25 research outputs found

    No-splitting property and boundaries of random groups

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    We prove that random groups in the Gromov density model, at any density, satisfy property (FA), i.e. they do not act non-trivially on trees. This implies that their Gromov boundaries, defined at density less than 1/2, are Menger curves.Comment: 20 page

    Peripheral fillings of relatively hyperbolic groups

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    A group theoretic version of Dehn surgery is studied. Starting with an arbitrary relatively hyperbolic group GG we define a peripheral filling procedure, which produces quotients of GG by imitating the effect of the Dehn filling of a complete finite volume hyperbolic 3--manifold MM on the fundamental group π1(M)\pi_1(M). The main result of the paper is an algebraic counterpart of Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn surgery theorem. We also show that peripheral subgroups of GG 'almost' have the Congruence Extension Property and the group GG is approximated (in an algebraic sense) by its quotients obtained by peripheral fillings. Various applications of these results are discussed.Comment: The difference with the previous version is that Proposition 3.2 is proved for quasi--geodesics instead of geodesics. This allows to simplify the exposition in the last section. To appear in Invent. Mat

    Subset currents on free groups

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    We introduce and study the space of \emph{subset currents} on the free group FNF_N. A subset current on FNF_N is a positive FNF_N-invariant locally finite Borel measure on the space CN\mathfrak C_N of all closed subsets of ∂FN\partial F_N consisting of at least two points. While ordinary geodesic currents generalize conjugacy classes of nontrivial group elements, a subset current is a measure-theoretic generalization of the conjugacy class of a nontrivial finitely generated subgroup in FNF_N, and, more generally, in a word-hyperbolic group. The concept of a subset current is related to the notion of an "invariant random subgroup" with respect to some conjugacy-invariant probability measure on the space of closed subgroups of a topological group. If we fix a free basis AA of FNF_N, a subset current may also be viewed as an FNF_N-invariant measure on a "branching" analog of the geodesic flow space for FNF_N, whose elements are infinite subtrees (rather than just geodesic lines) of the Cayley graph of FNF_N with respect to AA.Comment: updated version; to appear in Geometriae Dedicat

    Intersection form, laminations and currents on free groups

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    Let FNF_N be a free group of rank N≄2N\ge 2, let ÎŒ\mu be a geodesic current on FNF_N and let TT be an R\mathbb R-tree with a very small isometric action of FNF_N. We prove that the geometric intersection number is equal to zero if and only if the support of ÎŒ\mu is contained in the dual algebraic lamination L2(T)L^2(T) of TT. Applying this result, we obtain a generalization of a theorem of Francaviglia regarding length spectrum compactness for currents with full support. As another application, we define the notion of a \emph{filling} element in FNF_N and prove that filling elements are "nearly generic" in FNF_N. We also apply our results to the notion of \emph{bounded translation equivalence} in free groups.Comment: revised version, to appear in GAF

    Bowditch's JSJ tree and the quasi‐isometry classification of certain Coxeter groups

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    Bowditch's JSJ tree for splittings over 2-ended subgroups is a quasi-isometry invariant for 1-ended hyperbolic groups which are not cocompact Fuchsian. Our main result gives an explicit, computable "visual" construction of this tree for certain hyperbolic right-angled Coxeter groups. As an application of our construction we identify a large class of such groups for which the JSJ tree, and hence the visual boundary, is a complete quasi-isometry invariant, and thus the quasi-isometry problem is decidable. We also give a direct proof of the fact that among the Coxeter groups we consider, the cocompact Fuchsian groups form a rigid quasi-isometry class. In an appendix, written jointly with Christopher Cashen, we show that the JSJ tree is not a complete quasi-isometry invariant for the entire class of Coxeter groups we consider.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures. Added Appendix B (joint with Christopher Cashen) and a discussion about generalizing the results in the paper to higher dimensions. Made other minor revisions based on the referee's comments. To appear in Journal of Topolog

    Mechanical effect of gold nanoparticles labeling used for biochemical sensor applications: A multimode analysis by means of SiNx micromechanical cantilever and bridge mass detectors

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    International audienceThe effect on mechanical properties of monolithic SiNx micromechanical cantilever and bridge by the adsorption of gold colloids is reported by measuring their resonance frequency shifts. It is experimentally demonstrated that higher resonance modes are more sensitive to the added mass than the fundamental resonance mode leading to increased sensitivity. This is even more significant with monolithic SiNx bridge resonators due to the tensile stress within the SiNx layer. Indeed, resonance frequencies are about ten times higher than calculation without taking into account the tensile stress which was estimated at 500 MPa. Another important result is that the adsorbed colloids do not produce significant change in the stiffness of the SiNx micromechanical resonators. Hence, it is pointed out that only the added mass of Au colloid contributes to the change in the mechanical characteristics of the resonators. Sensitivities up to 20 Hz/pg can be obtained with a minimum detectable density of gold colloids about 2.6×10−2 nanoparticles/ÎŒm2