36 research outputs found

    Tensorial Central Charges and New Superparticle Models with Fundamental Spinor Coordinates

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    We consider firstly simple D=4 superalgebra with six real tensorial central charges ZμνZ_{\mu\nu}, and discuss its possible realizations in massive and massless cases. Massless case is dynamically realized by generalized Ferber-Shirafuji (FS) model with fundamental bosonic spinor coordinates. The Lorentz invariance is not broken due to the realization of central charges generators in terms of bosonic spinors. The model contains four fermionic coordinates and possesses three kappa-symmetries thus providing the BPS configuration preserving 3/4 of the target space supersymmetries. We show that the physical degrees of freedom (8 real bosonic and 1 real Grassmann variable) of our model can be described by OSp(8|1) supertwistor. The relation with recent superparticle model by Rudychev and Sezgin is pointed out. Finally we propose a higher dimensional generalization of our model with one real fundamental bosonic spinor. D=10 model describes massless superparticle with composite tensorial central charges and in D=11 we obtain 0-superbrane model with nonvanishing mass which is generated dynamically.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figures, misprints correcte

    Worldline Superfield Actions for N=2 Superparticles

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    We propose doubly supersymmetric actions in terms of n=2(D-2) worldline superfields for N=2 superparticles in D=3,4 and Type IIA D=6 superspaces. These actions are obtained by dimensional reduction of superfield actions for N=1 superparticles in D=4,6 and 10, respectively. We show that in all these models geometrodynamical constraints on target superspace coordinates do not put the theory on the mass shell, so the actions constructed consistently describe the dynamics of the corresponding N=2 superparticles. We also find that in contrast to the IIA D=6 superparticle a chiral IIB D=6 superparticle, which is not obtainable by dimensional reduction from N=1, D=10, is described by superfield constraints which produce dynamical equations. This implies that for the IIB D=6 superparticle the doubly supersymmetric action does not exist in the conventional form.Comment: Latex, 20 pp. Minor corrections, acknowledgements adde

    Gauge symmetries of strings in supertwistor space

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    Recently we have considered supertwistor reformulation of the D=4 N=1,2 superstring action that comprises Newman-Penrose dyad components and is classically equivalent to the Green-Schwarz one. It was shown that in the covariant kappa-symmetry gauge the supertwistor representation of the string action simplifies. Here we analyze its Hamiltonian formulation, classify the constraints on the phase-space variables, and find the covariant set of generators of the gauge symmetries. Quantum symmetries of the supertwistor representation of the string action are examined applying the world-sheet CFT technique. Considered are various generalizations of the model from the perspective of their possible relation to known twistor superstring models.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX; v.2 minor changes in the text, references added, misprints correcte

    Optically-stimulated desorption of 'hot' excimers from pre-irradiated Ar solids

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    Electronically-induced desorption from solid Ar pre-irradiated by a low-energy electron beam was investigated by activation spectroscopy methods - photon-stimulated exoelectron emission and photon-stimulated luminescence in combination with spectrally-resolved measurements in the VUV range of the spectrum. Desorption of vibrationally excited argon molecules Ar2^*(v) from the surface of pre-irradiated solid Ar was observed for the first time. It was shown that desorption of 'hot' Ar2^*(v) molecules is caused by recombination of self-trapped holes with electrons released from traps by visible range photons. The possibility of optical stimulation of the phenomenon is evidenced.Comment: The complete version of the paper will be published in Fiz. Nizk. Temp. (Low Temp. Phys.

    (Super)twistors and (super)strings

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    The Lagrangian formulation of the D=4 bosonic string and superstring in terms of the (super)twistors is considered. The (super)twistor form of the equations of motion is derived and the kappa-symmetry transformation for the supertwistors is given. It is shown that the covariant kappa-symmetry gauge fixation results in the action quadratic in the (super)twistor variables.Comment: LaTeX, 17 page

    Superspace formulations of the (super)twistor string

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    The superspace formulation of the worldvolume action of twistor string models is considered. It is shown that for the Berkovits-Siegel closed twistor string such a formulation is provided by a N=4 twistor-like action of the tensionless superstring. A similar inverse twistor transform of the open twistor string model (Berkovits model) results in a dynamical system containing two copies of the D=4, N=4 superspace coordinate functions, one left-moving and one right-moving, that are glued by the boundary conditions. We also discuss possible candidates for a tensionful superstring action leading to the twistor string in the tensionless limit as well as multidimensional counterparts of twistor strings in the framework of both `standard' superspace and superspace enlarged by tensorial coordinates (tensorial superspaces), which constitute a natural framework for massless higher spin theories.Comment: Rev Tex, 13 pages, no figure

    Electron traps in solid Xe

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    Correlated real-time measurements of thermally stimulated luminescence and exoelectron emission from solid Xe pre-irradiated with an electron beam were performed. The study enabled us to distinguish between surface and bulk traps in solid Xe and to identify a peak related to electronically induced defects. The activation energy corresponding to annihilation of these defects was estimated by the following methods: the method of different heating rates, the initial-rise method, and the curve cleaning technique with fitting of the thermally stimulated luminescence glow curve

    Evidence for the classical integrability of the complete AdS(4) x CP(3) superstring

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    We construct a zero-curvature Lax connection in a sub-sector of the superstring theory on AdS(4) x CP(3) which is not described by the OSp(6|4)/U(3) x SO(1,3) supercoset sigma-model. In this sub-sector worldsheet fermions associated to eight broken supersymmetries of the type IIA background are physical fields. As such, the prescription for the construction of the Lax connection based on the Z_4-automorphism of the isometry superalgebra OSp(6|4) does not do the job. So, to construct the Lax connection we have used an alternative method which nevertheless relies on the isometry of the target superspace and kappa-symmetry of the Green-Schwarz superstring.Comment: 1+26 pages; v2: minor typos corrected, acknowledgements adde