteine, flavin mononucleotide, nicotinamide and pyridoxal 5’-phosphate were significantly decreased, and concentrations of choline, betaine, dimethylglycine, sarcosine, cystathionine and folate were significantly increased following breakfast intake (P < 0·05). Our findings demonstrate that the intake of a light breakfast with low nutrient content affected serum concentrations of several metabolites and B-vitamins related to the one-carbon metabolism.publishedVersio

    Effect of genetic variability in 20 pharmacogenes on concentrations of tamoxifen and its metabolites

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    Background: Tamoxifen, as a treatment of estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer, is a weak anti-estrogen that requires metabolic activation to form metabolites with higher anti-estrogenic activity. Endoxifen is the most-studied active tamoxifen metabolite, and endoxifen concentrations are highly associated with CYP2D6 activity. Associations of tamoxifen efficacy with measured or CYP2D6-predicted endoxifen concentrations have been inconclusive. Another active metabolite, 4-OHtam, and other, less active metabolites, Z-4′-endoxifen and Z-4′-OHtam, have also been reported to be associated with tamoxifen efficacy. Method: Genotype for 20 pharmacogenes was determined by VeriDose® Core Panel and VeriDose®CYP2D6 CNV Panel, followed by translation to metabolic activity phenotype following standard activity scoring. Concentrations of tamoxifen and seven metabolites were measured by UPLC-MS/MS in serum samples collected from patients receiving 20 mg tamoxifen per day. Metabolic activity was tested for association with tamoxifen and its metabolites using linear regression with adjustment for upstream metabolites to identify genes associated with each step in the tamoxifen metabolism pathway. Results: A total of 187 patients with genetic and tamoxifen concentration data were included in the analysis. CYP2D6 was the primary gene associated with the tamoxifen metabolism pathway, especially the conversion of tamoxifen to endoxifen. CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 were also responsible for the metabolism of tamoxifen. CYP2C9 especially impacted the hydroxylation to 4-OHtam, and this involved the OATP1B1 (SLCO1B1) transporter. Conclusion: Multiple genes are involved in tamoxifen metabolism and multi-gene panels could be useful to predict active metabolite concentrations and guide tamoxifen dosing.publishedVersio

    MRI adipose tissue segmentation and quantification in R (RAdipoSeg)

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    Background: Excess adipose tissue is associated with increased cardiovascular and metabolic risk, but the volume of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue poses different metabolic risks. MRI with fat suppression can be used to accurately quantify adipose depots. We have developed a new semi-automatic method, RAdipoSeg, for MRI adipose tissue segmentation and quantification in the free and open source statistical software R. Methods: MRI images were obtained from wild-type mice on high- or low-fat diet, and from 20 human subjects without clinical signs of metabolic dysfunction. For each mouse and human subject, respectively, 10 images were segmented with RAdipoSeg and with the commercially available software SliceOmatic. Jaccard difference, relative volume difference and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were calculated for each group. Agreement between the two methods were analysed with Bland–Altman plots. Results: RAdipoSeg performed similarly to the commercial software. The mean Jaccard differences were 10–29% and the relative volume differences were below ( ±) 20%. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient gave p-values below 0.05 for both mouse and human images. The Bland–Altman plots indicated some systematic and proporitional bias, which can be countered by the flexible nature of the method. Conclusion: RAdipoSeg is a reliable and low cost method for fat segmentation in studies of mice and humans.publishedVersio