426 research outputs found

    Telemedicina: probleminiai (ne)reguliavimo aspektai ir ateities perspektyvos

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    This article analyzes the main problematic aspects of (non) regulation and future perspectives in the field of telemedicine.Straipsnyje analizuojami telemedicinos probleminiai (ne)reguliavimo aspektai ir ateities perspektyvo

    Skaitmeninio verslo apmokestinimo problemos ir iššūkiai

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    “Article of digital business taxation issues and threats”, analyzes the impact of the digitalization in modern society and the changes of corporate profit tax. This article has been concentrated on the regulation of the European Union but mentions the international adjustments as well. The article has been written in a discussion of national law and bilateral agreements, which apply to the traditional permanent headquarters concept. This article discusses the current situation, where digital businesses are not being taxed with corporate profit tax, and possibilities to change it according to the needs of the digital economy In addition, when digital businesses emerged, the permanent headquarters concept, which taxed based on the permanent location, required further discussion and a new definition. Therefore, the article talks over the proposals of the European Union to equalize corporate profit taxation. The article analyzes the possible consequences and issues of the adaptation of the EU directive. In question of regulating the corporate profit tax, the authors discussed the competence of the EU.Darbe ,,Skaitmeninio verslo apmokestinimo įgyvendinimo problemos ir sprendimai”, aptariama skaitmenizacijos įtaka šiuolaikinei visuomenei bei pelno mokesčio reguliavimo kaita. Šis darbas yra labiau koncentruotas į Europos Sąjungos kompetenciją tiesioginių mokesčių srityje, pelno mokesčio reguliavimą ES lygmeniu, paliečiant nacionalinį pelno mokesčio reglamentavimą bei dvišales dvigubo apmokestinimo sutartis. Darbe yra nagrinėjama susiklosčiusios situacijos, kuomet skaitmenizuotas verslas nėra apmokestinamas pelno mokesčiu, problematika ir galimybė senas pelno mokesčio taisykles modifikuoti, atsižvelgiant į skaitmeninės rinkos poreikius.Atsiradus skaitmenizuotam verslui, šalia tradicinio pelno mokesčio taisyklės, kuria remiantis, verslas yra apmokestinamas ten, kur turi nuolatinę buveinę, atsirado poreikis diskutuoti ir sukurti skaitmeninės buveinės apibrėžtį. Darbe yra analizuojami ES siūlymai dėl pelno mokesčio suvienodinimo bei nagrinėjamos ES direktyvos pritaikymo pasekmės bei galimi scenarijai ir iššūkiai valstybėms narėms

    Excited State Relaxation in Vacuum Deposited and Solution Processed Films of Merocyanine/Fulerene Blends

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    Exciton dynamics in merocyanine/fulerene blend films made by vacuum deposition and solution processing techniques were investigated by means of steady-state and time resolved fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy. Intermolecular charge transfer states are formed during several ps in neat merocianine films, which determine their fluorescence properties. Fullerene additives cause formation of new heterogeneous charge transfer states. Even a small fullerene concentration significantly influences the exciton dynamics by quenching inherent merocianine fluorescent states and causing appearance of new fluorescence bands caused by the charge transfer states between merocyanine and fullerene molecules. All fluorescence bands are quenched in films with high fulerence concentration due to the charge carrier generation, and the quenching effect is stronger in vacuum deposited films. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3529

    The energy efficient lighting in kindergartens

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    The article discusses the results of a survey of the light environment parameters in preschool educational institutions in Russia. Improving the light environment means, on the one hand, maintaining the quality of lighting, and on the other hand, improving energy efficiency and thereby reducing the financial burden. The first step in improving energy efficiency can be called an energy audit of educational institutions and the development of economically viable measures to save energy. The energy efficiency indicator was put in the first place, and to some extent the quality indicators of lighting were forgotten (for example, such as color rendition, color temperature, uniformity of illumination and etc). During the survey of the light environment, we made disappointing conclusions about the inconsistency with the parameters of regulatory documents. The lack of visible results of the implementation of energy-based solutions makes the kindergarten’s management adhere to standard solutions for improving efficiency and not worrying about the quality of lighting. It is necessary to comprehensively consider the issues of improving the light environment and take into account not only the energy efficiency, but also the quality indicators of lighting systems. In turn, the number of indicators of energy efficiency of buildings must be expanded

    Naujas karbapenemas komplikuotoms ir polimikrobinėms infekcijoms gydyti

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    Albertas Daukša1, Antanas Gulbinas2, Giedrius Barauskas31 Kauno medicinos universitetas,Mickevičiaus g. 9, LT-44307 Kaunas2 Kauno medicinos universitetoBiomedicininių tyrimų institutas,Eivenių g. 4, LT-50009 Kaunas3 Kauno medicinos universiteto,Chirurgijos klinika,Eivenių g. 2, LT-50009 KaunasEl paštas: [email protected] Ertapenemas – ilgo veikimo karbapenemų grupės antibiotikas, pasižymintis plačiu antibakteriniu poveikiu ir skiriamas vieną kartą per parą. Ertapenemas yra aktyvus prieš daugelį gramteigiamų, gramneigiamų ir anaerobinių bakterijų, išskiriamų sergant įvairiomis infekcijomis (pilvo, odos ir poodžio, mažojo dubens ir šlapimo takų), bet ribotai veikia ligoninės infekcijas sukeliančius patogenus: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp., enterokokus ir meticilinui atsparius stafilokokus. Daugiacentriais, kontroliuojamais, dvigubai aklais atsitiktinių imčių tyrimais nustatyta, kad gydant bakterines infekcijas ertapenemo 1 g dozės efektyvumas nesiskyrė nuo lyginamosiose grupėse vartotų antibakterinių preparatų efektyvumo (piperacilino-tazobaktamo ar ceftriaksono ± metronidazolio). Ertapenemas buvo gerai toleruojamas ligonių, sergančių bakterinėmis infekcijomis, o nepageidaujami reiškiniai buvo lengvi ar vidutinio sunkumo. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: ertapenemas, karbapenemai, efektyvumas, saugumas A new carbapenem in the treatment of complicated and polymicrobial infections Albertas Daukša1, Antanas Gulbinas2, Giedrius Barauskas31 Kaunas University of Medicine,Mickevičiaus str. 9, LT-44307 Kaunas, Lithuania2 Kaunas University of Medicine,Insitute for Biomedical Research,Eivenių g. 4, LT-50009 Kaunas, Lithuania3 Kaunas University of Medicine,Department of Surgery,Eivenių g. 2, LT-50009 Kaunas, LithuaniaE-mail: [email protected] Ertapenem is a long-acting carbapenem antibiotic which has a broad antibacterial spectrum and once-a-day dosing. Ertapenem is active against both Grampositive and Gramnegative bacteria and most species of anaerobic bacteria isolated from a variety of infections (intra-abdominal, skin/soft-tissue, pelvic and urinary tract). It shows restricted activity against nosocomial pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp., enterococci and methicillin-resistant staphylococci. Ertapenem 1 g was as effective as comparator antimicrobial agents (piperacillin/tazobactam or ceftriaxone ± metronidazole) in patients with bacterial infections in randomised, double-blind, multicentre clinical trials. Ertapenem was generally well tolerated by patients with bacterial infections, most adverse events being mild to moderate in severity. Key words: ertapenem, carbapenems, efficacy, safet

    Charge Transport in Pure and Mixed Phases in Organic Solar Cells

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    In organic solar cells continuous donor and acceptor networks are consid- ered necessary for charge extraction, whereas discontinuous neat phases and molecularly mixed donor–acceptor phases are generally regarded as detrimental. However, the impact of different levels of domain continuity, purity, and donor–acceptor mixing on charge transport remains only semi- quantitatively described. Here, cosublimed donor–acceptor mixtures, where the distance between the donor sites is varied in a controlled manner from homogeneously diluted donor sites to a continuous donor network are studied. Using transient measurements, spanning from sub-picoseconds to micro- seconds photogenerated charge motion is measured in complete photovoltaic devices, to show that even highly diluted donor sites (5.7%–10% molar) in a buckminsterfullerene matrix enable hole transport. Hopping between isolated donor sites can occur by long-range hole tunneling through several buckmin- sterfullerene molecules, over distances of up to ≈4 nm. Hence, these results question the relevance of “pristine” phases and whether a continuous interpen- etrating donor–acceptor network is the ideal morphology for charge transport


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    Photoelectric properties of new type conjugated polymer-semiconductor nanocrystals hybrid solar cells were investigated. Dependencies of charge carrier generation, mobility and recombination on composition of samples and the way how the samples were prepared were evaluated by using ultrafast time-resolved fluorescence, transient photocurrent and delayed collection field techniques. The combination of several investigation techniques enabled to distinguish and investigate three processes determining solar cell efficiency: charge carrier generation, carrier recombination and extraction. Charge carrier generation was found to be limited by relatively slow electron transfer from photoexcited polymer to PbS nanoparticles, but this process was determined being independent of the electric field strength. Carrier recombination and extraction rates strongly depend on the PbS nanoparticle concentration and determine the extraction efficiency. Efficient carrier extraction at short circuit conditions is possible only in chemically and thermally treated samples with high PbS nanoparticle concentration