23 research outputs found

    Idejni projekt sustava za proizvodnju pare na tankeru

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    U radu je proveden proračun otpora kako bi mogli odabrati motor koji odgovara veličini broda. Zatim su određeni potrošači električne energije i pare, a rezultati su prikazani sistematizirano po karakterističnim režimima plovidbe. Prema opterećenju energetskog i parnog sistema određeni su učini loženog i utilizacijskog kotla. Priložena je i toplinska shema parnog sistema, kao i principijelna shema spajanja pomoćnog i utilizacijskog kotla. Nakon određivanja učina se određuju potrebni padovi entalpije na svakom dijelu kotla. Konstrukcija kotla je onda provedena prema dobivenim entalpijama. Prikazan je razmještaj opreme u strojarnici i kotlovnici

    Preliminary design of tanker steam production system

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    U radu je proveden proračun otpora kako bi mogli odabrati motor koji odgovara veličini broda. Zatim su određeni potrošači električne energije i pare, a rezultati su prikazani sistematizirano po karakterističnim režimima plovidbe. Prema opterećenju energetskog i parnog sistema određeni su učini loženog i utilizacijskog kotla. Priložena je i toplinska shema parnog sistema, kao i principijelna shema spajanja pomoćnog i utilizacijskog kotla. Nakon određivanja učina se određuju potrebni padovi entalpije na svakom dijelu kotla. Konstrukcija kotla je onda provedena prema dobivenim entalpijama. Prikazan je razmještaj opreme u strojarnici i kotlovnici.This thesis follows the resistance calculation of the given ship in order to select the appropriate engine. From the known characteristics of the ship the energy needs are determined. The results are displayed systematically for electrical energy produced and direct steam use. Based on the demands for electrical and energy and steam for heating, the flow rate of the steam boiler and exhaust gas boiler are determined. The scheme for the steam generation system is included. After determining the flow rate, the enthalpy change is calculated for every part of the steam boiler. The boiler is then constructed according to the heat transfer needed. All equipment designed has been shown in the engine room and boiler room

    Analysis of carbon footprint of an inland waterway passenger ship

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    Zbog usvajanja novih strategija smanjenja stakleničkih plinova sa strane Međunarodne pomorske organizacije, razmatranje načina smanjenja brodskih emisija postaje važan projektni kriterij te je stoga razine emisija postojećih i novih brodova potrebno analizirati prema budućim granicama. U ovom diplomskom radu analizira se životni ciklus dizelskog goriva i električnog pogona kako bi se usporedile cjeloživotne emisije svakog izvora energije. Razmatra se utjecaj broda unutarnje plovidbe na okoliš, pri čemu je najprije provedeno istraživanje brodova unutarnje plovidbe Republike Hrvatske i njihovih porivnih sustava. Za postojeći energetski sustav putničkog broda Trošenj napravljena je analiza životnog ciklusa. Prema rezultatima analize životnog ciklusa, donesen je zaključak o načinima smanjenja ugljičnog otiska broda korištenjem alternativnih izvora energije i dani su prijedlozi kako to postići u skladu s pravilima Međunarodne pomorske organizacije.Due to the recent implementation of greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies by the International Maritime Organization, ship emissions have become very important criteria in marine design and thus need to be analysed for existing and new ships with respect to pre-set future limits. This thesis presents an analysis of the life cycle of diesel and electricity as ship energy sources in order to compare the lifetime emissions of each of them. The environmental effects of inland waterway vessels are considered, where at first a research into Croatian inland waterway vessels and their propulsion systems is performed. In order to demonstrate the application of alternative fuels, the life cycle analysis of an inland passenger vessel, Trošenj, is performed. Methods of reducing the carbon footprint, mainly through the use of alternative fuels, and thereby abiding by IMO regulations are suggested based on the results of the life cycle analysis

    Preliminary design of tanker steam production system

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    U radu je proveden proračun otpora kako bi mogli odabrati motor koji odgovara veličini broda. Zatim su određeni potrošači električne energije i pare, a rezultati su prikazani sistematizirano po karakterističnim režimima plovidbe. Prema opterećenju energetskog i parnog sistema određeni su učini loženog i utilizacijskog kotla. Priložena je i toplinska shema parnog sistema, kao i principijelna shema spajanja pomoćnog i utilizacijskog kotla. Nakon određivanja učina se određuju potrebni padovi entalpije na svakom dijelu kotla. Konstrukcija kotla je onda provedena prema dobivenim entalpijama. Prikazan je razmještaj opreme u strojarnici i kotlovnici.This thesis follows the resistance calculation of the given ship in order to select the appropriate engine. From the known characteristics of the ship the energy needs are determined. The results are displayed systematically for electrical energy produced and direct steam use. Based on the demands for electrical and energy and steam for heating, the flow rate of the steam boiler and exhaust gas boiler are determined. The scheme for the steam generation system is included. After determining the flow rate, the enthalpy change is calculated for every part of the steam boiler. The boiler is then constructed according to the heat transfer needed. All equipment designed has been shown in the engine room and boiler room

    Sex Determination from Fingerprint Ridge Density

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    This study was conducted with an aim to establish a relationship between sex and fingerprint ridge density. The fingerprints were taken from 500 subjects (250 males and 250 females) in the age group of 18-60 years. After taking fingerprints, the ridges were counted in the upper portion of the radial border of each print for all ten fingers and mean value was calculated. The results have shown that a finger print ridge of < 13 ridges/25 mm2 is more likely of male origin and finger print ridge of > 14 ridges/25 mm2 is more likely of female origin. It has been successful to support the hypothesis that women tend to have a statistically significant greater ridge density than men

    Analysis of carbon footprint of an inland waterway passenger ship

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    Zbog usvajanja novih strategija smanjenja stakleničkih plinova sa strane Međunarodne pomorske organizacije, razmatranje načina smanjenja brodskih emisija postaje važan projektni kriterij te je stoga razine emisija postojećih i novih brodova potrebno analizirati prema budućim granicama. U ovom diplomskom radu analizira se životni ciklus dizelskog goriva i električnog pogona kako bi se usporedile cjeloživotne emisije svakog izvora energije. Razmatra se utjecaj broda unutarnje plovidbe na okoliš, pri čemu je najprije provedeno istraživanje brodova unutarnje plovidbe Republike Hrvatske i njihovih porivnih sustava. Za postojeći energetski sustav putničkog broda Trošenj napravljena je analiza životnog ciklusa. Prema rezultatima analize životnog ciklusa, donesen je zaključak o načinima smanjenja ugljičnog otiska broda korištenjem alternativnih izvora energije i dani su prijedlozi kako to postići u skladu s pravilima Međunarodne pomorske organizacije.Due to the recent implementation of greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies by the International Maritime Organization, ship emissions have become very important criteria in marine design and thus need to be analysed for existing and new ships with respect to pre-set future limits. This thesis presents an analysis of the life cycle of diesel and electricity as ship energy sources in order to compare the lifetime emissions of each of them. The environmental effects of inland waterway vessels are considered, where at first a research into Croatian inland waterway vessels and their propulsion systems is performed. In order to demonstrate the application of alternative fuels, the life cycle analysis of an inland passenger vessel, Trošenj, is performed. Methods of reducing the carbon footprint, mainly through the use of alternative fuels, and thereby abiding by IMO regulations are suggested based on the results of the life cycle analysis

    Analysis of carbon footprint of an inland waterway passenger ship

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    Zbog usvajanja novih strategija smanjenja stakleničkih plinova sa strane Međunarodne pomorske organizacije, razmatranje načina smanjenja brodskih emisija postaje važan projektni kriterij te je stoga razine emisija postojećih i novih brodova potrebno analizirati prema budućim granicama. U ovom diplomskom radu analizira se životni ciklus dizelskog goriva i električnog pogona kako bi se usporedile cjeloživotne emisije svakog izvora energije. Razmatra se utjecaj broda unutarnje plovidbe na okoliš, pri čemu je najprije provedeno istraživanje brodova unutarnje plovidbe Republike Hrvatske i njihovih porivnih sustava. Za postojeći energetski sustav putničkog broda Trošenj napravljena je analiza životnog ciklusa. Prema rezultatima analize životnog ciklusa, donesen je zaključak o načinima smanjenja ugljičnog otiska broda korištenjem alternativnih izvora energije i dani su prijedlozi kako to postići u skladu s pravilima Međunarodne pomorske organizacije.Due to the recent implementation of greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies by the International Maritime Organization, ship emissions have become very important criteria in marine design and thus need to be analysed for existing and new ships with respect to pre-set future limits. This thesis presents an analysis of the life cycle of diesel and electricity as ship energy sources in order to compare the lifetime emissions of each of them. The environmental effects of inland waterway vessels are considered, where at first a research into Croatian inland waterway vessels and their propulsion systems is performed. In order to demonstrate the application of alternative fuels, the life cycle analysis of an inland passenger vessel, Trošenj, is performed. Methods of reducing the carbon footprint, mainly through the use of alternative fuels, and thereby abiding by IMO regulations are suggested based on the results of the life cycle analysis

    Preliminary design of tanker steam production system

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    U radu je proveden proračun otpora kako bi mogli odabrati motor koji odgovara veličini broda. Zatim su određeni potrošači električne energije i pare, a rezultati su prikazani sistematizirano po karakterističnim režimima plovidbe. Prema opterećenju energetskog i parnog sistema određeni su učini loženog i utilizacijskog kotla. Priložena je i toplinska shema parnog sistema, kao i principijelna shema spajanja pomoćnog i utilizacijskog kotla. Nakon određivanja učina se određuju potrebni padovi entalpije na svakom dijelu kotla. Konstrukcija kotla je onda provedena prema dobivenim entalpijama. Prikazan je razmještaj opreme u strojarnici i kotlovnici.This thesis follows the resistance calculation of the given ship in order to select the appropriate engine. From the known characteristics of the ship the energy needs are determined. The results are displayed systematically for electrical energy produced and direct steam use. Based on the demands for electrical and energy and steam for heating, the flow rate of the steam boiler and exhaust gas boiler are determined. The scheme for the steam generation system is included. After determining the flow rate, the enthalpy change is calculated for every part of the steam boiler. The boiler is then constructed according to the heat transfer needed. All equipment designed has been shown in the engine room and boiler room