302 research outputs found

    The Evolutionary Status of Clusters of Galaxies at z ~ 1

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    Combined HST, X-ray, and ground-based optical studies show that clusters of galaxies are largely "in place" by z∼1z \sim 1, an epoch when the Universe was less than half its present age. High resolution images show that elliptical, S0, and spiral galaxies are present in clusters at redshifts up to z∼1.3z \sim 1.3. Analysis of the CMDs suggest that the cluster ellipticals formed their stars several Gyr earlier, near redshift 3. The morphology--density relation is well established at z∼1z\sim1, with star-forming spirals and irregulars residing mostly in the outer parts of the clusters and E/S0s concentrated in dense clumps. The intracluster medium has already reached the metallicity of present-day clusters. The distributions of the hot gas and early-type galaxies are similar in z∼1z\sim1 clusters, indicating both have largely virialized in the deepest potentials wells. In spite of the many similarities between z∼1z\sim1 and present-day clusters, there are significant differences. The morphologies revealed by the hot gas, and particularly the early-type galaxies, are elongated rather than spherical. We appear to be observing the clusters at an epoch when the sub-clusters and groups are still assembling into a single regular cluster. Support for this picture comes from CL0152 where the gas appears to be lagging behind the luminous and dark mass in two merging sub-components. Moreover, the luminosity difference between the first and second brightest cluster galaxies at z∼1z\sim1 is smaller than in 93% of present-day Abell clusters, which suggests that considerable luminosity evolution through merging has occurred since that epoch. Evolution is also seen in the bolometric X-ray luminosity function.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: the Hubble Tuing Fork Strikes a New Note, eds. D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, I. Puerari & R. Groess. Figures degraded to meet astroph size limit; a version with higher resolution figures may be downloaded from: http://acs.pha.jhu.edu/~jpb/z1clusters/ford_clusters.pd

    GPs' use of problem solving therapy for depression: a qualitative study of barriers to and enablers of evidence based care

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is a major health concern, predominantly treated by general practitioners (GPs). Problem solving therapy (PST) is recognised as an effective treatment for depression that is not widely used by GPs. This research aims to explore barriers and enablers that may influence GPs use of this treatment. METHOD: Qualitative methodology was used including individual and focus group interviews of GPs, PST experts and consumers. Analysis was undertaken using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as a framework. RESULTS: A spectrum of potential influences, on GPs' use of PST emerged. Both barriers and enablers were identified. PST was perceived as being close to current practice approaches and potentially beneficial to both doctor and patient. In addition to a broadly positive attitude to PST, expressed by those with previous experience of its use, potential solutions to perceived barriers emerged. By contrast some GPs expressed fear that the use of PST would result in loss of doctor control of consultations and associated potential adverse patient outcomes. Patient expectations, which emerged as not always coinciding with GPs' perception of those expectations, were identified as a potential influence on GPs' decision concerning adoption of PST. In addition specific factors, including GP skill and confidence, consultation time constraints and technical issues related to PST were noted as potential concerns. CONCLUSION: This research contributes to our knowledge of the factors that may influence GPs' decisions regarding use of PST as a treatment for depression. It recognises both barriers and enablers. It suggests that for many GPs, PST is viewed in a positive light, providing encouragement to those seeking to increase the provision of PST by GPs. In identifying a number of potential barriers, along with associated options to address many of these barriers, it provides insights which may assist in the planning of GP training in PST

    Ram pressure feeding super-massive black holes

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    When supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies accrete matter (usually gas), they give rise to highly energetic phenomena named Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). A number of physical processes have been proposed to account for the funneling of gas towards the galaxy centers to feed the AGN. There are also several physical processes that can strip gas from a galaxy, and one of them is ram pressure stripping in galaxy clusters due to the hot and dense gas filling the space between galaxies. We report the discovery of a strong connection between severe ram pressure stripping and the presence of AGN activity. Searching in galaxy clusters at low redshift, we have selected the most extreme examples of jellyfish galaxies, which are galaxies with long tentacles of material extending for dozens of kpc beyond the galaxy disk. Using the MUSE spectrograph on the ESO Very Large Telescope, we find that 6 out of the 7 galaxies of this sample host a central AGN, and two of them also have galactic-scale AGN ionization cones. The high incidence of AGN among the most striking jellyfishes may be due to ram pressure causing gas to flow towards the center and triggering the AGN activity, or to an enhancement of the stripping caused by AGN energy injection, or both. Our analysis of the galaxy position and velocity relative to the cluster strongly supports the first hypothesis, and puts forward ram pressure as another, yet unforeseen, possible mechanism for feeding the central supermassive black hole with gas.Comment: published in Nature, Vol.548, Number 7667, pag.30

    The RR Lyrae Distance Scale

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    We review seven methods of measuring the absolute magnitude M_V of RR Lyrae stars in light of the Hipparcos mission and other recent developments. We focus on identifying possible systematic errors and rank the methods by relative immunity to such errors. For the three most robust methods, statistical parallax, trigonometric parallax, and cluster kinematics, we find M_V (at [Fe/H] = -1.6) of 0.77 +/- 0.13, 0.71 +/- 0.15, 0.67 +/- 0.10. These methods cluster consistently around 0.71 +/- 0.07. We find that Baade-Wesselink and theoretical models both yield a broad range of possible values (0.45-0.70 and 0.45-0.65) due to systematic uncertainties in the temperature scale and input physics. Main-sequence fitting gives a much brighter M_V = 0.45 +/- 0.04 but this may be due to a difference in the metallicity scales of the cluster giants and the calibrating subdwarfs. White-dwarf cooling-sequence fitting gives 0.67 +/- 0.13 and is potentially very robust, but at present is too new to be fully tested for systematics. If the three most robust methods are combined with Walker's mean measurement for 6 LMC clusters, V_{0,LMC} = 18.98 +/- 0.03 at [Fe/H] = -1.9, then mu_{LMC} = 18.33 +/- 0.08.Comment: Invited review article to appear in: `Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles', A. Heck & F. Caputo (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, in press. 21 pages including 1 table; uses Kluwer's crckapb.sty LaTeX style file, enclose

    Gravity at Work: How the Build-Up of Environments Shape Galaxy Properties

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    We present results on the heating of the inter-cluster medium (ICM) by gravitational potential energy from in-falling satellites. We calculate the available excess energy of baryons once they are stripped from their satellite and added to the ICM of the hosting environment. this excess energy is a strong function of environment and we find that it can exceed the contribution from AGNs or supernovae (SN) by up to two orders of magnitude in the densest environments/haloes. Cooling by radiative losses is in general fully compensated by gravitational heating in massive groups and clusters with hot gas temperature > 1 keV. The reason for the strong environment dependence is the continued infall of substructure onto dense environments during their formation in contrast to field-like environments. We show that gravitational heating is able to reduce the number of too luminous galaxies in models and to produce model luminosity functions in agreement with observations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Proceedings of JENAM 2010, Symposium 2: "Environment and the formation of galaxies: 30 years later

    Non-Compliance with Growth Hormone Treatment in Children Is Common and Impairs Linear Growth

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    BACKGROUND: GH therapy requires daily injections over many years and compliance can be difficult to sustain. As growth hormone (GH) is expensive, non-compliance is likely to lead to suboptimal growth, at considerable cost. Thus, we aimed to assess the compliance rate of children and adolescents with GH treatment in New Zealand. METHODS: This was a national survey of GH compliance, in which all children receiving government-funded GH for a four-month interval were included. Compliance was defined as ≥ 85% adherence (no more than one missed dose a week on average) to prescribed treatment. Compliance was determined based on two parameters: either the number of GH vials requested (GHreq) by the family or the number of empty GH vials returned (GHret). Data are presented as mean ± SEM. FINDINGS: 177 patients were receiving GH in the study period, aged 12.1 ± 0.6 years. The rate of returned vials, but not number of vials requested, was positively associated with HVSDS (p < 0.05), such that patients with good compliance had significantly greater linear growth over the study period (p<0.05). GHret was therefore used for subsequent analyses. 66% of patients were non-compliant, and this outcome was not affected by sex, age or clinical diagnosis. However, Maori ethnicity was associated with a lower rate of compliance. INTERPRETATION: An objective assessment of compliance such as returned vials is much more reliable than compliance based on parental or patient based information. Non-compliance with GH treatment is common, and associated with reduced linear growth. Non-compliance should be considered in all patients with apparently suboptimal response to GH treatment

    What work has to be done to implement collaborative care for depression? Process evaluation of a trial utilizing the Normalization Process Model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a considerable evidence base for 'collaborative care' as a method to improve quality of care for depression, but an acknowledged gap between efficacy and implementation. This study utilises the Normalisation Process Model (NPM) to inform the process of implementation of collaborative care in both a future full-scale trial, and the wider health economy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Application of the NPM to qualitative data collected in both focus groups and one-to-one interviews before and after an exploratory randomised controlled trial of a collaborative model of care for depression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Findings are presented as they relate to the four factors of the NPM (interactional workability, relational integration, skill-set workability, and contextual integration) and a number of necessary tasks are identified. Using the model, it was possible to observe that predictions about necessary work to implement collaborative care that could be made from analysis of the pre-trial data relating to the four different factors of the NPM were indeed borne out in the post-trial data. However, additional insights were gained from the post-trial interview participants who, unlike those interviewed before the trial, had direct experience of a novel intervention. The professional freedom enjoyed by more senior mental health workers may work both for and against normalisation of collaborative care as those who wish to adopt new ways of working have the freedom to change their practice but are not obliged to do so.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The NPM provides a useful structure for both guiding and analysing the process by which an intervention is optimized for testing in a larger scale trial or for subsequent full-scale implementation.</p

    Cancer during Adolescence: Negative and Positive Consequences Reported Three and Four Years after Diagnosis

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    Persons diagnosed with cancer during adolescence have reported negative and positive cancer-related consequences two years after diagnosis. The overall aim was to longitudinally describe negative and positive cancer-related consequences reported by the same persons three and four years after diagnosis. A secondary aim was to explore whether reports of using vs. not using certain coping strategies shortly after diagnosis are related to reporting or not reporting certain consequences four years after diagnosis. Thirty-two participants answered questions about coping strategies shortly after diagnosis and negative and positive consequences three and four years after diagnosis. Answers about consequences were analysed with content analysis, potential relations between coping strategies and consequences were analysed by Fisher's exact test. The great majority reported negative and positive consequences three and four years after diagnosis and the findings indicate stability over time with regard to perceived consequences during the extended phase of survival. Findings reveal a potential relation between seeking information shortly after diagnosis and reporting a more positive view of life four years after diagnosis and not using fighting spirit shortly after diagnosis and not reporting good self-esteem and good relations four years after diagnosis. It is concluded that concomitant negative and positive cancer-related consequences appear stable over time in the extended phase of survival and that dialectical forces of negative and positive as well as distress and growth often go hand-in-hand after a trauma such as cancer during adolescence

    Role of the Two Component Signal Transduction System CpxAR in Conferring Cefepime and Chloramphenicol Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae NTUH-K2044

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    Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative, non-motile, facultative anaerobe belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family of the c-Proteobacteria class in the phylum Proteobacteria. Multidrug resistant K. pneumoniae have caused major therapeutic problems worldwide due to emergence of extended-spectrum b-lactamase producing strains. Twocomponent systems serve as a basic stimulus-response coupling mechanism to allow organisms to sense and respond to changes in many different environmental conditions including antibiotic stress. Principal Findings: In the present study, we investigated the role of an uncharacterized cpxAR operon in bacterial physiology and antimicrobial resistance by generating isogenic mutant (DcpxAR) deficient in the CpxA/CpxR component derived from the hyper mucoidal K1 strain K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044. The behaviour of DcpxAR was determined under hostile conditions, reproducing stresses encountered in the gastrointestinal environment and deletion resulted in higher sensitivity to bile, osmotic and acid stresses. The DcpxAR was more susceptible to b-lactams and chloramphenicol than the wild-type strain, and complementation restored the altered phenotypes. The relative change in expression of acrB, acrD, eefB efflux genes were decreased in cpxAR mutant as evidenced by qRT-PCR. Comparison of outer membrane protein profiles indicated a conspicuous difference in the knock out background. Gel shift assays demonstrated direct binding of CpxR KP to promoter region of ompC KP in a concentration dependent manner
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