1,509 research outputs found

    Henry A. Garon, The Cosmic Mystique

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    Henry Garon a enseignĂ© la physique Ă  l’universitĂ© Loyola Ă  la Nouvelle-OrlĂ©ans. Professeur Ă  la retraite, il offre au lecteur des rĂ©flexions sur le sens de la crĂ©ation glanĂ©es tout au long de sa carriĂšre de physicien. Sous la forme de trente-cinq chapitres, tous trĂšs courts et qui peuvent ĂȘtre lus successivement ou sĂ©parĂ©ment, l’auteur invite le lecteur Ă  contempler la complexitĂ© sous un double regard, celui du physicien et celui du croyant puisque H. Garon est Ă©galement un diacre de l’Église..

    ARGYLE (Michael), Psychology and Religion: an Introduction

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    Ce livre de M.A., professeur Ă©mĂ©rite de psychologie sociale Ă  l’UniversitĂ© d’Oxford, est une excellente introduction au domaine de la psychologie de la religion et de ses nombreux objets d’étude que sont principalement les croyances, les expĂ©riences et les comportements religieux. L’ouvrage est facile Ă  lire. Il est destinĂ© aux Ă©tudiants et aux lecteurs non-spĂ©cialisĂ©s. Il comporte seize chapitres qui se terminent tous par un rĂ©sumĂ©. Dans l’introduction, M.A. prĂ©sente les relations entre la p..

    ARGYLE (Michael), Psychology and Religion: an Introduction

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    Ce livre de M.A., professeur Ă©mĂ©rite de psychologie sociale Ă  l’UniversitĂ© d’Oxford, est une excellente introduction au domaine de la psychologie de la religion et de ses nombreux objets d’étude que sont principalement les croyances, les expĂ©riences et les comportements religieux. L’ouvrage est facile Ă  lire. Il est destinĂ© aux Ă©tudiants et aux lecteurs non-spĂ©cialisĂ©s. Il comporte seize chapitres qui se terminent tous par un rĂ©sumĂ©. Dans l’introduction, M.A. prĂ©sente les relations entre la p..

    Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor, Le besoin de croire. MĂ©tapsychologie du fait religieux

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    Freud est l'un des premiers fondateurs d'une psychologie de la religion. Quelle analyse propose-t-il du fait religieux au-delĂ  d'une critique de la religion ? Le besoin de croire se rĂ©vĂšle ĂȘtre une notion centrale relevant Ă  la fois d'une pulsion, d'un acte et d'un enjeu psychique. L'auteure n'a pas pour but d'examiner le fait religieux mais bien le besoin de croire intrinsĂšquement liĂ© Ă  la vie psychique. Si « Freud s'intĂ©resse tant Ă  la religion ce n'est pas parce qu'il a l'ambition d'en crĂ©..

    Shmuel Trigano, éd., Psychanalyse de l'antisémitisme contemporain

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    La revue PardÚs est un espace multidisciplinaire de réflexion sur les questions juives. Le numéro 37, consacré au thÚme de l'antisémitisme contemporain selon la perspective psychanalytique, présente, sous la direction de Shmuel Trigano, les textes de onze psychanalystes qui explorent la manifestation d'un phénomÚne permanent mais cyclique, celui de la crise antisémite observée en Europe depuis l'année 2000. Certes, le problÚme a une dimension sociale et politique, mais il va au-delà de la cri..

    David Fontana, Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality

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    Cette introduction à la psychologie de la religion marque un jalon important en Angleterre puisqu'il porte le sceau de la British Psychological Society (BPS) qui édite ce livre en compagnie de la maison d'édition Blackwell. David Fontana est psychologue et fondateur de la section de psychologie transpersonnelle au sein de la BPS. L'objectif de ce livre est de chercher à comprendre comment les gens adhÚrent, se représentent et pratiquent la religion tant sur le plan social que personnel. L'aut..

    TranslatorX: multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences guided by amino acid translations

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    We present TranslatorX, a web server designed to align protein-coding nucleotide sequences based on their corresponding amino acid translations. Many comparisons between biological sequences (nucleic acids and proteins) involve the construction of multiple alignments. Alignments represent a statement regarding the homology between individual nucleotides or amino acids within homologous genes. As protein-coding DNA sequences evolve as triplets of nucleotides (codons) and it is known that sequence similarity degrades more rapidly at the DNA than at the amino acid level, alignments are generally more accurate when based on amino acids than on their corresponding nucleotides. TranslatorX novelties include: (i) use of all documented genetic codes and the possibility of assigning different genetic codes for each sequence; (ii) a battery of different multiple alignment programs; (iii) translation of ambiguous codons when possible; (iv) an innovative criterion to clean nucleotide alignments with GBlocks based on protein information; and (v) a rich output, including Jalview-powered graphical visualization of the alignments, codon-based alignments coloured according to the corresponding amino acids, measures of compositional bias and first, second and third codon position specific alignments. The TranslatorX server is freely available at http://translatorx.co.uk

    TAXON version 1.1: A simple way to generate uniform and fractionally weighted three-item matrices from various kinds of biological data

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    An open-access program allowing three-item statement matrices to be generated from data such as molecular sequences does not exist so far. The recently developed LisBeth package (ver. 1.0) allows representing hypotheses of homology among taxa or areas directly as rooted trees or as hierarchies; however, this is not a standard matrix-based platform. Here we present "TAXON version 1.1" (TAXON), a program designed for building three-item statement-matrices from binary, additive (ordered) and non-additive (unordered) multistate characters, with both fractional and uniform weighting of the resulted statements.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 Supplement, 3 Supplemental example

    Avihepadnavirus diversity in parrots is comparable to that found amongst all other avian species

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    Avihepadna viruses have previously been isolated from various species of duck ,goose, stork, heron and crane. Recently the first parrot avihepadna virus was isolated from a Ring-necked Parakeet in Poland. In this study, 41 psittacineliver samples archived in Poland over the last nine years were tested for presence of Parrot hepatitis B virus(PHBV). We cloned and sequenced PHBVisolates from 18 birds including a Crimson Rosella, an African grey parrot and sixteen Ring-necked Parakeets. PHBVisolates display a degree of diversity (478% genome wide pair wise identity) that is comparable to that found amongst all other avihepadna viruses (479% genome wide pair wise identity). The PHBV viruses can be subdivided into seven genetically distinct groups (tentatively named A-G) of which the two isolated of PHBV-Gare the most divergent sharing 79% genome wide pair wise identity with all their PHBVs. All PHBV isolates display classical avihepadnavirus genome architecture.Department of HE and Training approved lis

    Directed Culturing of Microorganisms Using Metatranscriptomics

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    The vast majority of bacterial species remain uncultured, and this severely limits the investigation of their physiology, metabolic capabilities, and role in the environment. High-throughput sequencing of RNA transcripts (RNA-seq) allows the investigation of the diverse physiologies from uncultured microorganisms in their natural habitat. Here, we report the use of RNA-seq for characterizing the metatranscriptome of the simple gut microbiome from the medicinal leech Hirudo verbana and for utilizing this information to design a medium for cultivating members of the microbiome. Expression data suggested that a Rikenella-like bacterium, the most abundant but uncultured symbiont, forages on sulfated- and sialated-mucin glycans that are fermented, leading to the secretion of acetate. Histological stains were consistent with the presence of sulfated and sialated mucins along the crop epithelium. The second dominant symbiont, Aeromonas veronii, grows in two different microenvironments and is predicted to utilize either acetate or carbohydrates. Based on the metatranscriptome, a medium containing mucin was designed, which enabled the cultivation of the Rikenella-like bacterium. Metatranscriptomes shed light on microbial metabolism in situ and provide critical clues for directing the culturing of uncultured microorganisms. By choosing a condition under which the desired organism is rapidly proliferating and focusing on highly expressed genes encoding hydrolytic enzymes, binding proteins, and transporters, one can identify an organism’s nutritional preferences and design a culture medium
