3 research outputs found

    Long-time effects of an experimental therapy with mesenchymal stem cells in congenital hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) are a potential therapeutic tool due to their ability for migrating and producing neuroprotector factors when they are transplanted in other neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, some investigations have shown that BM-MSC are able to modulate astrocyte activation and neuroprotector factor production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-time effects of a BM-MSC experimental therapy in the hyh mouse model of congenital hydrocephalus. Methods: BM-MSC were characterized in vitro and then transplanted into the ventricles of young hydrocephalic hyh mice, before they develop the severe hydrocephalus. Non-hydrocephalic normal mice (wt) and hydrocephalic hyh mice sham-injected (sterile saline serum) were used as controls. Samples were studied by analyzing and comparing mRNA, protein level expressions and immunoreaction related with the progression and severity of hydrocephalus. Results: Fourteen days after transplantation, hydrocephalic hyh mice with BM-MSC showed lower ventriculomegaly. In these animals, BM-MSC were found undifferentiated and spread into the periventricular astrocyte reaction. There, BM-MSC were detected producing several neuroprotector factors (BDNF, GDNF, NGF, VEGF), in the same way as reactive astrocytes. Total neocortical levels of NGF, TGF-β and VEGF were found increased in hydrocephalic hyh mice transplanted with BM-MSC. Furthermore, astrocytes showed increased expressions of aquaporin-4 (water channel protein) and Slit-2 (neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory molecule). Conclusions: BM-MSC seem to lead to recovery of the severe neurodegenerative conditions associated to congenital hydrocephalus mediated by reactive astrocytes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER

    Metodología de evaluación continua en la asignatura de Fundamentos de Programación: un cambio de evaluación enfocado al desarrollo de competencias

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    El marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) y la implantación del Sistema de Crédito Europeo (ECTS) han motivado un cambio en el modelo educativo. De un modelo basado en clases magistrales se ha evolucionado hacia un modelo basado en el aprendizaje por competencias del alumnado. Esto implica un cambio en el sistema de evaluación. Este trabajo expone la experiencia negativa vivida el primer año de la asignatura de Fundamentos de la Programación (FP) en los nuevos Grados de Ingeniería Informática de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática (ETSII) de la Universidad de Sevilla (US). La experiencia negativa se produjo por una sobre-evaluación del alumnado fruto de una planificación de evaluación un tanto excesiva. Como consecuencia de esta experiencia negativa, se decidió realizar una nueva planificación de evaluación continua de competencias adquiridas. Esta planificación se está llevando a cabo en la actualidad y en este artículo presentamos las conclusiones parciales.The European Higher Education Area and the implantation of the European Credit Transfer System have promoted a change in the educational model and, hence, a change in the evaluation system. This paper describes the negative experience in the first year of the course Fundamentals of Programming in the new Computer Science Degrees at University of Seville. The negative experience has been an overevaluation of the students caused by an excessive evaluation planning. To overcome this negative experience, a new plan of continuous assessment of skills is planned. This plan is being implemented at present and the partial conclusions obtained are described in this paper

    Effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on congenital hydrocephalus in the hyh mouse

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    Background Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) are considered as a potential therapeutic tool for neurodegenerative diseases due to their ability for migrating into damaged tissue. Additionally, these cells have been proven to produce neuroprotective factors when they are transplanted into damaged tissue. In this research we uncover a neuroprotective role of BM-MSC on congenital hydrocephalus and we study the molecular mechanisms behind it. Materials and methods Fluorescent BM-MSC were analyzed by flow-cytometry and multilineage cell differentiation. They were brain-ventricle injected into hyh hydrocephalic mice. Wild-type and saline-injected hyh mice were used as controls. Inmunohistochemical analyses were performed in fixed brain sections. Inflammatory reaction and neuroprotective factors were studied using quantitative RT-PCR. Metabolites and osmolytes related to brain damage were studied by High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning spectroscopy (HRMAS). RT-PCR and HRMAS were performed in fresh tissue. Results Integrated BM-MSC were identified inside the periventricular astrocyte reaction. IL-1alpha/beta and IL6 levels indicated the absence of inflammatory response in the transplanted tissue after BM-MSC integration. BM-MSC were found producing neuroprotective factors, including GDNF, NGF, BDNF and VEGF. Reduction of osmolytes and neural/glial-function related metabolites levels were detected in hyh mice after BM-MSC injection. These levels mimicked the wild-type situation and indicate partial recovery. Conclusions The BM-MSC can play a neuroprotective effect on congenital hydrocephalus in the hyh mouse by the production of neuroprotective factors and the reduction of osmolytes and metabolites related to tissue damage.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech