48 research outputs found

    El cálculo del tráfico inducido como herramienta en la planificación de las infraestructuras de transporte : Aplicación a la puesta en servicio de las nuevas líneas ferroviarias de alta velocidad en España

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    En los últimos años se han venido observando, en infraestructuras nuevas o mejoradas, grandes diferencias entre los tráficos previstos y los reales. Este fenómeno, asociado habitualmente al término de "inducción de la demanda", ha sido el objeto de estudio en la presente tesis doctoral. Junto con la clarificación del concepto de tráfico inducido y la descripción de sus componentes para cualquiera que sea el modo de transporte afectado, se han descrito las herramientas hasta ahora utilizadas para su cuantificación. Después de analizar la posible adaptación de la modelística clásica al cálculo del tráfico inducido, se ha propuesto una nueva metodología de trabajo. Dicha metodología se ha validado en el corredor Madrid-Sevilla, con la puesta en servicio de la línea ferroviaria de alta velocidad en 1992 y posteriormente se ha empleado para realizar una previsión de la demanda de transporte en el corredor Madrid-Barcelona, para el 2004, año en que comenzará a prestar servicio la nueva línea de alta velocidad entre estas dos ciudade

    Ride-hailing services: Competition or complement to public transport to reduce accident rates. The case of Madrid

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    Introduction: The transport and mobility sector is experiencing profound transformations. These changes are mainly due to: environmental awareness, the increase in the population of large urban areas and the size of cities, the aging of the population and the emergence of relevant technological innovations that have changed consumption habits, such as electronic commerce or the sharing economy. The introduction of new services such as Uber or Cabify is transforming urban and metropolitan mobility, which has to adapt to this new scenario and the very concept of mobility. Objective: Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether ride-hailing platforms substitute or complement public transport to reduce accident rates, considering the two basic transport zones of Madrid: “The Central Almond” and the periphery. Methods: The data were collected from the 21 districts of Madrid for the period 2013–2019, and they were analyzed by a Random Effects Negative Binominal model. Results: The results obtained in this study suggest that since the arrival of Uber and Cabify to the municipality of Madrid the number of fatalities and serious injuries in traffic accidents has been reduced. Traffic accidents on weekends and holidays, with at least one serious injury or death, have also been reduced. However, the number of minor injuries has increased in the central districts of Madrid. Conclusion: Overall, what was found in this study supports the hypothesis that these services replace the urban buses. However, these services improve the supply to users with greater difficulties to access taxis or public transport, constituting an alternative mode of transport for high-risk drivers. Therefore, such findings may be quite useful for policy makers to better define regulatory policies for these services.María Flor García is currently developing her doctoral thesis on sharing economy and mobility and received an FPU grant from the University of Alicante: UAFPU2018–028

    Analysis of the Elderly Pedestrian Injury Severity in Urban Traffic Accidents in Spain using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Walking is an essential activity for a healthy lifestyle. In urbanized areas, the risk of suffering a traffic accident as a pedestrian is a matter of concern, and this situation has been widely studied. Elderly pedestrians are vulnerable road users due to their fragility and loss of physical faculties, and the probability of elderly pedestrians being killed or seriously injured in a traffic accident is higher than for the rest of the pedestrians. Furthermore, the elderly population is expected to increase in the coming decades. Hence, the study of these situations is necessary to build safer, healthier, and more sustainable cities. Little research has been devoted to the study of the relationship between injury severity elderly pedestrians and the characteristics of the accident location. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of accident and built environment factors on the severity of elderly pedestrian urban traffic accidents in Spain. For this purpose, logistic regression, and random forest models together with data resampling techniques were used to analyze the injury severity of vehicle collisions suffered by elderly pedestrians in Spain from 2016 to 2019, and its link with accident and built environment features. As expected, the random forest outperformed the logistic regression performance for both samples, but the logistic regression results are easier to interpret. Results showed the influence of both accident and built environment variables in the injury severity, being accidents in more populated cities less severe for all pedestrians. In addition, the age of the pedestrian, which indicates the need to study this age group in a more disaggregated manner, and accidents in dark spots artificially lighted, which suggests that those locations are not properly lighted for the elderly, are key factors for the injury level of elderly pedestrian traffic accidents.Daniel Gálvez-Pérez is developing his doctoral thesis while he enjoys a grant from to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through the ‘Programa Propio de I + D + I 2020: Ayudas para Contratos Predoctorales’

    Does the Implementation of Ride-Hailing Services Affect Urban Road Safety? The Experience of Madrid

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    In recent years, changes have occurred in consumption, ownership, and social relations, giving rise to new economic models in which technology enables new ways of connecting, creating, and sharing value. The nature of transport has transformed with the emergence of mobile applications, such as Uber and Cabify, which offer an alternative to the services traditionally provided by the taxi and chauffeur-driven hire vehicle (CDV) sectors. These services have developed within a context of market regulation of the taxi and CDV which are subject to considerable unjustified restrictions for entering and operating in the market, including the numerus clausus of licenses, the limited geographical scope of the license and, in the case of taxis, the regulation of prices as inflexible public rates. Bearing in mind the latest legislative changes affecting mostly the provision of the services of these platforms, this study analyzes whether the number of traffic accident victims has fallen since the introduction of these services in the city of Madrid using a Random Effects Negative Binominal model. The results show that the deployment of these platforms is associated with a reduction of 25% in the number of serious injuries and deaths.María Flor García is currently developing her doctoral thesis on sharing economy and mobility, and received an FPU grant from the University of Alicante: UAFPU2018-028

    Quality cost in bus operations based on activity-based costing

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    The study of service quality and its implication for transport contracts has several approaches in research and practical applications, where the main emphasis is the consideration of quality from the user's point of view, thus obtaining a customer satisfaction index as a measurement of the overall quality with no further implications for service providers. The main aim of this paper is to estimate the real economic impact of improving quality attributes for a bus operator. An application of the activity-based costing methodology is developed for a bus contract in Madrid, using quality data from surveys together with economic and performance information, and focusing on headway as a quality variable. Results show the consistency and practicality of this methodology, overcoming simplifications from traditional procedures. This method is a powerful tool in quality-based contracting as well as for effective investment in transport quality under poverty funding constraint

    The Influence of Built Environment Factors on Elderly Pedestrian Road Safety in Cities: The Experience of Madrid

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    With the progressive ageing of the population, the study of the relations between road safety and elderly users is becoming increasingly relevant. Although the decline of pedestrian skills in the elderly has been widely studied in the literature, few studies have been devoted to the contributing built environmental factors of the elderly pedestrian collisions, such as the sidewalk density, the presence of traffic lights, or even some indicator related to land use or the socioeconomic features of the urban fabric. This paper contributes to the limited literature on elderly pedestrian safety by applying a negative binomial regression to a set of built environmental variables to study the occurrence of accidents involving elderly and younger (non-elderly) pedestrians in Madrid (Spain) between 2006 and 2018. The model considers a selection of built environmental factors per city district, linked to land use, infrastructure, and socioeconomic indicators. Results have highlighted that the elderly pedestrian collisions could be avoided with the existence of a wider sidewalk in the district and a greater traffic lights density. Unlike younger pedestrian accidents, these accidents are much more favored in ageing districts with higher traffic flows.Daniel Gálvez-Pérez is developing his doctoral thesis while he enjoys a grant from to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through the “Programa Propio de I + D + I 2020: Ayudas para Contratos Predoctorales”

    The assessment of the HSR impacts on Spanish tourism: an approach based on multivariate panel data analysis

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    [EN] Literature review shows that little research has done so far to estimate how tourism indicators are affected by new HSR lines. In 2012, a multivariate panel analysis developed by Chen and Haynes was applied to the Chinese regions to quantify the HSR impact on tourism output. The Chinese experience confirmed that, during the period 1999-2010, emerging high speed rail services did have significant positive impacts on boosting tourism in China. Since them, no similar empirical tool has ever been tested in Europe. The aim of this paper is to analyze and validate the suitability of this tool to assess empirically the effects of HSR on Spanish tourism during the period 1999-2014, and to enhance the abovementioned model with a tourism database. With more than 20 years’ HSR experience, and operating the longest HSR network in Europe (2,900 km), Spain offers a good scenario for this model application because Spanish tourism sector represents 10.2% of its gross domestic product (GDP). Results clearly show that there is a direct linkage between the evolution of certain Spanish tourism outputs and the construction of the HSR network. However, authors´ recommendations include future new research on some variables limitations like the type of tourism output considered or the consideration of alternative explanatory indicators.Guirao Abad, B.; Campa Cascales, JL.; Lópèz-Lambas, ME. (2016). The assessment of the HSR impacts on Spanish tourism: an approach based on multivariate panel data analysis. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 455-467. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2015.3607OCS45546

    “Ride-hailing” services and motor vehicle crashes in peripheral areas of Madrid, Spain

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    The fast growth of “ride-hailing” platforms such as Uber or Cabify poses important challenges and questions in the cities where they are implemented. According to an official Uber report, in 2018 the company made 14 million trips a day. This new offer of services could improve the supply to segments of demand that previously had greater difficulties in accessing taxis or public transport, for example, young people who moving for leisure, low-income families or residents in the periphery of the cities. When the number of vehicles is lower, they tend to concentrate in the central areas, leaving relatively more remote areas without efficient service. This paper, with a novel approach, has an objective to analyze the impact of ride-hailing platforms on traffic accidents with at least one dead or seriously injured person in the Madrid municipality from 2014 to 2018 and seeing whether, since their arrival, the most vulnerable districts have reduced traffic accidents with young drivers who had consumed alcohol. For it, a regression analysis has been carried out using a Random-Effects Negative Binomial Regression (RENB). The results of the model show that Uber and Cabify services are related to reducing urban accidents. Moreover, in the case of the most vulnerable districts, accidentality with young people and presence of alcohol has also been reduced

    Investigación sobre percepción de los atributos en la calidad del servicio de transporte público: aplicación de diversas técnicas de análisis

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    La mejora de la calidad del servicio del transporte público se traduce habitualmente en un incremento de viajeros en el mismo y constituye normalmente una herramienta fundamental en las políticas de transporte basadas en la potenciación del uso del transporte público y en la disminución de la congestión de las ciudades. Por ello, la identificación de los atributos concretos que condicionan la calidad global del servicio para los usuarios, así como la estimación de la percepción y de la importancia de cada uno de ellos en la configuración de los índices de calidad, constituyen problemas que desde hace años son abordados por la literatura de índices de calidad del servicio en transporte público. Existen, sin embargo, muchas técnicas estadísticas (análisis de correlaciones, regresión lineal, modelos logit y probit, etc.) que sirven para analizar la percepción de los atributos que constituyen el índice de calidad del servicio. Al ser variables categóricas, generalmente ordinales, las que describen la percepción de la calidad, el análisis estadístico suele tener limitaciones, y muchas veces se basa únicamente en estadísticos univariantes, bivariantes y correlaciones. A partir de una campaña de encuestas llevada a cabo en varias líneas periurbanas de Madrid (520 observaciones válidas), se han aplicado varias técnicas usualmente no utilizadas en este tipo de investigaciones, en concreto análisis factorial y una aplicación específica del modelos MIMIC, que ha permitido identificar varias variables latentes que agrupan y explican algunos de los atributos de calidad normalmente utilizados. Se estudia finalmente también, de forma sucinta, un análisis de la encuesta de importancia que se llevó a cabo paralelamente, y que ofrece una primera aproximación de un análisis más profundo sobre las técnicas de ranking en el tratamiento de puntuaciones de importancia de los atributos de calida

    La implementación de metodologías de Aprendizaje –Servicio en el campo de la seguridad vial: la experiencia universitaria en Ingeniería Civil

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    El aprendizaje servicio es una metodología educativa en la que el estudiante adquiere una responsabilidad cívica al mismo tiempo que progresa en el aprendizaje de una determinada materia. Este artículo está centrado en la implementación de una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio en el campo de la seguridad vial con alumnos de Ingeniería Civil. Trabajar con Asociaciones de Víctimas de accidentes de tráfico puede ayudar a comprender mejor los indicadores de siniestralidad, los tipos de lesiones causadas por estos accidentes y sus consecuencias físicas y legales. Este documento contribuye a la literatura existente con la evaluación de las experiencias positivas y negativas percibidas por los estudiantes al acometer por primera vez un proyecto de aprendizaje-servicio en el campo de la seguridad vial. La metodología se basó en una campaña de encuestas a los 61 estudiantes matriculados en la asignatura de "Gestión de la Circulación Viaria", dentro del Máster de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Los estudiantes se organizaron en grupos de 6 y 7 miembros y se asignó a cada grupo una Asociación para desarrollar un caso práctico durante cuatro semanas. Los resultados mostraron un alto nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes con esta nueva experiencia