7,848 research outputs found

    A note on the effect of pre-slaughter transport duration on nutrient composition and fatty acid profile of broiler breast meat

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    WOS: 000294933400008The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pre-slaughter transport duration, as a stress factor, on nutrient and fatty acid composition of broiler breast meat. The study was conducted on 48 breast muscles obtained from Ross broilers slaughtered at the average weight of 1.8 or 2.6 kg, 36 and 46 days old, respectively. Transport duration was 1.5 or 3 h. Heavier broilers transported for longer duration had the higher protein content, while lighter broilers gave similar results. Lower moisture but higher lipid content was observed for the long transported broilers. Fatty acid composition was significantly influenced by body weight and transport duration: a lower content of PUFA was obtained for heavier broilers. Ratios of PUFA/SFA was lower in heavier broilers. A decrease in MUFA and a lower n-3/n-6 ratio was evidenced in the meat from broilers transported for longer duration.Abalioglu Yem; Soya ve Tekstil Sanayi A.SSupported by Abalioglu Yem, Soya ve Tekstil Sanayi A.

    Bioactive supramolecular peptide nanofibers for regenerative medicine

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Recent advances in understanding of cell-matrix interactions and the role of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in regulation of cellular behavior have created new perspectives for regenerative medicine. Supramolecular peptide nanofiber systems have been used as synthetic scaffolds in regenerative medicine applications due to their tailorable properties and ability to mimic ECM proteins. Through designed bioactive epitopes, peptide nanofiber systems provide biomolecular recognition sites that can trigger specific interactions with cell surface receptors. The present Review covers structural and biochemical properties of the self-assembled peptide nanofibers for tissue regeneration, and highlights studies that investigate the ability of ECM mimetic peptides to alter cellular behavior including cell adhesion, proliferation, and/or differentiation. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Social Media Content of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Groups and Pages on Facebook: Cross-sectional Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND Patients use Facebook as a resource for medical information. We analyzed posts on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)-related Facebook groups and pages for the presence of guideline content, user engagement, and usefulness. OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to describe and analyze posts from Facebook groups and pages that primarily focus on IPF-related content. METHODS Cross-sectional analysis was performed on a single date, identifying Facebook groups and pages resulting from separately searching "IPF" and "idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis." For inclusion, groups and pages needed to meet either search term and be in English, publicly available, and relevant to IPF. Every 10th post was assessed for general characteristics, source, focus, and user engagement metrics. Posts were analyzed for presence of IPF guideline content, useful scientific information (eg, scientific publications), useful support information (eg, information about support groups), and potentially harmful information. RESULTS Eligibility criteria were met by 12 groups and 27 pages, leading to analysis of 523 posts. Of these, 42% contained guideline content, 24% provided useful support, 20% provided useful scientific information, and 5% contained potentially harmful information. The most common post source was nonmedical users (85%). Posts most frequently focused on IPF-related news (29%). Posts containing any guideline content had fewer likes or comments and a higher likelihood of containing potentially harmful content. Posts containing useful supportive information had more likes, shares, and comments. CONCLUSIONS Facebook contains useful information about IPF, but posts with misinformation and less guideline content have higher user engagement, making them more visible. Identifying ways to help patients with IPF discriminate between useful and harmful information on Facebook and other social media platforms is an important task for health care professionals

    A versatile plug microvalve for microfluidic applications

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    Most of the available microvalves include complicated fabrication steps and multiple materials. We present a microvalve which is inspired from macroplug valves. The plug microvalve is fabricated by boring a hole through a rigid cylindrical rod and inserting it through a microfluidic chip. It simply functions by rotating the rod which aligns or misaligns the valve port with the microchannel. The rod is made up of a rigid material for applying the valve to an elastic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel. The valve can also be used for a rigid channel by inserting the rod into an elastic tubing. Therefore, the presented microvalve can be used for both elastomeric and thermoplastic channels. The plug microvalve can be applied to a prefabricated microchannel and does not require modification of the mold design. We have verified the repeatability and robustness of the valve by repetitive operation cycles using a servo motor. The plug microvalve is adaptable to numerous microfluidic applications. We have shown three modes of operation for the microvalve including fluid flow control across multiple intersecting channels. Integrating the microvalve to some commonly used microfluidic designs, we demonstrated the versatility and the practicality of the microvalve for controlling flow focusing, microdroplet sorting and rapid chemical agent detection. This low-cost microvalve significantly minimizes the prototyping time for microfluidic systems. © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    The global field of multi-family offices: An institutionalist perspective

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    We apply the notion of the organisational field to internationally operating multi-family offices. These organisations specialise on the preservation of enterprising and geographically dispersed families’ fortunes. They provide their services across generations and countries. Based on secondary data of Bloomberg’s Top 50 Family Offices, we show that they constitute a global organisational field that comprises two clusters of homogeneity. Clients may decide between two different configurations of activities, depending on their preferences regarding asset management, resource management, family management, and service architecture. The findings also reveal that multi-family offices make relatively similar value propositions all over the world. The distinctiveness of the clusters within the field is not driven by the embeddedness of the multi-family offices in different national environments or their various degrees of international experience. Rather, it is weakly affected by two out of four possible value propositions, namely the exclusiveness and the transparency of services

    A Spectroscopic Survey of a Sample of Active M Dwarfs

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    A moderate resolution spectroscopic survey of Fleming's sample of 54 X-ray selected M dwarfs with photometric distances less than 25 pc is presented. Radial and rotation velocities have been measured by fits to the H-alpha profiles. Radial velocities have been measured by cross correlation. Artificial broadening of an observed spectrum has produced a relationship between H-alpha FWHM and rotation speed, which we use to infer rotation speeds for the entire sample by measurement of the H-alpha emission line. We find 3 ultra-fast rotators (UFRs, vsini > 100km/s), and 8 stars with 30 < vsini < 100 km/s. The UFRs have variable emission. Cross-correlation velocities measured for ultra-fast rotators (UFRs) are shown to depend on rotation speed and the filtering used. The radial velocity dispersion of the sample is 17 km/s. A new double emission line spectroscopic binary with a period of 3.55 days has been discovered, and another known one is in the sample. Three other objects are suspected spectroscopic binaries, and at least six are visual doubles. The only star in the sample observed to have significant lithium is a known TW Hya Association member, TWA 8A. These results show that there are a number of young (< 10^8 yr) and very young (< 10^7 yr) low mass stars in the immediate solar neighbourhood. The H-alpha activity strength does not depend on rotation speed. Our fast rotators are less luminous than similarly fast rotators in the Pleiades. They are either younger than the Pleiades, or gained angular momentum in a different way.Comment: 38 pages incl. 14 figures and 4 tables, plus 12 pages of table for electronic journal only; LaTeX, aastex.cls. Accepted 07/18/02 for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    G0^0 Electronics and Data Acquisition (Forward-Angle Measurements)

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    The G0^0 parity-violation experiment at Jefferson Lab (Newport News, VA) is designed to determine the contribution of strange/anti-strange quark pairs to the intrinsic properties of the proton. In the forward-angle part of the experiment, the asymmetry in the cross section was measured for ep\vec{e}p elastic scattering by counting the recoil protons corresponding to the two beam-helicity states. Due to the high accuracy required on the asymmetry, the G0^0 experiment was based on a custom experimental setup with its own associated electronics and data acquisition (DAQ) system. Highly specialized time-encoding electronics provided time-of-flight spectra for each detector for each helicity state. More conventional electronics was used for monitoring (mainly FastBus). The time-encoding electronics and the DAQ system have been designed to handle events at a mean rate of 2 MHz per detector with low deadtime and to minimize helicity-correlated systematic errors. In this paper, we outline the general architecture and the main features of the electronics and the DAQ system dedicated to G0^0 forward-angle measurements.Comment: 35 pages. 17 figures. This article is to be submitted to NIM section A. It has been written with Latex using \documentclass{elsart}. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment In Press (2007