273 research outputs found

    Proverb Shrinkage

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    In Compression of English Text in the May 1982 Word Ways, the editor showed how one can sometimes reconstruct text from which half the letters have been removed. If one knows that the text is a proverb, far less clueing is necessary. How little? In the following quiz, I have given the initial letters of the first three words, followed by the number of words in the phrse, such as TEB (6) = the early bird catches the worm, or OOS (6) = out of sight, out of mind. Notice that once cannot omit the third initial letter, for then Proverbs 2 and 3 are the same, as are Proverbs 20 and 21. Answers are given in Answers and Solutions at the end of the issue

    Wordy Word Pickers

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    Rebuses come in several varieties, the two most popular being positional ones (as in SYMPH = unfinished symphony) or pictorial ones (in which an eye represents \u27I\u27, or a bee and 4 the word \u27before\u27). The following rebus quiz, employing both kinds, is based on a word game my children and I play via mail. The editor has added a number of rebuses sent in by other readers: George Grieshaber (from the Chronicle of Higher Education) and Maxey Brooke (from the Houston Post)

    A comparative study of the critical reading skills stressed by reading specialists and those emphasized by teachers of grades seven and eight

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    The primary objective of this study is to determine whether seventh and eighth grade teachers give proper consideration and emphasis to critical reading skills considered important by leading educators in the field of reading. Two minor purposes are inherent in this major objective: (1) to clarify the nature of critical reading and (2) to ascertain which skills, according to reading authorities, are embodied in that level of comprehension designated as critical reading. It is the thinking of the writer that dedicated teachers do strive for professional excellence. They endeavor to educate the whole child in accordance with their own background of knowledge and experience. However, time and progress necessitate change. Hence, periodic introspection of teaching practices is imperative so that teachers might improve and update their procedures to correspond with current needs and trends. A questionnaire was devised by the writer to focus attention on the critical reading skills considered essential by reading authorities. it should facilitate introspection, stimulate teachers to evaluate their teaching, and perhaps, inspire them to reach out for further enrichment. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this study will be useful in planning and executing in-service programs for the teachers receiving the questionnaire. Through such training, they should be enabled to meet the challenge which this era of intellectual excellence places upon them

    Knowledgeable and qualified early childhood teachers: Tensions, constraints, and possibilities

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    The Early Learning Action Plan 2019-2029 (Ministry of Education, 2019b) Objective 3 is “Teaching staff and leaders are well qualified, diverse, culturally competent and valued” (p. 3). Tensions, constraints, and possibilities arise from analysing historical developments and positionings of early childhood teacher knowledge amongst policy aimed to provide well qualified and valued teaching staff. We advocate for investment in what we conceptualise as ‘knowledgeable teachers’ who educate children at the most important time of their lives

    Double Reverse Play

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    When we were children, many of us went through a phase -- much to the dismay and embarrassment of our parents -- of reciting everything backward. Every so often, this practice would unearth a genuine reversal: live/evil, doom/mood, straw/warts. The following phrases define both words in a series of two word reversals; the length of each word is given in parenthesis. Be warned: some clues are straightforward, but others are obscure. Answers can be found at the end of this issue

    Constructing the problem of initial teacher education in Aotearoa New Zealand: policy formation and risk, 2010-2018

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    This paper reports findings from an interpretive policy and discourse analysis of documents informing contemporary initial teacher education (ITE) policy development in Aotearoa New Zealand. The study first asks: what is the problem of teacher education as constituted in policy and associated documents in the period 2010-2018? We then compare the problems, suggested solutions, and recent evidence about the work of teacher education in New Zealand, to discuss the policy discourse, and theorise about the potential utility of solutions to address the problems raised. Our comparative analysis of the problems of ITE and proposed policy solutions with research evidence of teacher education work underscores the imperative of engagement with local and relevant evidence-based knowledge as a basis for informed policy decision making. &nbsp

    Constructing the problem of initial teacher education in Aotearoa New Zealand: policy formation and risk, 2010-2018

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    This paper reports findings from an interpretive policy and discourse analysis of documents informing contemporary initial teacher education (ITE) policy development in Aotearoa New Zealand. The study first asks: what is the problem of teacher education as constituted in policy and associated documents in the period 2010-2018? We then compare the problems, suggested solutions, and recent evidence about the work of teacher education in New Zealand, to discuss the policy discourse, and theorise about the potential utility of solutions to address the problems raised. Our comparative analysis of the problems of ITE and proposed policy solutions with research evidence of teacher education work underscores the imperative of engagement with local and relevant evidence-based knowledge as a basis for informed policy decision making. &nbsp

    Tillit pÄ kollisjonskurs? En studie av avdelingssykepleieres opplevelse av tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i Sykehjemsetaten i Oslo kommune

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    Tema for studien er tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i Sykehjemsetaten i Oslo kommune etter at «tillitsreformen» ble vedtatt av byrÄdet i mai 2017 (byrÄdssak 1055/17). FormÄlet er Ä undersÞke om avdelingssykepleiere pÄ sykehjem og helsehus opplever tillit som strategi og arbeidsform. Problemstillingen er: Hvordan er avdelingssykepleiernes opplevelse av tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i Sykehjemsetaten i Oslo kommune? Studien omhandler avdelingssykepleieres opplevelse av tillit og handlingsrom, samt motivasjonsfaktorer og verdier i lys av «tillitsmodellen». IfÞlge byrÄdsvedtaket vil styringsformen fÄ konsekvenser for praktiseringen av mÄl- og resultatstyringen. Studien vil derfor sette fokus pÄ etatens virksomhetsstyring. Oppgaven vil i tillegg belyse enkelte komponenter som tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i Oslo kommune skal kjennetegnes av, og hvordan arbeidet fÞlges opp i praksis. Oppgaven har en kvalitativ tilmÊrming. Det er foretatt 7 intervjuer med avdelingssykepleiere i 1. linjelederstilling pÄ 6 ulike sykehjem og helsehus i Sykehjemsetaten. Studien fÞyer seg inn i tidligere masterstudier angÄende avdelingssykepleieres arbeidssituasjon. Jeg har imidlertid ikke funnet forskning etter at tillitsbasert styring og ledelse ble vedtatt. Teoretisk bygger oppgaven pÄ teori om tillit, styringsparadigmer, styring- og ledelse, motivasjon og verdier. Oslo kommunes- og Sykehjemsetatens dokumenter danner i tillegg ramme for analyse av empiri. Studien viser at tillitsbasert styring og ledelse ikke er godt nok kjent blant 1. linjelederne. Det arbeides riktignok med enkelte av «tillitsreformens» kjennetegn i noe ulik grad. Funn viser at tillit som strategi og arbeidsform ikke har fÄtt noen nevneverdig konsekvens for praktiseringen av mÄl- og resultatstyringen. Respondentene erfarer fÄ endringer i virksomhetens verdier. Tillit i styring og ledelse fremstÄr som motiverende og viktige for respondentene. Virksomheten kan derfor ha nytte av at det utarbeides sentrale og lokale tiltak i trÄd med byrÄdsvedtaket (1055/17)
