89 research outputs found

    Nya Zeeland : Kauriskogarnas historia

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    NÀtuniversitetet lÀsÄret 2003/2004 - ekonomiskt stöd, kursutbud och antal sökande

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    Föreliggande arbetsrapport Àr ett led i arbetet med utvÀrderingen av NÀtuniversitetets studentnytta. UtvÀrderingen genomförs vid UCER, UmeÄ Center for Evaluation Research, UmeÄ universitet. Syftet med denna rapport Àr att ge en bakgrund till de problem och utmaningar som NÀtuniversitetet stÄr inför och att ur ett studentperspektiv fÄ en bild av de utbildningar som erbjuds genom den utbildningsportal som finns pÄ NÀtuniversitetets hemsida, www.netuniversity.se. Resultatet av en sökning kan variera frÄn en dag till en annan. Samtidigt Àr detta Àr ocksÄ den verklighet som möter de studenter som söker en utbildning (kurs eller program) via denna portal. Det omrÄde som stÄr i fokus under utvÀrderingens första Är Àr utbildningar inom medicin och vÄrd. DÀrför Àr det ocksÄ dessa utbildningar som stÄr i fokus i denna arbetsrapport. En enkÀt som riktar sig till de studenter som lÀser en utbildning (kurs eller program) inom medicin och vÄrd genomförs ocksÄ under lÀsÄret 2003/2004. Parallellt genomförs dessutom en enkÀtstudie av anstÀlldas och studenters attityder till och erfarenheter av NÀtuniversitetet. Denna sist nÀmnda studie vÀnder sig till samtliga ÀmnesomrÄden och inte enbart till medicin och vÄrd

    Tafoxiparin, a novel drug candidate for cervical ripening and labor augmentation : results from 2 randomized, placebo-controlled studies

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    Background: Slow progression of labor is a common obstetrical problem with multiple associated complications. Tafoxiparin is a depolymerized form of heparin with a molecular structure that eliminates the anticoagulant effects of heparin. We report on 2 phase II clinical studies of tafoxiparin in primiparas. Study 1 was an exploratory, first-in-pregnant-women study and study 2 was a dose-finding study. Objective: Study 1 was performed to explore the effects on labor time of subcutaneous administration of tafoxiparin before onset of labor. Study 2 was performed to test the hypothesis that intravenous treatment with tafoxiparin reduces the risk for prolonged labor after spontaneous labor onset in situations requiring oxytocin stimulation because of dystocia. Study Design: Both studies were randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled. Participants were healthy, nulliparous females aged 18 to 45 years with a normal singleton pregnancy and gestational age confirmed by ultrasound. The primary endpoints were time from onset of established labor (cervical dilation of 4 cm) until delivery (study 1) and time from start of study treatment infusion until delivery (study 2). In study 1, patients at 38 to 40 weeks of gestation received 60 mg tafoxiparin or placebo daily as 0.4 mL subcutaneous injections until labor onset (maximum 28 days). In study 2, patients experiencing slow progression of labor, a prolonged latent phase, or labor arrest received a placebo or 1 of 3 short-term tafoxiparin regimens (initial bolus 7, 21, or 35 mg followed by continuous infusion at 5, 15, or 25 mg/hour until delivery; maximum duration, 36 hours) in conjunction with oxytocin. Results: The number of participants randomized in study 1 was 263, and 361 were randomized in study 2. There were no statistically significant differences in the primary endpoints between those receiving tafoxiparin and those receiving the placebo in both studies. However, in study 1, the risk for having a labor time exceeding 12 hours was significantly reduced by tafoxiparin (tafoxiparin 6/114 [5%] vs placebo 18/101 [18%]; P=.0045). Post hoc analyses showed that women who underwent labor induction had a median (range) labor time of 4.44 (1.2–8.5) hours with tafoxiparin and 7.03 (1.5–14.3) hours with the placebo (P=.0041) and that co-administration of tafoxiparin potentiates the effect of oxytocin and facilitates a shorter labor time among women with a labor time exceeding 6 to 8 hours (P=.016). Among women induced into labor, tafoxiparin had a positive effect on cervical ripening in 11 of 13 cases (85%) compared with 3 of 13 participants (23%) who received the placebo (P=.004). For women requiring oxytocin because of slow progression of labor, the corresponding results were 34 of 51 participants (66%) vs 16 of 40 participants (40%) (P=.004). In study 2, tafoxiparin had no positive effects on the secondary endpoints when compared with the placebo. Except for injection-site reactions in study 1, adverse events were no more common for tafoxiparin than for the placebo among either mothers or infants. There were few serious or treatment-related adverse events. Conclusion: Subcutaneous treatment with tafoxiparin before labor onset (study 1) may be effective in reducing the labor time among women undergoing labor induction and among those requiring oxytocin for slow progression of labor. Moreover, tafoxiparin may have a positive effect on cervical ripening. Short-term, intravenous treatment with tafoxiparin as an adjunct to oxytocin in patients with labor arrest (study 2) did not affect labor time or other endpoints. Both studies suggest that tafoxiparin has a favorable safety profile in mothers and their infants.Peer reviewe

    Associations between depressive symptoms and disease progression in older patients with chronic kidney disease: results of the EQUAL study

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    Background Depressive symptoms are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with end-stage kidney disease; however, few small studies have examined this association in patients with earlier phases of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We studied associations between baseline depressive symptoms and clinical outcomes in older patients with advanced CKD and examined whether these associations differed depending on sex. Methods CKD patients (>= 65 years; estimated glomerular filtration rate <= 20 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) were included from a European multicentre prospective cohort between 2012 and 2019. Depressive symptoms were measured by the five-item Mental Health Inventory (cut-off <= 70; 0-100 scale). Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to study associations between depressive symptoms and time to dialysis initiation, all-cause mortality and these outcomes combined. A joint model was used to study the association between depressive symptoms and kidney function over time. Analyses were adjusted for potential baseline confounders. Results Overall kidney function decline in 1326 patients was -0.12 mL/min/1.73 m(2)/month. A total of 515 patients showed depressive symptoms. No significant association was found between depressive symptoms and kidney function over time (P = 0.08). Unlike women, men with depressive symptoms had an increased mortality rate compared with those without symptoms [adjusted hazard ratio 1.41 (95% confidence interval 1.03-1.93)]. Depressive symptoms were not significantly associated with a higher hazard of dialysis initiation, or with the combined outcome (i.e. dialysis initiation and all-cause mortality). Conclusions There was no significant association between depressive symptoms at baseline and decline in kidney function over time in older patients with advanced CKD. Depressive symptoms at baseline were associated with a higher mortality rate in men

    Rooted, rootless, restless : Young mobility in time and space

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    The overall aim of this thesis is to survey and analyse young peoples’ geographical movements, and illustrate the similarities and differences that exist between different individuals.. The aim of the thesis is also to examine and discuss youth’s attitudes and motivation for different forms of geographical mobility. The youth focused on in this project reside in Norrland. The first phase, Mapping of the Geographical Movement of Youth, was carried out through the use of a questionnaire, sent to graduating students in upper secondary school. The second phase, UmeĂ„  Students Abroad, was carried out by interviewing UmeĂ„ students who had either completed or were about to begin a period of foreign exchange. The third phase, Emigrants from Sweden, is based on statistics acquired from Sweden Statistics’ (SCB) and from the TOPSWING database. Home: The starting point of this thesis is the conception of “home”. The choice of path to take in life, and where students wanted to live in the future had significance for how they examined the choice between moving and staying; and the role of the home town in a longer perspective as to how the students viewed UmeĂ„. Away: It is not just the place that a person comes from that says something about who she is, but also the place where she is going and the way in which she takes herself there. Many of the upper secondary school students that took part in the questionnaire had been abroad one or more times. Furthermore, many of the students would like to travel abroad again. At the same time, it can be said that there are also young people that do not have extensive experiences in travelling to other countries. Somewhere between home and away: The study shows that students may have very different views of their time abroad. The Tourist Student is one who chooses his/her destination in order to fulfil certain criteria and then mainly stays in the university town, “taking one day at a time.” He or she does not have a thought-out strategy for how the stay abroad should be carried out. The Travelling Student is the student who searches for a particular destination and later also has the ambition to get to know the country and the people that live there. The travelling student can be said to have a thought-out strategy for how to make the most out of his or her time in a foreign country. When away becomes home – or when home becomes home again: The interview study shows that to live abroad or to live in Sweden acquired a different meaning if you had a family. To have a family gives rise to a reason why one may choose to move back to Sweden. On the other hand there were also students for whom the home country was not important. A large portion of those who emigrated from Sweden during the study period moved back again. For those with a college or university education, a few years abroad can be a part of their choice of life path. It is something that one wants and from a career prospective, possibly should do. Rooted, rootless or restless young? The rooted are those who mainly live their entire lives in one place. The rootless represent a mobile life, where there is no home base, instead they create new ones as life passes. I would like to characterise most of the young people that in one way or another is featured in my study as restless. The restless combine, in different ways, the characteristics of both the rooted and the rootless. They are not unwilling to move, within the country, as well as to other countries, but they are at the same time rooted in their home town or in their home country

    Arbete för miljön i GÀvleborg - sÄ arbetar kommunerna

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    MĂ„let med det hĂ€r arbetet har varit att göra en enkel utvĂ€rdering av miljömĂ„lsarbetet i GĂ€vleborgs kommuner och att lyfta fram nĂ„gra goda exempel pĂ„ hur man jobbar i de olika kommunerna. UtvĂ€rderingen bygger pĂ„ telefonintervjuer med miljösamordnaren i respektive kommun och fokus har legat pĂ„ arbetsprocessen, snarare Ă€n resultatet. Sedan miljömĂ„lsarbetets början har det gjorts tvĂ„ större utvĂ€rderingar av kommunernas arbete med miljömĂ„len. Slutsatserna frĂ„n dessa Ă€r bl.a. att miljöfrĂ„gorna har fĂ„tt högre status och en större tyngd i och med arbetet med miljömĂ„len. Arbetet med de regionala och lokala miljömĂ„len har ocksĂ„ bidragit med en tydligare struktur Ă€n i det tidigare arbetet med Agenda 21. Å andra sidan tycks delaktigheten ha minskat, sĂ„vĂ€l inom kommunen som bland olika lokala aktörer och en bredare allmĂ€nhet. MiljömĂ„lsarbetet sker frĂ€mst internt inom kommunens egen organisation. Arbetet med Agenda 21 var mer inriktat pĂ„ social hĂ„llbarhet t.ex. demokratifrĂ„gor och folkhĂ€lsa och annat övergripande strategiskt utvecklingsarbete. I GĂ€vleborgs lĂ€n jobbar alla kommunerna pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt med miljömĂ„len men skillnaderna i arbetssĂ€tt och omfattning Ă€r stora. Fem kommuner har antagit egna kommunala miljömĂ„l och tvĂ„ kommuner har antagit enklare former av Ă„tgĂ€rdsplaner. Fem av de sju kommuner som har lokala miljömĂ„l har Ă€ven följt upp arbetet. Övriga tvĂ„ kommuner antog lokala miljömĂ„l under 2009. Energi- och klimatarbetet har fĂ„tt stort genomslag i alla kommuner. Den frĂ€msta förklaringen Ă€r troligen att alla kommuner i hela landet fĂ„tt statliga medel för att jobba med de frĂ„gorna Flera miljösamordnare har nĂ€mnt att miljömĂ„len skulle behöva samordnas med kommunens övriga styrdokument. Utöver miljömĂ„len bör det ocksĂ„ finnas en mer övergripande miljöstrategi som tar upp hĂ„llbarhetsfrĂ„gor som inte tĂ€cks av miljömĂ„len. Det kan till exempel gĂ€lla val av pensionsfonder eller hur stor andel ekologiska textilier som ska anvĂ€ndas inom den kommunala verksamheten. Om det inte finns en sĂ„dan övergripande strategi Ă€r risken stor att miljöarbetet begrĂ€nsas till traditionellt tillsyns- och naturvĂ„rdsarbete. En frĂ„ga som uppstĂ„tt i efterhand Ă€r hur mĂ„nga av kommunerna i lĂ€net som, precis som GĂ€vle och Hudiksvall, har en politiskt tillsatt styrgrupp för den övergripande miljöpolitiken, och hur detta arbete i sĂ„ fall fungerar i praktiken. Om politikerna menar allvar med det miljöengagemang, som de enligt miljösamordnarna uttrycker, borde det ocksĂ„ finnas ett forum dĂ€r frĂ„gorna diskuteras parallellt med andra strategiska frĂ„gor. Precis som i andra kommuner i landet tycks ocksĂ„ en stor del av det utĂ„triktade arbetet ha försvunnit. GĂ€vle kommun Ă€r ett tydligt undantag. DĂ€r har Agenda 21 arbetet ersatts med en hĂ„llbarhetsutvecklare.GĂ€vle,BollnĂ€s, Hofors, Hudiksvall, Ljusdals kommun.</p
