938 research outputs found

    Pusat Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Perilaku

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    Early childhood is a golden period in human development, because at this time began to be formed and expanded child competence development, both cognitively, emotionally and socially. One of the means that can support the development of children through early childhood education institutions. The Early Childhood Education Center in Pekanbaru will facilitate means of education such as classrooms, means of supporting such a garden nursery, children's play area, art space, performance space as well as a hall area. The child has its own character with different adults. The character of the child, active, creative, and do not like to be restricted cause the necessity of processing specifically against the arrangement of space to accommodate children's activities. With that to optimize The Early Childhood Education Center in Pekanbaru used architectural approach behavior. So there will be formed a good relationship between the function of space and user behavior. The basic idea in the formulation of the concept of the Design Center for early childhood education is derived from the character of early childhood behavior, where early childhood is the period of the free developing imagination and creativity. The application of the concept is applied to the arrangement of masses of buildings, building forms, circulation, structuring of space inside and outside spaces, as well as the facade of the building in accordance with the character of the child

    Resor Pantai Ogis Muara Bono di Pelalawan dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Pesisir

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    Pelalawan has several attractions, and Bono Waves in Ogis Beach Village Teluk Meranti Sub-district is one of them. However, these attractions are not supported by sufficient facilities, one of which is a residential resort. This design has a close connection with the resort destination in Ogis Beach that is with Coastal Architecture Approach. In addition, the design of tourist attraction area Ogis Beach Beach Bono will apply the concept of "Rhythmic Rising Waves" which is the main basic concept in the design. In this concept there are several applications of the design of the nature of waves, such as masses and roofs adapted from the nature of waves that have a low rhyming high. The color of the building is adapted from the color of the kampar river like the color of wood is brown. Then the circulation in the building that is created does not have a partition, so it can surprise people who see it. This design has a design that applies the principle of coastal architecture and the concept taken from the nature of the waves. By using some application of the concept, this design can minimize the negative influence gained from coastal tourism area ogis estuary bono. So this design provides benefits, both environmentally and to the design on the building itself

    Penerapan Prinsip Arsitektur Bioklimatik dalam Perancangan Tropical Orchid Centre

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    Orchid grows and estimated has 5.000 species in Indonesia. However, nowdays there are many human activities, inflicting a destruction of ecosystem, which resulting a lessening orchid's habitat species. Conservation is needed to maintain the continuity of species of orchids. The design of conservation center to be developed is Tropical Orchid Center that serves as nature tourism, education, and research. Since influenced by good climate, the capacity of sunlight, air humidity, and air temperature, the Bioclimatic Architecture will be applied to the design of this Tropical Orchid Center. The concept of "Walk in The Rainforest” is applied to the site design, the shape of the building, the facade, and the landscape

    Numerical renormalization group study of the symmetric Anderson-Holstein model: phonon and electron spectral functions

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    We study the symmetric Anderson-Holstein (AH) model at zero temperature with Wilson's numerical renormalization group (NRG) technique to study the interplay between the electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions. An improved method for calculating the phonon propagator using the NRG technique is presented, which turns out to be more accurate and reliable than the previous works in that it calculates the phonon renormalization explicitly and satisfies the boson sum rule better. The method is applied to calculate the renormalized phonon propagators along with the electron propagators as the onsite Coulomb repulsion UU and electron-phonon coupling constant gg are varied. As gg is increased, the phonon mode is successively renormalized, and for g≳gcog \gtrsim g_{co} crosses over to the regime where the mode splits into two components, one of which approaches back to the bare frequency and the other develops into a soft mode. The initial renormalization of the phonon mode, as gg is increased from 0, depends on UU and the hybridization Δ\Delta; it gets softened (hardened) for U≳(≲)Us(Δ)U \gtrsim (\lesssim) U_s (\Delta). Correlated with the emergence of the soft mode is the central peak of the electron spectral function severely suppressed. These NRG calculations will be compared with the standard Green's function results for the weak coupling regime to understand the phonon renormalization and soft mode.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Kajian Fungsi Ruang Luar pada Pusat Dakwah Islam di Kota Bandung

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    This area initially serves as a settlement , and began to be utilized as a public space in 1980. But in this time, this area has been changed into the area of Islamic activities in Bandung. This thing finally provides an opportunity for people to socialize, discuss, recreation, learning, and doing other things. Although Site planning of PUSDAI has planned, but in the end some space in PUSDAI experiencing transition function space, from space with a single function into a space with flexible functions, such as parking spaces and parks. So that these changes have an impact on the accessibility of the area , and circulation patterns in this area. And architecture has an important role in the process of formation of PUSDAI or islamic center in function and visual. How to connecting function with each other to form a linkage, where in the linkage / relationship between these functions greatly affect the users become comfortable
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