8 research outputs found


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    Bundesma empowerment is the  process of developing a village's economy. This program took the initiative to start a process of Social Economy activities that could improve the economic situation and conditions of the village community in Sukabumi, especially in the Warungkiara. In the  Empowerment activities, the participation of the Bundesma and the village community as a driving force for economic development is overseen by the Government.  The main objective of empowering Bundes and Bundesma is an independent village. This activity intends that rural communities in the Warungkiara area can turn their village into an independent village. The definition of an Independent Village is a village that is able to manage the economy of each citizen without the assistance of other parties. The creation of this condition reflects the strong willingness of the people of the village to move forward, the village that produces their products / works that are proud of and the ability of the village to meet their needs. In empowering Bundes and Bundesma  there are several problems that hamper them including; Difficulties in product marketing, financial limitations and limited human resources (HR).  In this study, the researchers used qualitative naturalistic methods. Qualitative naturalistic is a method that is carried out in the actual conditions that occur at the research location. This research method offers convenience and freedom for researchers to obtain accurate information from informants in the warungkiara sub-district. The results showed that in Warungkiara sub-district there were 12 Bundes in 12 villages and 2 Bundesma.  Keywords : Empowerment, Bundes, qualitative, marketing, financial, HRD


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    Bundesma empowerment is the process of developing a village's economy. This program took the initiative to start a process of Social Economy activities that could improve the economic situation and conditions of the village community in Sukabumi, especially in the Warungkiara. In the Empowerment activities, the participation of the Bundesma and the village community as a driving force for economic development is overseen by the Government. The main objective of empowering Bundes and Bundesma is an independent village. This activity intends that rural communities in the Warungkiara area can turn their village into an independent village. The definition of an Independent Village is a village that is able to manage the economy of each citizen without the assistance of other parties. The creation of this condition reflects the strong willingness of the people of the village to move forward, the village that produces their products / works that are proud of and the ability of the village to meet their needs.   In empowering Bundes and Bundesma there are several problems that hamper them including; Difficulties in product marketing, financial limitations and limited human resources (HR). In this study, the researchers used qualitative naturalistic methods. Qualitative naturalistic is a method that is carried out in the actual conditions that occur at the research location. This research method offers convenience and freedom for researchers to obtain accurate information from informants in the warungkiara sub-district. The results showed that in Warungkiara sub-district there were 12 Bundes in 12 villages and 2 Bundesma. Keywords : Empowerment, Bundes, qualitative, marketing, financial, HR

    Sosialisasi Penghapusan Kekerasan dalam Rumahtangga Sesuai UU No 23 Tahun 2004 Tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Serpong Tangerang Selatan

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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tema Sosialisasi Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Sesuai Undang-Undang No.23 Tahun 2004 Tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Di Kelurahan Serpong Kecamatan Serpong Tangerang Selatan merupakan salah satu upaya mensosialisasikan UU No.23 tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga dengan harapan masyarakat dapat memahami secara komprehensif, yaitu dimulai dari upaya preventif atau pencegahan terjadinya pemicu KDRT dengan memahami siklus KDRT itu sendiri. Selanjutnya bilamana telah terjadi KDRT tersebut, maka masyarakat bersama-sama aparat Pemerintah dan hukum dapat melindungi korban KDRT serta menindaklanjuti hukuman kepada pelaku KDRT sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku. Perlu diketahui bahwa batasan pengertian Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (PKDRT) yang terdapat di dalam pasal 1 ayat (1) Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2004, adalah: setiap perbuatan terhadap seseorang terutama perempuan, yang berakibat timbulnya kesengsaraan, atau penderitaan secara fisik, seksual dan secara psikhologis, dan/ atau penelantaran rumah tangga, termasuk ancaman untuk melakukan perbuatan, pemaksaan, atau perampasan kemerdekaan secara melawan hukum dalam lingkup rumah tangga. Mengingat Undang-Undang tentang PKDRT merupakan hukum publik yang di dalamnya ada ancaman pidana penjara atau denda bagi yang melanggarnya, maka masyarkat luas, khususnya kaum lelaki dalam kedudukan sebagai kepala keluarga, sebaiknya mengetahui apa itu kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT). Bagi korban KDRT Undang-Undang telah mengatur akan hak-hak yang dapat dituntut kepada pelakunya, demikian juga Pemerintah dan masyarakat memiliki kewajiban dalam rangka upaya pencegahan maupun menyelenggarakan sosialisasi dan advokasi perihal KDRT


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    Bookkeeping is one way of recording every transaction carried out in business activities. Knowledge of simple bookkeeping is needed, especially for businesses that want to develop or businesses that want to be developed. In general, MSMEs have a fear of carrying out recording process activities, besides that indiscipline is also the main thing for business actors to be able to develop or expand their business. Efforts to introduce simple bookkeeping are expected to have a good impact on MSME actors to be able to have sufficient bona fide, so that investors and banks can see the feasibility of MSME businesses to progress and develop. This PKM has succeeded in fostering the enthusiasm and curiosity of MSMEs to carry out good bookkeeping and in accordance with applicable standards in Indonesia. With this service practice, it is hoped that it can provide discipline in simple bookkeeping both manually and by using an Android-based application.Keywords: simple bookkeeping, SMEs IKM, recording, transaction

    Effect of Performance Expectation, Social Influence, and Self-Confidence on the Mobile Learning Behavior

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of UTAUT(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) on the useof M-Learning by bachelor degree students of EconomicEducation program of Universitas Terbuka (UT). M-learning is aflexible learning mode that utilizes smart phone or PDA aslearning media. The success of M-learning depends on theirinterest to continue to use the system. Users will feel satisfied andmotivated to continuously use the information system if they feelthat it gives the great output. This study used a model with threevariables, i.e. performance expectation, social influence.Participants of this study were 148 bachelor degree students ofUniversitas Terbuka’s Economic Education program. The resultsof the study showed that: (1) there was a significant correlationbetween the performance expectation after using M-learningwith the intention to use M-learning on the students, (2) therewas a significant correlation between the social influence in usingM-learning with the intention to use M-learning on the students;(3) there was a significant correlation between the self-confidencein using M-learning with the intention to use M-learning on thestudents; and (4) there was not a significant and positivecorrelation between the intention to use M-learning with the Mlearningusage behavior

    Pengembangan Kompetensi Akuntansi dan Perpajakan Siswa SMK Mitra Bakti Husada – Bekasi

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    Professional competence as a pharmacist assistant really needs to be equipped with accounting and tax knowledge. Entering the business world, inevitably, in order to be successful, it must be done professionally, namely equipped with the skills to manage finances and taxes, so that in managing finances, students need to be equipped with this knowledge. The training programs that will be provided are accounting and tax. The program was chosen because it was considered important and was expected to provide education to these students. Accounting and tax materials are important materials as a provision for them to increase their ability to become entrepreneurs. By mastering accounting and taxes, it is expected that they can manage their business by compiling accounting and tax (fiscal) financial reports according to applicable standards

    Upaya Peningkatan SDM Yayasan Pondok Sakinah melalui Pelatihan Soft Skill dan Hard Skill (Kedisiplinan, Akuntansi, dan Perpajakan)

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    EFFORTS TO IMPROVE HUMAN RESOURCES OF PONDOK SAKINAH FOUNDATION THROUGH SOFT SKILL AND HARD SKILL TRAINING (DISCIPLINE, ACCOUNTING, AND TAXATION). The Pondok Sakinah Foundation aims to build a generation of people who are intellectually capable, morally elegant, and focus on learning the totality of piety, which is the hope of Indonesian Muslims. The Accounting Study Program (Prodi) of Pamulang University (Unpam) plays an active role in improving the quality of life of the community through Community Service (PKM). Community Service is education which is then continued with research which is actually a preparation to face real cases. Research is also a contribution from universities, especially lecturers, to the community. PKM is implemented by providing training on emotional intelligence, discipline, accounting and taxes. The program was chosen because it is considered important and is expected to provide education to the students. The material provided is an important material as their provision to increase their knowledge. By obtaining these materials, it is hoped that they can become people who are able to manage their own emotions and are disciplined in managing and applying the material provided