260 research outputs found

    Over-the-air ensemble inference with model privacy

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    We consider distributed inference at the wireless edge, where multiple clients with an ensemble of models, each trained independently on a local dataset, are queried in parallel to make an accurate decision on a new sample. In addition to maximizing inference accuracy, we also want to maximize the privacy of local models. We exploit the superposition property of the air to implement bandwidth-efficient ensemble inference methods. We introduce different over-the-air ensemble methods and show that these schemes perform significantly better than their orthogonal counterparts, while using less resources and providing privacy guarantees. We also provide experimental results verifying the benefits of the proposed over-the-air inference approach, whose source code is shared publicly on Github

    Over-the-air ensemble inference with model privacy

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    We consider distributed inference at the wireless edge, where multiple clients with an ensemble of models, each trained independently on a local dataset, are queried in parallel to make an accurate decision on a new sample. In addition to maximizing inference accuracy, we also want to maximize the privacy of local models. We exploit the superposition property of the air to implement bandwidth-efficient ensemble inference methods. We introduce different over-the-air ensemble methods and show that these schemes perform significantly better than their orthogonal counterparts, while using less resources and providing privacy guarantees. We also provide experimental results verifying the benefits of the proposed over-the-air inference approach, whose source code is shared publicly on Github

    Distributed Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding over a Multiple Access Channel

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    We consider distributed image transmission over a noisy multiple access channel (MAC) using deep joint source-channel coding (DeepJSCC). It is known that Shannon's separation theorem holds when transmitting independent sources over a MAC in the asymptotic infinite block length regime. However, we are interested in the practical finite block length regime, in which case separate source and channel coding is known to be suboptimal. We introduce a novel joint image compression and transmission scheme, where the devices send their compressed image representations in a non-orthogonal manner. While non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is known to achieve the capacity region, to the best of our knowledge, non-orthogonal joint source channel coding (JSCC) scheme for practical systems has not been studied before. Through extensive experiments, we show significant improvements in terms of the quality of the reconstructed images compared to orthogonal transmission employing current DeepJSCC approaches particularly for low bandwidth ratios. We publicly share source code to facilitate further research and reproducibility.Comment: To appear in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 202

    Distributed Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding with Decoder-Only Side Information

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    We consider low-latency image transmission over a noisy wireless channel when correlated side information is present only at the receiver side (the Wyner-Ziv scenario). In particular, we are interested in developing practical schemes using a data-driven joint source-channel coding (JSCC) approach, which has been previously shown to outperform conventional separation-based approaches in the practical finite blocklength regimes, and to provide graceful degradation with channel quality. We propose a novel neural network architecture that incorporates the decoder-only side information at multiple stages at the receiver side. Our results demonstrate that the proposed method succeeds in integrating the side information, yielding improved performance at all channel noise levels in terms of the various distortion criteria considered here, especially at low channel signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and small bandwidth ratios (BRs). We also provide the source code of the proposed method to enable further research and reproducibility of the results.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Lessons learned from a 6-year clinical experience with superior vena cava Greenfield filters

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    AbstractPurpose: Therapy to prevent pulmonary embolism (PE) resulting from upper extremity deep venous thrombosis (UEDVT) remains controversial despite an increasing incidence of DVT of upper extremity origin. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of 72 superior vena cava Greenfield filters (SVC-GFs) placed in patients at risk for PE arising from UEDVT. Methods: During the past 78 months, we placed SVC-GFs in 72 patients with UEDVT in whom anticoagulation was either deemed contraindicated (n = 67) or proved ineffective in preventing recurrent PE (n = 4) or extension of the thrombus (n = 1). There were 25 male (35%) and 47 (65%) female patients whose ages ranged from 25 to 99 years (mean, 74 years). Follow-up ranged from 10 days to 78 months (mean, 7.8 months). Sequential chest radiographs revealed no filter migration or displacement in 26 patients. Results: Thirty-four patients died in the hospital of causes unrelated to the SVC filter or recurrent thromboembolism (mean time to death, 20 days). Follow-up of the surviving 38 patients ranged from 1 month to 78 months (mean, 22 months); none of these patients were seen with any evidence of PE. One SVC-GF was incorrectly discharged into the innominate vein and left in place. This vein remains patent 2 months after insertion without evidence of filter migration. Conclusions: We think that insertion of SVC-GFs is a safe, efficacious, and feasible therapy and may prevent recurrent thromboembolism in patients with UEDVT who are resistant to anticoagulation or have contraindications to anticoagulation. (J Vasc Surg 2000;32:881-7.

    Obstructive sleep apnea as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common medical condition that occurs in approximately 5% to 15% of the population. It is usually associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Diagnosis of OSA is based on polysomnography, and its severity is measured with an apnea-hypopnea index. Most of the adverse effects of OSA on the cardiovascular system are reversible with treatment. In addition to continous positive airway pressure therapy, precautions such as weight loss, avoidance of central nervous system depressants, treatment of nasal congestion and sleeping in the lateral position may help to treat OSA. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 534-537)

    La contribución del espesor de la cerámica y el tipo de adhesivo a la resistencia de desunión de las carillas dentales de cerámica con láser Er, Cr: YSGG.

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    Purpose: De-bonding strength of ceramic veneers by laser use needs to be evaluated in detail. The aim of this study, is to determine the contribution of ceramic thickness and cementing agents to the de-bonding strength of ceramic veneers using Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Methods: A total of 120 maxillary central incisors specimens were randomly divided into twelve groups on the basis of disc thickness, cementing agent, and Er,Cr:YSGG laser use. Under laboratory conditions, 120 IPS Empress II system discs 0.5mm, 1mm, and 2mm in thickness were applied to the tooth surfaces, for laser use. An Er,Cr:YSGG laser system was applied to the central surface of the IPS Empress II discs on specimens in all laser groups (Groups 1,3,5,7,9,11). Then the shear bond strength (SBS) for all specimens were tested with a testing machine at a speed of 0.5mm/min. The SBS values were considered as the de-bonding strength. Results: The mean de-bonding strength values for Groups 9 and 11 (0,5 mm disc thickness + laser application) have the lowest median load (0.000 N), while Group 4 (2mm disc thickness + no laser) has the highest median load (573.885 N). The de-bonding strengths of all the groups without laser application were higher than those of all groups with laser use. When laser is applied, the mean de-bonding strength decreases with decreasing disc thickness, and it reaches zero at 0.5mm thickness of discs cemented by self- or total-etch adhesives. Conclusions: The de-bonding strength decreases with laser use, and decreasing disc thickness. In the absence of laser, the mean de-bonding values of discs cemented by a total etch adhesive system are always higher than those of discs cemented with a self-etch adhesive system. Without any extra load, all 0.5mm thick discs were dislodged from teeth while applying or testing the laser.Propósito: La resistencia de desunión de las carillas de cerámica mediante el uso del láser debe evaluarse en detalle. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la contribución del espesor de la cerámica y los agentes de cementación a la resistencia de desunión de las carillas de cerámica utilizando el láser Er, Cr: YSGG. Métodos: Un total de 120 incisivos centrales maxilares se dividieron al azar en doce grupos según el grosor del disco, el agente de cementación y el uso del láser Er, Cr: YSGG. En condiciones de laboratorio, se aplicaron en las superficies de los dientes 120 discos del sistema IPS Empress II de 0,5mm, 1mm y 2mm de grosor, para uso con láser. Se aplicó un sistema láser Er, Cr: YSGG a la superficie central de los discos IPS Empress II en muestras de todos los grupos de láser (Grupos 1,3,5,7,9,11). Luego, la resistencia de la unión al cizallamiento (SBS) para todas las muestras se probó con una máquina de prueba a una velocidad de 0.5mm/min. Los valores de SBS se consideraron como la fuerza de desunión. Resultados: Los valores medios de resistencia de desunión para los Grupos 9 y 11 (espesor de disco de 0,5mm + aplicación de láser) demostró la carga media más baja (0,000 N), mientras que el Grupo 4 (espesor de disco de 2 mm + sin láser) tuvo la carga media más alta (573.885 N). Las fuerzas de desunión de todos los grupos sin aplicación de láser fueron superiores a las de todos los grupos con uso de láser. Cuando se aplica el láser, la fuerza media de desunión disminuye al disminuir el grosor del disco, y llega a cero con el grosor de 0,5mm de los discos cementados, para ambos adhesivos de grabado. Conclusiones: la fuerza de desunión disminuye con el uso del láser y disminuye con el grosor del disco. En ausencia de láser, los valores medios de desunión de los discos cementados con un sistema de adhesivo de grabado total son siempre más altos que los de los discos cementados con un sistema de adhesivo de autograbado. Sin ninguna carga adicional, todos los discos de 0,5mm de grosor se desprendieron de los dientes al aplicar el láser

    Obturacyjny bezdech senny jako czynnik ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego

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    Obturacyjny bezdech senny jest stosunkowo często występującym schorzeniem, które dotyka około 5-15% populacji. Zaburzenie to zazwyczaj ściśle wiąże się ze zwiększonym ryzykiem rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Diagnostyka obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego opiera się na badaniu polisomnograficznym, a jego nasilenie mierzy się za pomocą wskaźnika bezdechów i spłyceń oddychania. Większość działań niepożądanych wywoływanych przez obturacyjny bezdech senny w odniesieniu do układu sercowo-naczyniowego ma, w toku włączonego leczenia, charakter odwracalny. Oprócz terapii za pomocą wentylacji w trybie ciągle dodatniego ciśnienia w drogach oddechowych w celu kompleksowego leczenia obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego zaleca się również zmniejszenie masy ciała, unikanie leków o depresyjnym wpływie na centralny układ nerwowy, leczenie niedrożności jamy nosowej, a także spanie w pozycji bocznej. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2008; 3: 74-78

    3D printed Artificial Cornea for Corneal Stromal Transplantation

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    The aim of this study is to understand the optical, biocompatible, and mechanical properties of chitosan (CS) and polyvinyl-alcohol (PVA) based corneal stroma constructs using 3D printing process. Corneal stroma is tested for biocompatibility with human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs). Physico-chemical and chemical characterization of the construct was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Optical transmittance was analyzed using UV-Spectrophotometer. Results showed fabricated constructs have required shape and size. SEM images showed construct has thickness of 400 µm. The FTIR spectra demonstrated the presence of various predicted peaks. The swelling and degradation studies of 13%(wt)PVA and 13%(wt)PVA/(1, 3, 5)%(wt)CS showed to have high swelling ratios of 7 days and degradation times of 30 days, respectively. The light transmittance values of the fabricated cornea constructs decreased with CS addition slightly. Tensile strength values decreased with increasing CS ratio, but we found to support intraocular pressure (IOP) which ranges from 12 to 22 mm-Hg. Preliminary biostability studies showed that composite constructs were compatible with hASCs even after 30 days’ of degradation, showing potential for these cells to be differentiated to stroma layer in future. This study has implications for the rapid and custom fabrication of various cornea constructs for clinical applications

    Dislexia e ensino-aprendizagem de língua portuguesa : um estudo de caso

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, 2013.Esta pesquisa trata da dislexia e do ensino-aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa para disléxicos, com base em um estudo de caso com estudante disléxico da rede pública de ensino do Plano Piloto. Dentre as questões abordadas, estão as definições da dislexia, seus tipos e possíveis tratamentos, além da discussão do espaço que tal distúrbio de aprendizagem tem na educação, a sugestão de inclusão da dislexia na Educação Especial e, consequentemente, nas salas de recursos e a adequação da metodologia de ensino, baseada na exploração dos gêneros textuais e dos multiletramentos, dentro da perspectiva Sociointeracionista de Vygotsky e da proposta de professor libertador, de Paulo Freire