551 research outputs found

    Isokinetic muscle function comparison of lower limbs among elderly fallers and non-fallers

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar se há diferenças entre o desempenho muscular de tornozelo, joelho e quadril em idosos com e sem relato de queda nos últimos seis meses. Foram incluídos 81 idosos com 65 anos ou mais: 56 negaram quedas (G1) e 25 relataram quedas (G2). Utilizou-se o questionário perfil de atividade humana para medir o nível de atividade física, e o dinamômetro isocinético para mensurar os parâmetros físicos da função muscular. Os grupos não diferiram entre si em relação à idade (p=0,925), duração (p=0,065) e frequência (p=0,302) da prática do exercício físico, índice de massa corpórea (p=0,995) e nível de atividade física (p=0,561). O G2 apresentou menor desempenho para as variáveis pico de torque de flexão e extensão de joelho esquerdo (p=0,027 e p=0,030, respectivamente) e trabalho por peso corporal (p=0,040) de flexão de joelho esquerdo a 60°/s; pico de torque e trabalho por peso corporal de flexão e extensão de joelho a 180°/s bilateralmente (p<0,050); e potência média de flexão de joelhos direito e esquerdo (p=0,030). A maioria das variáveis do tornozelo e quadril não apresentou diferenças entre os grupos. Apenas a variável pico de torque de extensão de quadril esquerdo foi significativamente maior no G1 (p=0,035). É importante considerar a função muscular do joelho na avaliação clínica de idosos para direcionar a intervenção terapêutica e a prevenção de quedas.The aim of this study was to identify whether there are differences between the performance of muscular groups of ankle, knee and hip among elderly people who didn't have falls and individuals who reported falls in the last six months. The study included 81 elderly aged 65 or older: 56 non-faller subjects (G1) and 25 faaller subjects (G2). To obtain the level of physical activity, the questionnaire Human Activity Profile was used, and the muscle function of the lower limbs was assessed using isokinetic dynamometer. The groups did not differ regarding age (p=0.925), duration (p=0.065) and frequency (p=0.302) of the practice of physical exercise, body mass index (BMI) (p=0.995) and level of physical activity (p=0.561). The G2 showed a lower performance of peak torque of left knee flexion and extension (p=0.027 and p=0.030, respectively) and work proportional to body weight (p=0.040) of left knee flexion at 60°/s; peak torque and work proportional to body weight of bilaterally knee flexion and extension at 180°/s (p<0.05) and average power of right and left knee extension (p=0.03). Most variables of ankle and hip joints did not differ between groups. Only peak torque of left hip extension was significantly higher in the non-faller group (p=0.035). It is important to consider knee muscle function in the clinical evaluation of elderly in order to make the intervention more assertive and thus to prevent falls

    Current distribution of Achatina fulica, in the State of São Paulo including records of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (Nematoda) larvae infestation

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    The currently known distribution range of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, is presented. The record of A. fulica naturally infested with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus larvae (Railliet, 1898) (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) can be found in the city of Guaratinguetá. It was found A. fulica with Metastrongylidae larvae without known medical and veterinary importance in the cities of Carapicuíba, Embu-Guaçu, Itapevi, São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo and Taboão da Serra.É apresentada a distribuição de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. É fornecido o registro de A. fulica naturalmente infestada por larvas de Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (Railliet, 1898) (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) no município de Guaratinguetá. Foi encontrada A. fulica portando larvas de Metastrongylidae sem importância médica e veterinária conhecida nos municípios de Carapicuíba, Embu Guaçu, Itapevi, São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo e Taboão da Serra

    Whole brain radiotherapy for brain metastases from breast cancer: estimation of survival using two stratification systems

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    BACKGROUND: Brain metastases (BM) are the most common form of intracranial cancer. The incidence of BM seems to have increased over the past decade. Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) of data from three Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) trials (1200 patients) has allowed three prognostic groups to be identified. More recently a simplified stratification system that uses the evaluation of three main prognostics factors for radiosurgery in BM was developed. METHODS: To analyze the overall survival rate (OS), prognostic factors affecting outcomes and to estimate the potential improvement in OS for patients with BM from breast cancer, stratified by RPA class and brain metastases score (BS-BM). From January 1996 to December 2004, 174 medical records of patients with diagnosis of BM from breast cancer, who received WBRT were analyzed. The surgery followed by WBRT was used in 15.5% of patients and 84.5% of others patients were submitted at WBRT alone; 108 patients (62.1%) received the fractionation schedule of 30 Gy in 10 fractions. Solitary BM was present in 37.9 % of patients. The prognostic factors evaluated for OS were: age, Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), number of lesions, localization of lesions, neurosurgery, chemotherapy, absence extracranial disease, RPA class, BS-BM and radiation doses and fractionation. RESULTS: The OS in 1, 2 and 3 years was 33.4 %, 16.7%, and 8.8 %, respectively. The RPA class analysis showed strong relation with OS (p < 0.0001). The median survival time by RPA class in months was: class I 11.7, class II 6.2 and class III 3.0. The significant prognostic factors associated with better OS were: higher KPS (p < 0.0001), neurosurgery (P < 0.0001), single metastases (p = 0.003), BS-BM (p < 0.0001), control primary tumor (p = 0.002) and absence of extracranial metastases (p = 0.001). In multivariate analysis, the factors associated positively with OS were: neurosurgery (p < 0.0001), absence of extracranial metastases (p <0.0001) and RPA class I (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Our data suggests that patients with BM from breast cancer classified as RPA class I may be effectively treated with local resection followed by WBRT, mainly in those patients with single BM, higher KPS and cranial extra disease controlled. RPA class was shown to be the most reliable indicators of survival
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