72 research outputs found

    Зарубежные подходы к формированию государственной экологической политики

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    В современных условиях хозяйствования вопросы экологии и экологической политики приобретают особый статус. В связи с этим автором проведен сравнительный анализ отечественного опыта реализации экологической политики и разработаны рекомендации по внедрению в отечественную экологическую политику.In modern conditions of management issues of ecology and environmental policy acquire a special status. In this connection, the author carried out a comparative analysis of domestic experience in the implementation of environmental policy and developed recommendations on the introduction of domestic environmental policy

    Beyond bevacizumab: an outlook to new anti-angiogenics for the treatment of ovarian cancer

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    In addition to the monoclonal vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibody bevacizumab, several alternative anti-angiogenic treatment strategies for ovarian cancer patients have been evaluated in clinical trials. Apart from targeting extracellular receptors by the antibody aflibercept or the peptibody trebananib, the multikinase inhibitors pazopanib, nintedanib, cediranib, sunitinib, and sorafenib were developed to interfere with VEGF receptors and multiple additional intracellular pathways. Nintedanib and pazopanib significantly improved progression-free survival in two positive phase III trials for first-line therapy. A reliable effect on overall survival could, however, not be observed for any anti-angiogenic first-line therapies so far. In terms of recurrent disease, two positive phase III trials revealed that trebananib and cediranib are effective anti-angiogenic agents for this indication. Patient selection and biomarker guided prediction of response seems to be a central aspect for future studies. Combining anti-angiogenics with other targeted therapies to possibly spare chemotherapy in certain constellations represents another very interesting future perspective for clinical trials. This short review gives an overview of current clinical trials for anti-angiogenic treatment strategies beyond bevacizumab. In this context, possible future perspectives combining anti-angiogenics with other targeted therapies and the need for specific biomarkers predicting response are elucidated

    Applications of Nanopore sequencing in precision cancer medicine

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    Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing, also referred to as Nanopore sequencing, stands at the forefront of a revolution in clinical genetics, offering the potential for rapid, long read, and real‐time DNA and RNA sequencing. This technology is currently making sequencing more accessible and affordable. In this comprehensive review, we explore its potential regarding precision cancer diagnostics and treatment. We encompass a critical analysis of clinical cases where Nanopore sequencing was successfully applied to identify point mutations, splice variants, gene fusions, epigenetic modifications, non‐coding RNAs, and other pivotal biomarkers that defined subsequent treatment strategies. Additionally, we address the challenges of clinical applications of Nanopore sequencing and discuss the current efforts to overcome them

    Anticancer Activity of the Marine Triterpene Glycoside Cucumarioside A2_{2}-2 in Human Prostate Cancer Cells

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    Despite recent advances in the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), treatment is inevitably hampered by the development of drug resistance. Thus, new drugs are urgently needed. We investigated the efficacy, toxicity, and mechanism of action of the marine triterpene glycoside cucumarioside A2_{2}-2 (CA2_{2}-2) using an in vitro CRPC model. CA2_{2}-2 induced a G2_{2}/M-phase cell cycle arrest in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells and caspase-dependent apoptosis executed via an intrinsic pathway. Additionally, the drug inhibited the formation and growth of CRPC cell colonies at low micromolar concentrations. A global proteome analysis performed using the 2D-PAGE technique, followed by MALDI-MS and bioinformatical evaluation, revealed alterations in the proteins involved in cellular processes such as metastatic potential, invasion, and apoptosis. Among others, the regulation of keratin 81, CrkII, IL-1β, and cathepsin B could be identified by our proteomics approach. The effects were validated on the protein level by a 2D Western blotting analysis. Our results demonstrate the promising anticancer activity of CA2_{2}-2 in a prostate cancer model and provide insights on the underlying mode of action

    Inspired by Sea Urchins: Warburg Effect Mediated Selectivity of Novel Synthetic Non-Glycoside 1,4-Naphthoquinone-6S-Glucose Conjugates in Prostate Cancer

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    The phenomenon of high sugar consumption by tumor cells is known as Warburg effect. It results from a high glycolysis rate, used by tumors as preferred metabolic pathway even in aerobic conditions. Targeting the Warburg effect to specifically deliver sugar conjugated cytotoxic compounds into tumor cells is a promising approach to create new selective drugs. We designed, synthesized, and analyzed a library of novel 6-S-(1,4-naphthoquinone-2-yl)-d-glucose chimera molecules (SABs)—novel sugar conjugates of 1,4-naphthoquinone analogs of the sea urchin pigments spinochromes, which have previously shown anticancer properties. A sulfur linker (thioether bond) was used to prevent potential hydrolysis by human glycoside-unspecific enzymes. The synthesized compounds exhibited a Warburg effect mediated selectivity to human prostate cancer cells (including highly drug-resistant cell lines). Mitochondria were identified as a primary cellular target of SABs. The mechanism of action included mitochondria membrane permeabilization, followed by ROS upregulation and release of cytotoxic mitochondrial proteins (AIF and cytochrome C) to the cytoplasm, which led to the consequent caspase-9 and -3 activation, PARP cleavage, and apoptosis-like cell death. These results enable us to further clinically develop these compounds for effective Warburg effect targeting

    Cost-effectiveness analyses and cost analyses in castration-resistant prostate cancer: A systematic review.

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    BackgroundTreatment of metastatic prostate cancer is associated with high personal and economic burden. Recently, new treatment options for castration-resistant prostate cancer became available with promising survival advantages. However, cost-effectiveness of those new treatment options is sometimes ambiguous or given only under certain circumstances. The aim of this study was to systematically review studies on the cost-effectiveness of treatments and costs of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and metastasizing castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) on their methodological quality and the risk of bias.MethodsA systematic literature search was performed in the databases PubMed, CINAHL Complete, the Cochrane Library and Web of Science Core Collection for costs-effectiveness analyses, model-based economic evaluations, cost-of-illness analyses and budget impact analyses. Reported costs were inflated to 2015 USpurchasingpowerparities.QualityassessmentandriskofbiasassessmentwasperformedusingtheConsolidatedHealthEconomicEvaluationReportingStandardschecklistandtheBiasinEconomicEvaluationschecklist,respectively.ResultsIntotal,38articleswereidentifiedbythesystematicliteraturesearch.Themethodologicalqualityoftheincludedstudiesvariedwidely,andtherewasconsiderableriskofbias.ThecosteffectivenesstreatmentsforCRPCandmCRPCwasassessedwithincrementalcosteffectivenessratiosrangingfromdominanceformitoxantroneto purchasing power parities. Quality assessment and risk of bias assessment was performed using the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards checklist and the Bias in Economic Evaluations checklist, respectively.ResultsIn total, 38 articles were identified by the systematic literature search. The methodological quality of the included studies varied widely, and there was considerable risk of bias. The cost-effectiveness treatments for CRPC and mCRPC was assessed with incremental cost-effectiveness ratios ranging from dominance for mitoxantrone to 562,328 per quality-adjusted life year gained for sipuleucel-T compared with prednisone alone. Annual costs for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer ranged from 3,067to3,067 to 77,725.ConclusionThe cost-effectiveness of treatments of CRPC strongly depended on the willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year gained/life-year saved throughout all included costs-effectiveness analyses and model-based economic evaluations. High-quality cost-effectiveness analyses based on randomized controlled trials are needed in order to make informed decisions on the management of castration-resistant prostate cancer and the resulting financial impact on the healthcare system