A comparative study of the critical reading skills stressed by reading specialists and those emphasized by teachers of grades seven and eight


The primary objective of this study is to determine whether seventh and eighth grade teachers give proper consideration and emphasis to critical reading skills considered important by leading educators in the field of reading. Two minor purposes are inherent in this major objective: (1) to clarify the nature of critical reading and (2) to ascertain which skills, according to reading authorities, are embodied in that level of comprehension designated as critical reading. It is the thinking of the writer that dedicated teachers do strive for professional excellence. They endeavor to educate the whole child in accordance with their own background of knowledge and experience. However, time and progress necessitate change. Hence, periodic introspection of teaching practices is imperative so that teachers might improve and update their procedures to correspond with current needs and trends. A questionnaire was devised by the writer to focus attention on the critical reading skills considered essential by reading authorities. it should facilitate introspection, stimulate teachers to evaluate their teaching, and perhaps, inspire them to reach out for further enrichment. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this study will be useful in planning and executing in-service programs for the teachers receiving the questionnaire. Through such training, they should be enabled to meet the challenge which this era of intellectual excellence places upon them

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