10 research outputs found

    Pendayagunaan Informasi Dari Non Financial Performance Measure untuk Meminimalisasi Kerugian Akibat Produk Cacat pada Badan Usaha X

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    Persaingan dunia usaha saat ini mengharuskan perusahaan-perusahaan untuk melakukan pengembangan dan perbaikan dari berbagai bidang. Tanpa adanya continuous improvement, maka perusahaan tidak akan mampu menyesuaikan kondisi internal perusahaan terhadap perubahan yang tetjadi di lingkungan ekstemal perusahaan. Salah satu continuous improvement yang dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan manufaktur adalah kualitas produk. Kualitas produk yang tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi maupun dengan keinginan konsumen dapat dikatakan merupakan produk cacat. Seperti yang diketahui terdapat dua pengukuran yang umum digunakan, yaitu pengukuran finansial dan non finansial. Pengukuran yang cocok digunakan dalam pengembangan kualitas produk adalah pengukuran non finansial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan bagaimana memanfaatkan informasi yang diperoleh dari non financial performance measure untuk meminimalisasi kerugian akibat produk cacat Memanfaatkan informasi pengukuran kinerja non finansial yang tepat sasaran akan membawa perusahaan mencapai continuous improvement sehingga perusahaan akan mampu meminimalkan kerugian yang disebabkan produk cacat. Sebelum itu harus ditentukan terlebih dahulu pengukuran yang digunakan. Pemilihan pengukuran tersebut harus tepat sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan secara tepa

    Evaluasi Kualitas Ruang Fasilitas Untuk Pasien Jantung Berbasis Persepsi Pengguna

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    Rumah Sakit harus didesain dengan baik sehingga mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan paripurna. Desain Rumah Sakit harus juga lebih ramah terhadap pasien Rumah Sakit sesuai standar mutu pelayanannya. Penyebab terbanyak penyakit jantung (cardiovasculer desease) ialah atherosclerosis dan/atau darah tinggi (hypertension). Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi ialah usia perubahan fisiologi dan morfologi fungsi kardiovaskuler. Fasilitas Penanganan Jantung penting untuk diteliti kualitas ruang dan dampaknya pada pasien. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif mengenai kualitas ruang Rumah Sakit Jantung (ukuran ruang dan warna). Metode dokumentasi yang dipilih ialah menggunakan Metode Visual Research oleh Sanoff (1991) dan analisis terhadap denah yang ada. Kemudian dilakukan wawancara pada keluarga pasien untuk mengetahui persepsi mereka. Hasilnya diharapkan dapat memberi masukan bagi panduan desain fasilitas Penanganan Jantung yang sesuai dengan sosial budaya Indonesia

    Analisis Risiko Industri Nilam Menggunakan Metode Value At Risk (VAR) “Studi Kasus: Koperasi Industri Nilam Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Jaya”

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    ABSTRACT Aceh Province is a province that has abundant natural resource potential, especially from the agricultural sector. One of them is patchouli which can be processed into goods of economic value, namely patchouli oil. Most of the people of Aceh work as farmers, especially in Aceh Jaya Regency. Currently, farmers in Aceh Jaya are intensively cultivating patchouli. However, so far the results of patchouli production and the patchouli refining process are still not optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of patchouli industry risk on the Aceh Patchouli Industry Cooperative (KINA) company in Aceh Jaya Regency. The method used in this study is value at risk (VAR) to analyze the impact of risk in order to reduce the company's potential losses. The results obtained in this study using the VAR method in the patchouli industry, among others, are nursery risk factors with a risk impact of Rp 1.335.650. Then found the impact of losses of Rp. 995.344 on disease and pest factors. Furthermore, it was found that the impact of the loss was Rp. 476.350 in the refining process. The biggest loss impact occurred in the nursery process of Rp. 1.335.650 and the smallest loss impact occurred in the refining process factor of Rp. 476.350.Keywords: Koperasi Industri Nilam Aceh, Value at Risk, Risk, Aceh Jaya Regenc


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    The conflicts between Turkey and Greece have been going on for a long time. Several conflicts caused tension between Turkey and Greece, such as the territory of Aegean, Cyprus, and other problems. The tension increased because the bilateral agreement between Turkey and Libya on the maritime boundaries of the Eastern Mediterranean, which signed in 2019, was opposed by Greece because the Agreement did not take into account the existence of the island which owned by Greece. The Agreement between Turkey and Libya made Greece furious because Greece considered that the action violated Greece’s sovereignty. The research aims to find out further about the validity of the agreement between Turkey and Libya on the maritime boundaries, which threatened Greece’s sovereignty. By using normative legal research, the research emphasizes the bilateral agreement between Turkey and Libya is invalid since it against the international law principles, namely sovereignty of states, good faith, good neighborhood, and Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. The paper will contribute to giving a theoretical understanding regarding aspects that need to be considered, outside the procedural aspects, when a state wants to make an agreement with another state, according to international law


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    The Cardiovascular diseases have become the top killer since 1970 worldwide. In 2005, it was recorded the present of 5.7 million stroke survivors. On the other hand, healing stroke and its related complications required much more considerable time. So the patients’ wards quality especially related to wall colour become very important for the patients recovery. The study was conducted with exploratory methods combining visual methods of research and Luscher colour test. Series of interviews were conducted to gather the users’ perception. So, it was found on that blue wall colour calmed the medical personals, patients, and their family. The most soothing Blue colour variant according to respondents was the Artic Blue (hue 9.8 B, value 7.4 and chroma 5.6)

    Analisis Fe(II) dalam Sirup Multivitamin X dan Y dengan Metode ICPS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian pada sirup multivitamin merk "X" dan "Y" yang menggunakan metode ICPS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry) untuk mengetahui kadar Fe (II). Zat besi adalah mineral mikro yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk sel darah merah (hemoglobin=protein yang mengandung zat besi)..


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    Penyebab penyakit ini beragam tetapi biasanya yang terbanyak ialah atherosclerosis dan/ atau darah tinggi (hypertension). Selain itu, seiring dengan usia, terdapat perubahan – perubahan fisiologi dan morfologi yang mengubah fungsi kardiovaskuler yang meningkatkan resiko penyakit ini Walau penyakit ini merupakan penyakit manusia yang lebih tua tetapi dapat mempengaruhi juga pada masa kanak – kanak. Sehingga ditekankan berbagai faktor untuk mengurangi ancaman ini dengan makan makanan yang sehat, berolahraga dan mengurangi merokok Karena itu Fasilitas Penanangan Jantung menjadi sangat penting untuk diteliti kualitas ruang dan dampaknya pada pasien. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif mengenai Kualitas Ruang Rumah Sakit Jantung (Ukuran Ruang dan Warna). Metode dokumentasi yang dipilih ialah menggunakan Metode Visual Research oleh Sanoff (1991) dan analisa terhadap denah yang ada. Kemudian dilakukan wawancara pada Keluarga Pasien untuk mengetahui persepsi mereka

    Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition: Advances, Challenges, and Future Directions

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    Facial emotion recognition (FER) is the technology or process of identifying and interpreting human emotions based on the analysis of facial expressions. It involves using computer algorithms and machine learning techniques to detect and classify emotional states from images or videos of human faces. Further, FER plays a vital role in recognizing and understanding human emotions to better interpret someone’s feelings, intentions, and attitudes. In the present time, it is widely used in various fields such as healthcare, human–computer interaction, law enforcement, security, and beyond. FER has a wide range of practical applications across various industries including Emotion Monitoring, Adaptive Learning, and Virtual Assistants. This paper presents a comparative analysis of FER algorithms, focusing on deep learning approaches. The performance of different datasets, including FER2013, JAFFE, AffectNet, and Cohn–Kanade, is evaluated using convolutional neural networks (CNNs), deep face, attentional convolutional networks (ACNs), and deep belief networks (DBNs). Among the tested algorithms, DBNs outperformed other algorithms, reaching the highest accuracy of 98.82%. These results emphasize the effectiveness of deep learning techniques, particularly DBNs, in FER. Additionally, outlining the advantages and disadvantages of current research on facial emotion identification might direct future research efforts in the direction of the most profitable directions


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    The Cardiovascular diseases have become the top killer since 1970 worldwide. In 2005, it was recorded the present of 5.7 million stroke survivors. On the other hand, healing stroke and its related complications required much more considerable time. So the patients’ wards quality especially related to wall colour become very important for the patients' recovery. The study was conducted with exploratory methods combining visual methods of research and Luscher colour test. Series of interviews were conducted to gather the users’ perception. So, it was found on that blue wall colour calmed the medical personals, patients, and their family. The most soothing Blue colour variant according to respondents was the Artic Blue (hue 9.8 B, value 7.4 and chroma 5.6)