65 research outputs found

    Tournaments, 4-uniform hypergraphs, and an exact extremal result

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    We consider 44-uniform hypergraphs with the maximum number of hyperedges subject to the condition that every set of 55 vertices spans either 00 or exactly 22 hyperedges and give a construction, using quadratic residues, for an infinite family of such hypergraphs with the maximum number of hyperedges. Baber has previously given an asymptotically best-possible result using random tournaments. We give a connection between Baber's result and our construction via Paley tournaments and investigate a `switching' operation on tournaments that preserves hypergraphs arising from this construction.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    A sharp threshold for a modified bootstrap percolation with recovery

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    Bootstrap percolation is a type of cellular automaton on graphs, introduced as a simple model of the dynamics of ferromagnetism. Vertices in a graph can be in one of two states: `healthy' or `infected' and from an initial configuration of states, healthy vertices become infected by local rules. While the usual bootstrap processes are monotone in the sets of infected vertices, in this paper, a modification is examined in which infected vertices can return to a healthy state. Vertices are initially infected independently at random and the central question is whether all vertices eventually become infected. The model examined here is such a process on a square grid for which healthy vertices with at least two infected neighbours become infected and infected vertices with no infected neighbours become healthy. Sharp thresholds are given for the critical probability of initial infections for all vertices eventually to become infected.Comment: 45 page

    Lower bounds for bootstrap percolation on Galton-Watson trees

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    Bootstrap percolation is a cellular automaton modelling the spread of an `infection' on a graph. In this note, we prove a family of lower bounds on the critical probability for rr-neighbour bootstrap percolation on Galton--Watson trees in terms of moments of the offspring distributions. With this result we confirm a conjecture of Bollob\'as, Gunderson, Holmgren, Janson and Przykucki. We also show that these bounds are best possible up to positive constants not depending on the offspring distribution.Comment: 7 page

    Positive independence densities of finite rank countable hypergraphs are achieved by finite hypergraphs

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    The independence density of a finite hypergraph is the probability that a subset of vertices, chosen uniformly at random contains no hyperedges. Independence densities can be generalized to countable hypergraphs using limits. We show that, in fact, every positive independence density of a countably infinite hypergraph with hyperedges of bounded size is equal to the independence density of some finite hypergraph whose hyperedges are no larger than those in the infinite hypergraph. This answers a question of Bonato, Brown, Kemkes, and Pra{\l}at about independence densities of graphs. Furthermore, we show that for any kk, the set of independence densities of hypergraphs with hyperedges of size at most kk is closed and contains no infinite increasing sequences.Comment: To appear in the European Journal of Combinatorics, 12 page

    The time of graph bootstrap percolation

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    Graph bootstrap percolation, introduced by Bollob\'as in 1968, is a cellular automaton defined as follows. Given a "small" graph HH and a "large" graph G=G0KnG = G_0 \subseteq K_n, in consecutive steps we obtain Gt+1G_{t+1} from GtG_t by adding to it all new edges ee such that GteG_t \cup e contains a new copy of HH. We say that GG percolates if for some t0t \geq 0, we have Gt=KnG_t = K_n. For H=KrH = K_r, the question about the size of the smallest percolating graphs was independently answered by Alon, Frankl and Kalai in the 1980's. Recently, Balogh, Bollob\'as and Morris considered graph bootstrap percolation for G=G(n,p)G = G(n,p) and studied the critical probability pc(n,Kr)p_c(n,K_r), for the event that the graph percolates with high probability. In this paper, using the same setup, we determine, up to a logarithmic factor, the critical probability for percolation by time tt for all 1tCloglogn1 \leq t \leq C \log\log n.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Bounding the Number of Hyperedges in Friendship rr-Hypergraphs

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    For r2r \ge 2, an rr-uniform hypergraph is called a friendship rr-hypergraph if every set RR of rr vertices has a unique 'friend' - that is, there exists a unique vertex xRx \notin R with the property that for each subset ARA \subseteq R of size r1r-1, the set A{x}A \cup \{x\} is a hyperedge. We show that for r3r \geq 3, the number of hyperedges in a friendship rr-hypergraph is at least r+1r(n1r1)\frac{r+1}{r} \binom{n-1}{r-1}, and we characterise those hypergraphs which achieve this bound. This generalises a result given by Li and van Rees in the case when r=3r = 3. We also obtain a new upper bound on the number of hyperedges in a friendship rr-hypergraph, which improves on a known bound given by Li, van Rees, Seo and Singhi when r=3r=3.Comment: 14 page

    Limited packings of closed neighbourhoods in graphs

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    The k-limited packing number, Lk(G)L_k(G), of a graph GG, introduced by Gallant, Gunther, Hartnell, and Rall, is the maximum cardinality of a set XX of vertices of GG such that every vertex of GG has at most kk elements of XX in its closed neighbourhood. The main aim in this paper is to prove the best-possible result that if GG is a cubic graph, then L2(G)V(G)/3L_2(G) \geq |V (G)|/3, improving the previous lower bound given by Gallant, \emph{et al.} In addition, we construct an infinite family of graphs to show that lower bounds given by Gagarin and Zverovich are asymptotically best-possible, up to a constant factor, when kk is fixed and Δ(G)\Delta(G) tends to infinity. For Δ(G)\Delta(G) tending to infinity and kk tending to infinity sufficiently quickly, we give an asymptotically best-possible lower bound for Lk(G)L_k(G), improving previous bounds

    Random Geometric Graphs and Isometries of Normed Spaces

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    Given a countable dense subset SS of a finite-dimensional normed space XX, and 0<p<10<p<1, we form a random graph on SS by joining, independently and with probability pp, each pair of points at distance less than 11. We say that SS is `Rado' if any two such random graphs are (almost surely) isomorphic. Bonato and Janssen showed that in ldl_\infty^d almost all SS are Rado. Our main aim in this paper is to show that ldl_\infty^d is the unique normed space with this property: indeed, in every other space almost all sets SS are non-Rado. We also determine which spaces admit some Rado set: this turns out to be the spaces that have an ll_\infty direct summand. These results answer questions of Bonato and Janssen. A key role is played by the determination of which finite-dimensional normed spaces have the property that every bijective step-isometry (meaning that the integer part of distances is preserved) is in fact an isometry. This result may be of independent interest