141 research outputs found

    Efficient implementation of a van der Waals density functional: Application to double-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We present an efficient implementation of the van der Waals density functional of Dion et al [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)], which expresses the nonlocal correlation energy as a double spacial integral. We factorize the integration kernel and use fast Fourier transforms to evaluate the selfconsistent potential, total energy, and atomic forces, in N log(N) operations. The resulting overhead in total computational cost, over semilocal functionals, is very moderate for medium and large systems. We apply the method to calculate the binding energies and the barriers for relative translation and rotation in double-wall carbon nanotubes.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Simulación mecano-cuántica en materiales complejos y nanoestructuras

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada. Fecha de lectura: 17-06-201

    Energetics and dynamics of H2_2 adsorbed in a nanoporous material at low temperature

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    Molecular hydrogen adsorption in a nanoporous metal organic framework structure (MOF-74) was studied via van der Waals density-functional calculations. The primary and secondary binding sites for H2_2 were confirmed. The low-lying rotational and translational energy levels were calculated, based on the orientation and position dependent potential energy surface at the two binding sites. A consistent picture is obtained between the calculated rotational-translational transitions for different H2_2 loadings and those measured by inelastic neutron scattering exciting the singlet to triplet (para to ortho) transition in H2_2. The H2_2 binding energy after zero point energy correction due to the rotational and translational motions is predicted to be \sim100 meV in good agreement with the experimental value of \sim90 meV.Comment: 5 pagers, 4 figures. added reference

    Current sharing control strategy for IGBTs connected in parallel

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    This work focuses on current sharing between punch-through insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) connected in parallel and evaluates the mechanisms that allow overall current balancing. Two different control strategies are presented. These strategies are based on the modification of transistor gate-emitter control voltage VGE by using an active gate driver circuit. The first strategy relies on the calculation of the average value of the current flowing through all parallel-connected IGBTs. The second strategy is proposed by the authors on the basis of a current cross reference control scheme. Finally, the simulation and experimental results of the application of the two current sharing control algorithms are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Stability, Adsorption and Diffusion of CH4, CO2 and H2 in Clathrate Hydrates

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    We present a study of the adsorption and diffusion of CH4, CO2 and H2 molecules in clathrate hydrates using ab initio van der Waals density functional formalism [Dion et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)]. We find that the adsorption energy is dominated by van der Waals interactions and that, without them, gas hydrates would not be stable. We calculate the maximum adsorption capacity as well as the maximum hydrocarbon size that can be adsorbed.The relaxation of the host lattice is essential for a good description of the diffusion activation energies, which are estimated to be of the order of 0.2, 0.4, and 1.0 eV for H2, CO2, and CH4, respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Prediction error signaling explains neuronal mismatch responses in the medial prefrontal cortex

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    The mismatch negativity (MMN) is a key biomarker of automatic deviance detection thought to emerge from 2 cortical sources. First, the auditory cortex (AC) encodes spectral regularities and reports frequency-specific deviances. Then, more abstract representations in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) allow to detect contextual changes of potential behavioral relevance. However, the precise location and time asynchronies between neuronal correlates underlying this frontotemporal network remain unclear and elusive. Our study presented auditory oddball paradigms along with “no-repetition” controls to record mismatch responses in neuronal spiking activity and local field potentials at the rat medial PFC. Whereas mismatch responses in the auditory system are mainly induced by stimulus-dependent effects, we found that auditory responsiveness in the PFC was driven by unpredictability, yielding context-dependent, comparatively delayed, more robust and longer-lasting mismatch responses mostly comprised of prediction error signaling activity. This characteristically different composition discarded that mismatch responses in the PFC could be simply inherited or amplified downstream from the auditory system. Conversely, it is more plausible for the PFC to exert top-down influences on the AC, since the PFC exhibited flexible and potent predictive processing, capable of suppressing redundant input more efficiently than the AC. Remarkably, the time course of the mismatch responses we observed in the spiking activity and local field potentials of the AC and the PFC combined coincided with the time course of the large-scale MMN-like signals reported in the rat brain, thereby linking the microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic levels of automatic deviance detectio

    Prediction error signaling explains neuronal mismatch responses in the medial prefrontal cortex

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    The mismatch negativity (MMN) is a key biomarker of automatic deviance detection thought to emerge from 2 cortical sources. First, the auditory cortex (AC) encodes spectral regulari- ties and reports frequency-specific deviances. Then, more abstract representations in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) allow to detect contextual changes of potential behavioral relevance. However, the precise location and time asynchronies between neuronal correlates underly- ing this frontotemporal network remain unclear and elusive. Our study presented auditory oddball paradigms along with “no-repetition” controls to record mismatch responses in neu- ronal spiking activity and local field potentials at the rat medial PFC. Whereas mismatch responses in the auditory system are mainly induced by stimulus-dependent effects, we found that auditory responsiveness in the PFC was driven by unpredictability, yielding con- text-dependent, comparatively delayed, more robust and longer-lasting mismatch responses mostly comprised of prediction error signaling activity. This characteristically dif- ferent composition discarded that mismatch responses in the PFC could be simply inherited or amplified downstream from the auditory system. Conversely, it is more plausible for the PFC to exert top-down influences on the AC, since the PFC exhibited flexible and potent predictive processing, capable of suppressing redundant input more efficiently than the AC. Remarkably, the time course of the mismatch responses we observed in the spiking activity and local field potentials of the AC and the PFC combined coincided with the time course of the large-scale MMN-like signals reported in the rat brain, thereby linking the microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic levels of automatic deviance detection

    Estrategia de control para el equilibrado de corriente en transistores IGBT conectados en paralelo

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    En este artículo se realiza un breve estudio sobre las características que influyen en el reparto de corriente entre semiconductores conectados en paralelo. El estudio se centra en el reparto de corriente en transistores IGBT conectados en paralelo y los mecanismos que permiten compensar dicho reparto. Para ello se proponen dos estrategias de control para el equilibrado de corriente que están basadas en un caso en el cálculo del valor medio de la corriente y en el otro, en la asociación de parejas de transistores. Finalmente se presentan resultados experimentales basados en las estrategias de control propuestas.Postprint (published version

    Mejoras en el consumo de energía de los transductores de corriente basados en el efecto flux-gate

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    En este trabajo se presenta una mejora en el diseño de los transductores de corriente flux-gate, con vistas a la reducción del consumo eléctrico de la electrónica de control. Esta mejora consiste en la substitución del amplificador lineal de compensación de flujo, que proporciona la salida de corriente de medida proporcional a la corriente principal, por un amplificador clase H, con lo cual se consigue reducir apreciablemente el consumo de energía de la electrónica sin afectar a las prestaciones del transducto r en cuanto a precisión, linealidad, etc.Postprint (published version

    Ab initio energetics and kinetics study of H2 and CH4 in the SI clathrate hydrate

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    We present ab initio results at the density functional theory level for the energetics and kinetics of H2 and CH4 in the SI clathrate hydrate. Our results complement a recent article by some of the authors [G.Román-Pérez et.al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 105, 145901 (2010)] in that we show additional results of the energy landscape of H2 and CH 4 in the various cages of the host material, as well as further results for energy barriers for all possible diffusion paths of H2 and CH4 through the water framework. We also report structural data of the low-pressure phase SI and the higher-pressure phases SII and S