135 research outputs found

    How well-proportioned are lens and prism spaces?

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    The CMB anisotropies in spherical 3-spaces with a non-trivial topology are analysed with a focus on lens and prism shaped fundamental cells. The conjecture is tested that well proportioned spaces lead to a suppression of large-scale anisotropies according to the observed cosmic microwave background (CMB). The focus is put on lens spaces L(p,q) which are supposed to be oddly proportioned. However, there are inhomogeneous lens spaces whose shape of the Voronoi domain depends on the position of the observer within the manifold. Such manifolds possess no fixed measure of well-proportioned and allow a predestined test of the well-proportioned conjecture. Topologies having the same Voronoi domain are shown to possess distinct CMB statistics which thus provide a counter-example to the well-proportioned conjecture. The CMB properties are analysed in terms of cyclic subgroups Z_p, and new point of view for the superior behaviour of the Poincar\'e dodecahedron is found

    Isomorphs in model molecular liquids

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    Isomorphs are curves in the phase diagram along which a number of static and dynamic quantities are invariant in reduced units. A liquid has good isomorphs if and only if it is strongly correlating, i.e., the equilibrium virial/potential energy fluctuations are more than 90% correlated in the NVT ensemble. This paper generalizes isomorphs to liquids composed of rigid molecules and study the isomorphs of two systems of small rigid molecules, the asymmetric dumbbell model and the Lewis-Wahnstrom OTP model. In particular, for both systems we find that the isochoric heat capacity, the excess entropy, the reduced molecular center-of-mass self part of the intermediate scattering function, the reduced molecular center-of-mass radial distribution function to a good approximation are invariant along an isomorph. In agreement with theory, we also find that an instantaneous change of temperature and density from an equilibrated state point to another isomorphic state point leads to no relaxation. The isomorphs of the Lewis-Wahnstrom OTP model were found to be more approximative than those of the asymmetric dumbbell model, which is consistent with the OTP model being less strongly correlating. For both models we find "master isomorphs", i.e., isomorphs have identical shape in the virial/potential energy phase diagram.Comment: 20 page

    Magnetorheology of alginate ferrogels

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    Magnetorheological (MR) effect is a phenomenon typical of suspensions of magnetizable particles in a liquid carrier, characterized by strong changes of their mechanical properties in response to applied magnetic fields. Its origin is on the migration of magnetized particles and their aggregation into chain-like structures. However, for ferrogels, consisting of dispersions of magnetic particles in a polymer matrix, migration of particles is hindered by the elastic forces of the polymer network, preventing from strong MR effect. Interestingly, we demonstrate in this manuscript that strong MR effect in robustly cross-linked polymer ferrogels is still possible. Experimental results showed enhancement of the storage modulus of more than one order of magnitude for alginate ferrogels containing less than about 10 vol.% of iron particles under moderate magnetic fields. The differential feature of these ferrogels is that, instead of individual particles, the disperse phase consisted of large clusters of iron microparticles homogeneously distributed within the polymer networks. These clusters of magnetic particles were formed at the stage of the preparation of the ferrogels and their presence within the polymer networks had two main consequences. First, the volume fraction of clusters was considerably larger than this of individual particles, resulting in a larger effective volume fraction of solids. Second, since the force of magnetic attraction between magnetic bodies is roughly proportional to the cube of the body size, the existence of such clusters favored inter-cluster interaction under a magnetic field and the appearance of strong MR effect. On this basis, we demonstrated by theoretical modeling that the strong MR effect displayed by the alginate ferrogels of the present work can be quantitatively explained by assuming the existence of large, roughly spherical particle aggregates formed at the stage of the preparation of the ferrogels. Our theoretical model provides a reasonable quantitative prediction of the experimental resultsThis study was supported by project FIS2017-85954-R (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, MINECO, and Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI, Spain, cofunded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, European Union). CGV acknowledges financial support by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and University of Granada, Spain, for her FPU17/00491 grant. AZ is grateful to the Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, projects 02.A03.21.0006, 3.1438.2017/4.6, and 3.5214.2017/6.7 and the Russian Fund of Basic Researches, project 18-08-0017

    CMB radiation in an inhomogeneous spherical space

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    We analyse the CMB radiation in spherical 3-spaces with non-trivial topology. The focus is put on an inhomogeneous space which possesses observer dependent CMB properties. The suppression of the CMB anisotropies on large angular scales is analysed with respect to the position of the CMB observer. The equivalence of a lens space with a Platonic cubic space is shown and used for the harmonic analysis. We give the transformation of the CMB multipole radiation amplitude as a function of the position of the observer. General sum rules are obtained in terms of the squares of the expansion coefficients for invariant polynomials on the 3-sphere

    Effects of Blood Flow Restricted Low-Intensity Concentric or Eccentric Training on Muscle Size and Strength

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    The authors thank the students who participated in this study. We also thank Toshiaki Nakajima, MD, PhD, Ken Masamune, PhD, Hiroki Kamiuchi, The University of Tokyo, for helpful discussion and technical support.Conceived and designed the experiments: TY TA. Performed the experiments: TY. Analyzed the data: TY JPL TA. Wrote the paper: TY JPL RST TA.We investigated the acute and chronic effects of low-intensity concentric or eccentric resistance training with blood flow restriction (BFR) on muscle size and strength. Ten young men performed 30% of concentric one repetition maximal dumbbell curl exercise (four sets, total 75 reps) 3 days/week for 6 weeks. One arm was randomly chosen for concentric BFR (CON-BFR) exercise only and the other arm performed eccentric BFR (ECC-BFR) exercise only at the same exercise load. During the exercise session, iEMG for biceps brachii muscles increased progressively during CON-BFR, which was greater (p<0.05) than that of the ECC-BFR. Immediately after the exercise, muscle thickness (MTH) of the elbow flexors acutely increased (p<0.01) with both CON-BFR and ECC-BFR, but was greater with CON-BFR (11.7%) (p<0.01) than ECC-BFR (3.9%) at 10-cm above the elbow joint. Following 6-weeks of training, MRI-measured muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) at 10-cm position and mid-upper arm (12.0% and 10.6%, respectively) as well as muscle volume (12.5%) of the elbow flexors were increased (p<0.01) with CON-BFR. Increases in muscle CSA and volume were lower in ECC-BFR (5.1%, 0.8% and 2.9%, respectively) than in the CON-BFR and only muscle CSA at 10-cm position increased significantly (p<0.05) after the training. Maximal voluntary isometric strength of elbow flexors was increased (p<0.05) in CON-BFR (8.6%), but not in ECC (3.8%). These results suggest that CON-BFR training leads to pronounced acute changes in muscle size, an index of muscle cell swelling, the response to which may be an important factor for promoting muscle hypertrophy with BFR resistance training.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee

    Excess-entropy scaling in supercooled binary mixtures

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    Supercooled liquids near the glass transition show remarkable non-Arrhenius transport phenomena, whose origin is yet to be clarified. Here, the authors use GPU molecular dynamics simulations for various binary mixtures in the supercooled regime to show the validity of a quasiuniversal excess-entropy scaling relation for viscosity and diffusion

    Accurate OH maser positions from the SPLASH pilot region

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    We report on high spatial resolution observations, using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), of ground-state OH masers. These observations were carried out toward 196 pointing centers previously identified in the Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) pilot region, between Galactic longitudes of 334 and 344 and Galactic latitudes of -2 and +2. Supplementing our data with data from the MAGMO (Mapping the Galactic Magnetic field through OH masers) survey, we find maser emission toward 175 of the 196 target fields. We conclude that about half of the 21 nondetections were due to intrinsic variability. Due to the superior sensitivity of the followup ATCA observations, and the ability to resolve nearby sources into separate sites, we have identified 215 OH maser sites toward the 175 fields with detections. Among these 215 OH maser sites, 111 are new detections. After comparing the positions of these 215 maser sites to the literature, we identify 122 (57%) sites associated with evolved stars (one of which is a planetary nebula), 64 (30%) with star formation, two sites with supernova remnants, and 27 (13%) of unknown origin. The infrared colors of evolved star sites with symmetric maser profiles tend to be redder than those of evolved star sites with asymmetric maser profiles, which may indicate that symmetric sources are generally at an earlier evolutionary stage. © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    How long do nosocomial pathogens persist on inanimate surfaces? A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Inanimate surfaces have often been described as the source for outbreaks of nosocomial infections. The aim of this review is to summarize data on the persistence of different nosocomial pathogens on inanimate surfaces. METHODS: The literature was systematically reviewed in MedLine without language restrictions. In addition, cited articles in a report were assessed and standard textbooks on the topic were reviewed. All reports with experimental evidence on the duration of persistence of a nosocomial pathogen on any type of surface were included. RESULTS: Most gram-positive bacteria, such as Enterococcus spp. (including VRE), Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA), or Streptococcus pyogenes, survive for months on dry surfaces. Many gram-negative species, such as Acinetobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, or Shigella spp., can also survive for months. A few others, such as Bordetella pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus vulgaris, or Vibrio cholerae, however, persist only for days. Mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and spore-forming bacteria, including Clostridium difficile, can also survive for months on surfaces. Candida albicans as the most important nosocomial fungal pathogen can survive up to 4 months on surfaces. Persistence of other yeasts, such as Torulopsis glabrata, was described to be similar (5 months) or shorter (Candida parapsilosis, 14 days). Most viruses from the respiratory tract, such as corona, coxsackie, influenza, SARS or rhino virus, can persist on surfaces for a few days. Viruses from the gastrointestinal tract, such as astrovirus, HAV, polio- or rota virus, persist for approximately 2 months. Blood-borne viruses, such as HBV or HIV, can persist for more than one week. Herpes viruses, such as CMV or HSV type 1 and 2, have been shown to persist from only a few hours up to 7 days. CONCLUSION: The most common nosocomial pathogens may well survive or persist on surfaces for months and can thereby be a continuous source of transmission if no regular preventive surface disinfection is performed