55 research outputs found

    Detection of abnormal recordings in Irish milk recorded data

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    peer-reviewedThe objective of this study was to detect abnormal recordings of milk yield, fat concentration and protein concentration in Irish milk-recorded data. The data consisted of 14,956 records from both commercial and experimental herds with 92% of the recordings recorded manually and the remainder recorded electronically. The method used in this paper was a modified version of the method employed by the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory in Maryland, USA and conformed with the guidelines outlined by the International Committee of Animal Recording. The results illustrate the effectiveness of detecting abnormal recordings in Irish milk records. The method described in this paper, defines the upper and lower limits for each production trait and these limits along with the slope parameters were used to determine if a recording was abnormal or not. Three percent of milk yield recordings, 5% of fat concentration recordings and less than 1% of protein concentration recordings were found to be abnormal. The proportion of values declared abnormal in manually recorded and electronically recorded data were examined and found to be significantly different for fat concentration

    Effect of Milk Composition on the Quality of Fresh Fermented Dairy Products

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    End of Project ReportThe rheology of yogurts or fresh fermented products generally describes and measures the texture of the product and includes such terms as viscosity and firmness of the gel while syneresis refers to the tendency of the yogurt to whey-off during storage. The importance of rheology and susceptibility to syneresis of fermented milk products is that they both have major impacts on consumer perceptions of the final product quality. Indeed, variation in the quality of yogurt products can lead the consumer to experience either an over-thin watery or an over-thick stodgy texture or a product which has a high level of free whey. It is obvious that the seasonal milk supply in Ireland compounds the particular difficulties associated with achieving a consistency in the quality of yogurts or other fresh fermented products. Importantly, both the rheology and syneresis of yogurts are markedly influenced by milk composition, processing treatments and the addition of hydrocolloids. Therefore, this project was undertaken so as to develop a laboratory fermented milks model system which allows the evaluation of the effects of variation of milk components, individually or in combination, on the rheological and syneretic properties of fermented milk products such as yogurt. In particular, the effects of varying total protein, casein-to-whey protein ratio, and fat content were studied as these variations reflect both the differences in milk composition due to lactational/seasonal effects and those due to process variations such as milk heat treatment.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Effect of coagulant type and level on the properties of half-salt, half-fat Cheddar cheese made with or without adjunct starter: Improving texture and functionality

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    peer-reviewedThe potential of increasing proteolysis as a means of enhancing the texture and heat-induced flow of half-fat, half-salt Cheddar cheese made with control culture (CL, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris/lactis) or adjunct culture (AC, CL + Lactobacillus helveticus) was investigated. Proteolysis was altered by substituting bovine chymosin (BC) with camel chymosin (CC), or by a 2.5-fold increase in level of BC. In cheese with CL-culture, increasing BC led to a large increase in pH and more rapid degradation of αS1-casein during maturation, and cheese that was less firm after 180 d. In contrast, substitution of BC with CC in cheeses made with CL-culture had an opposite effect. While chymosin type and level had a similar influence on αS1-casein hydrolysis in the AC-culture cheeses, it did not affect texture or flowability. Grading indicated that cheese made with AC-culture and with a higher level of BC was the most appealing

    Improving the Quality of Low Fat Cheddar Cheese

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    End of Project ReportThe aims of this study were to elucidate the contribution of fat to cheese biochemistry and texture and to improve the texture and flavour of half-fat Cheddar cheese by modifications in make procedure, the addition of a fat mimetic, and/or the use of novel starter cultures/bacterial culture adjuncts. The main conclusions were as follows: A 'Moorepark Process' has been established for the production of half-fat Cheddar cheese with improved sensory acceptability. The flavour and texture of half-fat (17% w/w) Cheddar was improved by modification of the cheesemaking procedure and/or ripening conditions and through the use of novel starter cultures and/or bacterial culture adjuncts. Extensive databases have been compiled on: the effects of fat on the compositional, microbiological, biochemical, rheological and sensory properties of, and the yield of, Cheddar cheese. the compositional, biochemical and sensory characteristics of commercial Cheddar cheeses of different fat levels, available on the Irish and UK markets. Reduction in the fat level of Cheddar cheese resulted in a marked deterioration both in texture and flavour due to: increases in cheese hardness and fracture stress, indicating that the cheese became more elastic, tough and less amenable to mastication. a higher ratio of secondary-to-primary proteolysis a reduction in the level of primary proteolysis and an increase in the concentration of hydrophobic peptides which are conducive to bitterness.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Koagulacija UF koncentrovanog mleka 1. Uticaj koncentracije proteina i režima termičke obrade

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    Rheology of UF concentrated milk coagulation, in relation to milk heat treatment, was researched by the dynamic measurements with the low amplitude oscillation method. Milk was heat treated using four different treatments: A – 72°C, 15 s; B – 77°C, 120 s; C – 85°C, 120 s; D – 100°C, 120 s. Using ultrafiltration, heat treated milk was concentrated to CF 1; CF 2; CF 5 and CF 6. High heat milk treatment completely inhibits coagulation process of samples with standard protein level. By the increase of protein concentration the negative effect of milk heat treatment is reduced and partly, compensated yielding in moderate increase of storage modulus. In the case of extreme heat treatment, casein concentration has light effect on coagulation process resulting in significant reduction of storage modules of samples with highest protein concentration.U radu je, pomoću dinamičkih merenja, metodom kontinuelnih oscilacija proučavan tok koagulacije mleka koncentrovanog ultrafiltracijom, u zavisnosti od stepena koncentrovanja mleka i režima njegove termičke obrade. Uticaj termičke obrade mleka obuhvatio je praćenje četiri režima termičke obrade mleka (A – 72°C, 15 s; B – 77°C, 120 s; C – 85°C, 120 s; i D – 100°C 120 s). Termički obrađeno mleko je koncentrovano ultrafiltracijom do CF 1 CF 2, CF 5 i CF 6. Praćenjem toka koagulacije pojedinih uzoraka ustanovljeno je da se povećanjem koncentracije kazeina može donekle kompenzovati delovanje umereno visokih temperatura, ali da se pri korišćenju ekstremno visokih temperatura termičke obrade ne mogu porastom koncentracije kazeina značajnije kompenzovati nepovoljni efekti delovanja visokih temperatura

    Effects of Seasonal Variation in Milk Composition on the Quality of Pizza Cheese

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    End of Project ReportThe main aims of this study were to investigate the effects of diet and lactation stage on the composition and cheesemaking quality of milk produced under controlled conditions. The main conclusions were as follows: These studies clearly demonstrated that the Recommended Moorepark Milk Production System in conjunction with an objectively standardised cheesemaking process provides a model for year round production of quality Mozzarella cheese. Databases have been established on the effects of diet quantity and quality, and stage of lactation on the composition, processability and cheesemaking characteristics of milk from both Spring- and Autumn-calving herds. Increasing the daily herbage allowance from 16 to 24 kgs DM/cow/day during mid-lactation, resulted in increases in the level of milk casein and cheese yield but had little influence on cheese functionality. Similarily improving diet quality in mid-lactation by reducing the stocking density from 4.3 to 3.8 cows/ha combined with concentrate supplementation (3 kgs/cow/day) had the same effect. Using milk from a Spring-calving herd, produced according to the Recommended Moorepark Milk Production System, in conjunction with an objectively-standardised Mozzarella cheesemaking process, no major problems were encountered during the lactation period 170 - 273 days from calving. Extending the lactation period of the Spring-calving herd from ~ 273 to 286 days resulted in higher cheese moisture (by ~ 2%), softer cheese, and lower chewiness in the melted cheese. A sharp decline in both total protein, casein and lactose in the milk was observed during this period. However the blending of this milk with milk of an Autumn-calving herd overcame these cheesemaking problems. The yield of low moisture Mozzarella cheese (using milks from Spring- or Autumn-calved herds) was positively correlated with milk casein level. The yield of cheese from the Spring-calved herd increased concomitantly with increasing casein level to day 273 of lactation and decreased thereafter as the casein concentration declined. In these studies it was found that easy-to-use tests such as lactose level in the milk and rennet coagulation properties as determined by Formagraph were useful indicators of the suitability of milk for cheesemaking. The Recommended Moorepark Milk Production System, as applied in the late lactation period, was characterised by a high plane of nutrition and a drying-off strategy which ensured a minimum daily milk yield per cow of 9 kg. It resulted in milk of good cheesemaking quality - lactose > 4.25%, and casein > 2.6% and satisfactory rennet coagulation properties - curd firming rate of > 0.15 min ¯¹ curd firmness at 60 min of > 45mm - at the end of lactation.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Establishment of Enabling Technology for Manufacture of Selected Types of Continental and Speciality Cheeses

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    End of Project ReportThe objectives in the project were the development of the science and technology for speciality cheese manufacture, identification and overcoming of the technical constraints to the manufacture of soft speciality cheeses in Ireland and the development of Moorepark Technology Limited (MTL) pilot plant as an integrated, flexible pre-commercial manufacturing platform with which to evaluate the market for speciality cheese.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    The Effects of Processing and Ripening on the Quality of Pizza Cheese

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    End of Project ReportThe main aims of this project were to quantify the changes in fuctionality during maturation of cheese and to develop an understanding of the factors which mediate the development of functionality. The approach to achieving these objectives involved the establishment of a suitable pilot plant production procedure for low moisture Mozzarella, developing and/or adapting existing methods for objective evaluation of the functional properties of pizza cheeses, and evaluating the effects of ripening and variations in cheesemaking conditions (e.g. pH at stretching) on the composition, yield and functionality of low moisture Mozzarella cheese. The main conclusions were as follows: The technology for developing low moisture Mozzarella cheeses, with different compositions and functionalities, via alteration of cheesemaking parameters, has been developed. A database has been established on the storage-related changes that occur in texture, proteolysis and functionality of low moisture Mozzarella cheeses of different compositions. In addition an extensive database on the compositional, biochemical, microstructural, rheological and/or functional properties of different commerical cheeses - low moisture Mozzarella, Cheddar and analogue pizza cheese, has been compiled. The functionality of low moisture Mozzarella changes markedly on storage/ripening at 4ºC. Initially, during the first 5-10 days of storage, the functionality of the baked cheese is poor but then improves on further storage as reflected by reductions in melt time and apparent viscosity (chewiness) and increases in stretchability and flowability. The changes in functionality are mediated by storage-related increases in pH, proteolysis, protein-bound water and free oil in the cheese. On prolonged storage (e.g. > 60 d at 4ºC), the cheese functionality becomes impaired as the shredded cheese develops an increased susceptibility to clumping/balling which makes it difficult to dispense the cheese onto the pizza pie and achieve a uniform surface distribution. Moreover, the baked cheese tends to exude excess free oil and loses its desired level of chewiness attaining a 'soupy' consistency. Novel methods were developed/adapted to objectively quantify functionality in the raw (susceptibility of shredded cheese to clump) and cooked (stretchability, chewiness, viscoelasticity) cheeses.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Effects of milk heat treatment and solvent composition on physicochemical and selected functional characteristics of milk protein concentrate

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    peer-reviewedMilk protein concentrate (MPC) powders (∼81% protein) were made from skim milk that was heat treated at 72°C for 15 s (LHMPC) or 85°C for 30 s (MHMPC). The MPC powder was manufactured by ultrafiltration and diafiltration of skim milk at 50°C followed by spray drying. The MPC dispersions (4.02% true protein) were prepared by reconstituting the LHMPC and MHMPC powders in distilled water (LHMPCw and MHMPCw, respectively) or milk permeate (LHMPCp and MHMPCp, respectively). Increasing milk heat treatment increased the level of whey protein denaturation (from ∼5 to 47% of total whey protein) and reduced the concentrations of serum protein, serum calcium, and ionic calcium. These changes were paralleled by impaired rennet-induced coagulability of the MHMPCw and MHMPCp dispersions and a reduction in the pH of maximum heat stability of MHMPCp from pH 6.9 to 6.8. For both the LHMPC and MHMPC dispersions, the use of permeate instead of water enhanced ethanol stability at pH 6.6 to 7.0, impaired rennet gelation, and changed the heat coagulation time and pH profile from type A to type B. Increasing the severity of milk heat treatment during MPC manufacture and the use of permeate instead of water led to significant reductions in the viscosity of stirred yogurt prepared by starter-induced acidification of the MPC dispersions. The current study clearly highlights how the functionality of protein dispersions prepared by reconstitution of high-protein MPC powders may be modulated by the heat treatment of the skim milk during manufacture of the MPC and the composition of the solvent used for reconstitution

    The Proportion of Fermented Milk in Dehydrated Fermented Milk–Parboiled Wheat Composites Significantly Affects Their Composition, Pasting Behaviour, and Flow Properties on Reconstitution

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    Peer reviewedDairy and cereal are frequently combined to create composite foods with enhanced nutritional benefits. Dehydrated fermented milk–wheat composites (FMWC) were prepared by blending fermented milk (FM) and parboiled wheat (W), incubating at 35 °C for 24 h, drying at 46 °C for 48 h, and milling to 1 mm. Increasing the weight ratio of FM to W from 1.5 to 4.0 resulted in reductions in total solids (from 96 to 92%) and starch (from 52 to 39%), and increases in protein (15.2–18.9%), fat (3.7–5.9%), lactose (6.4–11.4%), and lactic acid (2.7–4.2%). FMWC need to be reconstituted prior to consumption. The water-holding capacity, pasting viscosity, and setback viscosity of the reconstituted FMWC (16.7% total solids) decreased with the ratio of FM to W. The reconstituted FMWC exhibited pseudoplastic flow behaviour on shearing from 18 to 120 s−1. Increasing the FM:W ratio coincided with a lower yield stress, consistency index, and viscosity at 120 s−1. The results demonstrate the critical impact of the FM:W ratio on the composition, pasting behavior, and consistency of the reconstituted FMWC. The difference in consistency associated with varying the FM:W ratio is likely to impact on satiety and nutrient value of the FMWCs